Chapter Sixty-Five

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A little groan found its way in your throat as you woke up. You really couldn't think yet, but you could feel the immense pain from your chest... and everywhere else. Your senses were slowly coming back to you. First it was touch. You were on something metal. Second was your sense of smell. It smelled like blood and... what else was there? You could taste iron in your mouth as your eyes slowly opened.

At first it was just white, but after the pain in your retinas subsided, you could see a light. It was then that you could hear your thoughts again. Where the hell am I? A morgue? You didn't want to move just in case you were, but you looked around anyway. That was when it sank in. Is this the Medbay? The walls were the same, and you felt like you were on one of the medical tables. The only question is: How did you get here? Well, maybe there were more questions than that.

You couldn't move your tongue very well, and you didn't think you'd have the energy to call out to anyone. For all you know, this could be the BLU Medbay. Maybe calling out to people would be a bad idea. You tried to move, but it felt so heavy and hurt so much. You tried to move again, but your upper stomach bloated in pain.


Shit. You must have set off some alarm. Was this the BLU Base? The alarm would make sense. You forced your body to sit up and twist to look around and saw red. You felt relieved. Wait, no, that's blood. Was that your blood?

You heard running towards your position. Was it too late to respawn? Wait. How did you get here again? Too little time to think about it. You looked down at your arms. You were attached to so many things you couldn't take them off in time-

"Stop!" You heard a Medic command. It halted you in your tracks to hear his voice like that. It was a little concerning.

Following the order, you stopped and looked to see what could be a RED Medic bent over, still holding the door open. You tried moving your tongue a bit, and you could now, but you didn't want to speak just yet. You were afraid of how you sounded. With a deep breath, the Medic stood up and sped walked over to you. Once he got to you, he gently placed a hand on your back and layed you back down.

"You are in a critical condition, Strategist. I cannot allow jou to sit up for avhile," Medic breathlessly informed you.

Nodding, you relaxed and tried to get over the pain you felt. Staring at the ceiling, you saw him in your peripheral vision. He was studying you, presumably to check your condition. You had to know if you were at your base.

"May I ask you a question?" You turned your head to look up at the Medic. I need to ask him something only he'd know. I need to know if it's him.

"Uh-yes?" He asked, seeming surprised that you were speaking.

"What horror movie did we watch together? In my room I mean. I can't remember and it's bugging me." The Medic furrowed his brows.

"How is zhat important-?"

"Please just tell me. It's important." The Medic rolled his eyes.

"Fine. It vas zhe Texas Chainsaw Massacre or vhatever." Your body let go of its tension and you let out a sigh as you relaxed.

"So I am back at the right base, and it's you. Really you." Your eyes met with his and you smiled. He looked so confused and you laughed. He cleared his throat and held his chin.

"I see. Very clever vay to test if it vas me. But I haff to ask. Vhat vould jou haff done if it vasn't me?" You shrugged.

"Respawn? Die? Try to escape? I really don't know." Medic shifted his position.

"Uh, yes, about zhat..." he trailed off, looking away.

"What?" He sighed. "Medic, what about it?"

"Strategist, jou didn't respawn. I-"

"What do you mean?" You cut him off, trying to sit up again. Your voice raised. "I died?" The alarm started going off again.

"Strategist please! Lay back down or you'll tear zhe stitches under your chest!" He moved to gently but forcefully push you back down. You groaned as your head touched the metal.

"I can't believe I died..." The memories of what had happened previously flashed through your mind... and you were filled with anger. "UGH!" You slammed your fist on the metal table, causing Medic to stiffen at the sight. "I can't believe I let them do that to me! I could've gotten away or fought back or... or something!" Medic patiently waited for you to finish.

"Could jou haff?" He asked softly. Could I have?

"I guess I don't know, but it's just... it's frustrating. I feel like I failed everybody at our first battle." Medic shook his head.

"You didn't. If anyzhing, ve failed jou. Some of us didn't follow your plan." But still.

"But was there anything else I could have done?" Medic shrugged slightly.

"Possibly, but ve all agreed to zhe plan zhinking it vould vork. Not to mention zhe whole...-" he waved his hand in the air, "it being jour first battle."

"It was her first battle, too. She won."

"Zhat is true, but did she haff to deal vith vhat jou dealt vith?"

"I guess not..." He smiled and clapped his hands together.

"See? I knew jou'd see it my vay." You couldn't help but laugh slightly, but soon let out a sigh. "Listen, Strategist, I'm not good at zhis..." he lost his smile and placed a comforting hand on your shoulder. "But jou shouldn't, uh, vhat iz zhe phrase zhey use...? Oh! Beat yourself up, ja? You did jour best, and zhat iz enough for us. Vell, hehe, for me at least."

You could help but smile. But what happened?

"Thanks Medic, but what happened to me? I died. How am I alive without burns or scars?"

"Vell, I brought jou back to life!" He gave his usual uneasy smile. "Oh! And I used zhe medigun to heal jou after stitching jou up from zhe first surgery."

"The first one?"

"Vell, ja! Zhe others vere to replace jour chip, replace jour kneecap- zhat vas harder zhan I zhought- and other stuff."

"What other stuff?" He placed a finger to his lips to shush you.

"Zhat vould be too graphic to describe. I'd rather keep it to myself, ja?"

"Oh, okay. I respect that." He smiled. Might be best if I didn't know anyway.

"Zhank jou, Strategist." He adjusted his glasses. "Now, it is important to check to see how jou're holding up." He grabbed a clipboard and started jotting down numbers.

"How long will I be in the Medbay?"

"Just until your stitches heal. I vant zhem to heal naturally instead of using zhe Medigun to make sure your body heals properly instead of forcing it. I'd say jou'll be here for a few days and zhen I'll finish the process vith zhe Medigun."

"Oh. Okay. What will I do until then? What about the battles?"

"Vell, to answer zhe second question, zhey are on hold. Zhe Administrator is not happy about what happened."

"Was it really against the rules? What the BLU Strategist did?"

"Oh yes! Our bosses don't like it when zhe other has an advantage, so kidnapping for intel is not an option." Medic had his finger held up like he was some professor giving a lesson. "As for what you vill do, vell, I do not know yet."

"Will I move to the bed, or should I still stay on the, uh, operating table?" Medic's eye widened slightly in surprise.

"I forgot zhat's vhere jou vere! Yes, let's move jou to a bed." You laughed as he rolled you over to a bed. With a slight hesitation, he gently scooped you up and placed you onto a bed without disrupting all of the tubes attached to you. He helped you with the covers.

"Thank you, Medic."

"You're velcome. Now, as to what jou'll be doing-"

He was interrupted by a series of footsteps running down the hall.

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