Chapter Seventy-Nine

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You followed him, continuing to glance back as if hoping someone would come running to get you.

"If you vant to go back, I von't stop jou," Medic said without looking back at you. This was your chance, your out, so why did you not want to get away? What is wrong with me?

"No...," you thought for a moment. "I guess I'm concerned Sniper will tear into you like he did Scout." You hoped a joke would lighten the mood.

It didn't. Medic seemed to glance back for the sole purpose of showing you how he rolled his eyes. He scoffed lightly.

"Ja, like I vould be scared of zhe Sniper, or really anyvone on zhat team for zhat matter," he spoke as if he was annoyed, and it made you worry slightly. Do I annoy him now? Is that why he's been avoiding me? You hadn't noticed that he was waiting for you to answer.

"Right... I don't doubt that... knowing you...," you trailed off. He only nodded sternly before returning to face the front. He led you through a wired gate that was to the side of a building with holes for windows, but no windows in them. He pointed to the yellow-bordered gates on the right.

"Zhe BLU team vill come out of zhere. Zhe point iz in front of them." He continued on turning the corner of the windowless building to the left and headed towards the points on a little concrete platform.

"Heard," you wanted to respond as shortly as possible so as to not get on his nerves. I haven't felt this concerned by just being around him in a long time. Was it that long? I mean-

"Strategist." You snapped back to reality having noticed Medic call your name. You had stopped moving.

"Right, sorry." You sped over to him, speed walking.

"Eh, right...." He looked at you quizzically before clearing his throat. "As I vas saying, zhere are many narrow hallways and corners coming up." He led you down what felt like an alleyway. "It iz imperative zhat you use zhis to your advantage."

"Understood." You didn't know the real reason as to why you felt like he was your boss rather than a friend, but this was how you were at the moment.

Eventually the hallway opened up into a broader space and allowed for more room. There was a bridge in front of you as you both turned the corner. It looked like a not so fun fall underneath.

"Ja, zhe stairs are to your left," he commented as if he was watching you and leaned over the ledge slightly, perring down into the pit. You looked and sure enough, there they were.

"I see," you said as he started briskly crossing the bridge. You jogged to catch up with him.

"And zhis iz zhe final point of zhe battlefield." Medic gestured broadly over to the point right under a... rocket? Your eyes went wide as you leaned back to get a better look. It was red and white-striped and looked... surely there can't be a use for this? It's just decoration. Has to be.

You took a step back, and another step, and another, and another. Then, you felt the ground give away beneath your foot. You started falling backwards. Fuck! You felt a hand tug your jacket as the sun glared into your eyes to the point you had to close them. However it was too late and you fell off the side of the bridge.

You landed with a thump on something soft, something that most certainly wasn't the ground. You rapidly opened your eyes and looked down to find that Medic had cushioned the fall for you. You got off of him as fast as you could, but it didn't help that he wasn't moving.

"Medic?" You asked, feeling a little worried. Remembering your class disks were on you, you switched to Medic's equipment and quickly started healing him. With what sounded like a groan of relief, he sat up. You turned off the beam and switched back to your uniform.

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