Chapter Eighty-Two

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Knock Knock.

"Come in," you answered the knocking, swirling around in the chair as Medic entered the room. "Hey!" You smiled at him, to which he returned a small one.

"Hallo," he responded, holding the small bag you saw earlier. Is that... for me? You tilted your head in confusion. He stood in the doorway awkwardly. After a few moments, you stood up, gently grabbed him by the hand, and pulled him into the room. Shutting the door behind him, you turned around and started messing with your hands.

"Is there anything you need?" You asked nervously. He was being rather weird. Usually he just walks right in after you open the door.

"I-uh-ja." Medic stops himself, pinching the bridge of his nose and looking away. He hands the gift bag out to you, shaking it ever so slightly for you to take it.

"Is this for me?" You gently take it from his hand, holding it in your own hands and studying it.

Medic would ever now and again take a glance at you, waiting for you to open it. Taking the hint, you sat down on your bed and took out the tissue paper. Inside was a ring box. You tilted your head slightly, taking the box out and placing it into the palm of your hand. This was when Medic trained his eyes on you. A heat rose to the back of your neck. It felt awkward with him not really saying anything. Nevertheless, you persisted and opened the box.

"Aw, Medic," you took it out of its box and found that it spins! You slipped in on your finger and spun the outside part of the ring around, fiddling with it back and forth. You looked up to see him smiling at you. "Thank you! This is an anxiety ring, right?" Medic nodded sheepishly.

"Uh, yes, it iz. I got it for you, because I noticed zhat you like to play vith your hands vhen jou are nervous," Medic admitted, slightly laughing.

You hadn't realized what you did was that noticeable. I guess this is a part of what he meant earlier in the resupply room....

"A-And-" Medic cleared his throat. "I vanted to properly apologize for my recent behavior, but... I vans't sure how. I'm not used to zhis, after all." You couldn't help but hold your hand close to you.

"Aw Medic. I really appreciate that. You didn't have to get me this just to apologize, but it means a lot." You stood up and stretched your arms out to him, offering a hug.

He accepted it without hesitation, holding you close. He rested his chin on top of your head while your face was buried into his chest, arms wrapped around him underneath his. He seemed to be contemplating something, but you didn't pry. Now wasn't the time. After a few comforting moments, you both pulled away.

"Now, I must ask you to not tell zhe others I got zhis for you," Medic stated and held his finger up.

"Of course, Medic. I understand." You nodded. No need to cause anymore disdain for him from the others because of this. Medic smiled in content. He opened the door, checking to see if anyone was outside.

"Vell, I'll be in mein lab if you need anyzhing."

"Noted, I'll come by later!" With that, he left. You stopped and looked at your new ring. Not only was it beautiful, it was a gift from a friend. You smiled at the thought of that. Medic being a friend. Who knew?

After a few moments of bliss, your original thought about college hit you. Deciding to procrastinate about what felt like impending doom, you opened up your phone to reveal a text from Quinn:

Quinn: Hey luv! DId you get home safe?

You thought for a moment. Am I okay being called "love" by them? You decided to ask.

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