Chapter Eighty-Five

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It was... certainly a moment for you. It was a moment of doubt, fear, but also excitement. You headed towards them with a small skip in your step.

"Hey!" You greeted them. They lit up when they saw you. They started to stutter, but cleared their throat.

"Hey, how are you doing?" They asked. You smiled at Quinn.

"Doing great right now, how about you?" They returned the smile.

"Just grand now that you're here." The small comment made you blush. They were wearing a button-down black shirt with khaki slacks. It looked nice.

"You look nice." You hoped your comment would have the same effect. You felt a small smirk grow on your face as you saw a dusting of red cover their cheeks. Quinn rubbed the back of their neck, clearing their throat once more.

"Th-thank you." They looked away. You lightly nudged them in the arm.

"Come on, would you like to get something to eat before we shop?" Their eyes flicked to you and lit up.

"I thought you'd want to walk around first, but I'm not complaining here!" They laughed, offering their arm to you. You stared at it for just a moment before lightly grabbing it. You looked up at them with a smile, and their blush deepened.

You both headed to the food court, earning a few looks as you both walked in sync. As you stood in line for what you both agreed on, you playfully argued over who was paying for the meal.

"I insist!" Quinn laughed.

"No, I want to pay!" You laughed as well.

"But I asked you out! I should pay!" You stopped for a moment, and they took the chance to grab their wallet and hold it over your head.

"Hey! Unfair!" You pouted, and lightly punched them in the arm. They laughed and ordered for you. You tried to sneak their card away, but they peered down at your attempt and swiped it away from you.

After paying for your meals, you both ate at a table.

"So, how was your day?" They asked, peering over at you from across the table.

"Oh, it was... well, I had a fight with two of my roommates today," you admitted. I totally just ruined the mood. Quinn frowned slightly, making you feel the urge to sink into your seat. I definitely did.

"What happened? Oh," they stopped and nervously laughed. "You don't have to tell me. I don't want to force you..." You shocked your head, smiling.

"I don't mind. I just didn't want to ruin our fun by bringing it up." Quinn shook their head.

"No, I care and want to talk about your day regardless if it was good or bad. May I ask what it was about?" You nodded, sighing.

"It was... actually about me going on this date."

"Oh. Do they already not like me?" Quinn had an expression that confused you slightly.

"It's not just you. They hate everyone I bring up, but..." you smiled softly. "I'm sure you'd win them over." Quinn gave you a look you describe, but it felt nice to receive it.

"I'm sure I could! After all, I got a date with someone as gorgeous as you." They smirked, elbows on the table and leaning towards you. You felt a blush rise from your neck to your cheeks. Looking away from his deep blue eyes, you scanned the mall for a break. Quinn chuckled at your actions.

That's when you saw them.

"They're here," you said, starting to stand up. Where is Spy when you need him?

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