Chapter Thirteen

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After everyone had settled down into a chair, with Scout on your left and Heavy on your right, they all started asking questions at once.

"Guys calm down! One at a time!" You shouted to them, your hands raised in defense. Slowly, they all calmed down. "Alright, Mr. De- I mean Demoman started shouting first so I'll let him go. Still, no one can butt in until I say the next person can start speaking, alright?" They nodded and Demoman started asking his questions.

"Uhm, I need to congratulate ya on beaten' me first, but-tah, are you alright lass?" He asked you, sober at least and looking fairly concerned.

"I'm fine, and thanks, but why did you drink before we were supposed to fight? I can't come back to life like you all do," You responded.

"I don't know... I think a part of me thought 'Hey! I fight drunk, so let's test the wee girl like in a real battle!' and no rationality stopped me. I'm sorry." You let out a small laugh.

"I mean, it's not fine, but I can forgive you, because I lived I guess."

"I'll say thank ya for that," He laughed. You let Spy go next.

"How did 'ou hear me reach 'ou?" He asked, looking pretty annoyed, but as far as you know that was just how he looked. You decided to poke fun a bit.

"Well, Spy, I have ears. The end," you smiled innocently and some of the men snickered. "Really, I did listen for you, but I figured you would be slow to hit me due to my guard being up, and you wanted to surprise me. I took this and stood still, waiting for you to come to me. Again, the end."

"I'm sorry for buttin' in here, but-a, how did he die I couldn't see it," Scout jumped in.

"Well, I heard him come up behind me, whirled around with the butt of the gun hitting him on the side of the face, and then made him stab himself while he was disoriented. It was perfect," You told him. Spy scoffed as Scout laughed. "Do you have a question Scout?"

"Yeah- *wheeze* -I do, just gimme a sec," he told you, hunched over from laughing. After a couple of moments, he somewhat regained his composure. "Okay, how did you know to shoot for my legs?"

"Oh, that was simple. I knew after a couple of shots that I couldn't shoot your head, so I aimed a bit in front of your legs and let bullets fly, waiting for one to hit one of your legs to slow you down. Sorry about wasting time when I hit you though."

"No worries, I'm perfect now!" He gave a cocky grin and you smiled, somewhat relieved. Heavy was next.

"Heavy has two questions: How did you beat Heavy and why did you touch Sasha?" He had no clear expression on his face, but his tone of voice seemed a bit... angry. It disturbed you.

"Um, well, to answer your first question," you shifted in your seat to look at him, not that you wanted to right now according to his body posture, "It takes you awhile to move Sasha around in a circle to get me. I just took this fact and ran in circles around you to make you dizzy. I was actually hoping that you wouldn't start spinning the other way so I could, well, shoot you. As for Sasha, I didn't want her to get hit by the next person, which was Pyro, so I tried to put her out of harm's way. I'm sorry I did not know not to touch her, my mistake." He nodded, seeming to understand and he relaxed. You mentally let out a breath. "Speaking of which, Pyro, do you have any questions?"

He shook his head no and bounced in his seat.

"I HAVE SOMETHING TO SAY!" Soldier announced and you jumped a bit.

"Go ahead, Soldier!" You responded shouting nearly as loud.


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