Chapter Twelve

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The limo drove out of the city and you both sat in silence. You were back to playing your game and she was studying something on her clipboard. After what felt like hours driving through basically desert, you saw a little town pass by through the window.

"Is that Teufort?" you asked her.

"Yes, it is," she responded, not even looking up. Huh.

Before you knew it, the road disappeared and the limo pulled onto a dirt trail. Maybe thirty minutes after that, you saw a huge building...or buildings.

"Woah...," you studied everything you saw through the window.

"Yep, now let's go," she told you, opening the door as soon as you pulled to a stop. You followed her out onto the sandy ground. She didn't waste any time and quickly walked to a smaller building. You jogged to keep up, lagging behind from taking it all in. You felt the heat and the sand in your shoes, not really liking the feeling. She unlocked the door and stood aside for you to walk in. When you did, she closed the door and locked it. It was a poorly lit room made like an interrogation room, observation window and all.

"Now it's time for the Assessment Test part one of two. Here you will have one hour to complete a written test. It isn't anything academic, but the Administrator wanted to see what you already knew," she turned to face you. "Please, sit at the table. I will hand you your test and then I will tell you when we're done. Feel free to talk out loud if you need to." You sat down at the table facing the window and she handed you a number two pencil and a packet of papers. You thumbed through it, finding it to be nearly all multiple choice. Ms. Pauling opened the opposite door. "You may begin." She locked the door behind her.

You looked at the first question:
"What is the fastest way to kill a person?

A. A knife to the heart

B. Slashing a throat

C. Grenade

D. Bullet to the head"

You circled D and moved on. The questions were all similar to each other, meaning you quickly finished the test in under thirty minutes. After looking over your answers twice, you looked up at the window in front of you.

"Um, I've finished. Is there something else I need to do?" You asked no one in particular. Soon, Ms. Pauling's voice came on through a speaker.

"No, just leave the test there, and go through the door I left out of. Then, move down the hallway and through the double doors. I'll explain further for part two of your test when you're there," she told you.

Following her directions, you left your test where it was, and left the room with the door surprisingly unlocked. You walked down the dimly lit hallway, honestly it gave you the creeps. The floor, walls, and ceiling were all a creepy gray. It was like something out of a horror movie...ugh. You pushed open the double doors and walked out into a dome-like place that reminded you of an arena. On the upper rim were windows that looked down into the room. In the windows were the men in red and Ms. Pauling.

"What am I doing now, Ms. Pauling?" You called to the windows. Suddenly, the doors behind you slammed shut and you jumped.

"Well, Ms. (L/n), this is the second portion of your test. The skill evaluation," she responded. Oh shit... "If you haven't already figured it out, you will be fighting the mercenaries to see how well you fare. Don't worry, they cannot kill you and if they happen to harm you, Medic, or Dr. Ludwig as you know him, will heal you."

"Um, so that's fine I guess, who's..uh...first?"

"Scout is on his way down there right now, a gun will be given to you to help your odds." Then, a rifle dropped next to you from the ceiling. You jumped and you heard snickers from above you. You grew hot with embarrassment. What if that went off?

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