Chapter Seven

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You dropped your friends off as quickly as you could. They were unimpressed with you, but what could you do? I'd look fucking insane if I tried to explain anything to them... You groaned, pulling into your driveway and stepping out. You opened the garage door to your parent's house before unlocking the door and stepping in.

"How was your day sweetie?" a voice said from in front of you. You jumped a bit and put a smile on your face despite the thoughts swirling in your head.

"It was okay, Mom," you replied. Your mom gave you a questioning look.

"Is everything alright? You look like you ran a mile." You let out a chuckle.

"Fair. I didn't realize how big the campus is."

"Oh! How was it? Did you like the campus? What about Kathryn and the other two?" She put a hand on her hips, smiling. You never understood why she couldn't just bother to learn Jamie and Tiana's names.

"The campus was big. I thought it was okay, but some of the professors kind of creeped me out." In ways I don't think I should go into right now.

"Well, as long as they'd give you a degree in the end." You mom shrugged nonchalantly. What the fuck?

"Yeah... I guess." You felt your mother's gaze narrow at your not-so-enthusiastic response.

"Hmmmm...," your mom shook her head a bit, muttering something you didn't bother listening to. "Well, dinner's ready and your father should be home soon, so eat up and do whatever work you have planned for the day, alright?"

"Okay," you walked into the kitchen. Your thoughts recapped the men you saw as you put the food on your plate and walked over to the dining table to sit down. You sat down and took a bite as your mind began to plague you with worries.

What if I'm in Danger? No, that's just stupid. What do I have that they would possibly need me for? It was so weird how they seemed to set themselves up to see me, but can't that be my imagination? Does this have to be real? What if they're after me for something worse? What if they're a part of some kind of trafficking-?

"Hello!" Your father's voice booming halted your thoughts. You shook yourself to gather your mind and gave a shaken laugh.

"Hey Dad," you waved, and he smiled.

"Hey Dad," your mom teased, walking in from the living room. They kissed quickly, "How was work?"

"Just dealing with idiots and doing pointless crap as usual, how was your day?" Your mom laughed at his reply.

"Well, I did the laundry, folded it, cooked dinner, and watched TV for most of it, but (Y/n) had a good day."

"How so?" He lifted an eyebrow.

"Well, you should ask her."

"Well, then, care to explain?" Your father turned his attention to you.

"Yeah, I mean, I wouldn't say the campus was perfect for me, but Kathryn seemed to like it," you shrugged following your response. She seemed to like it better before I took her home, though. You suppressed a shudder at the memory of her yelling.

"Well, finish your dinner. I'm going to have something to eat and do some more work," he huffed, making his plate and taking it upstairs. Your mother shook her head.

"Let's take it that he didn't like that response of yours, dear. That man is a lot like you, you know (Y/n)?," your mother shook her head. "Oh, remember for tomorrow we're going to that gun-safety seminar, alright? Your father wants you to learn how to use one soon." Oh, right.

"The one attached to the mall, or-" she cut you off.

"The one attached to the mall, now put your plate in the sink." You did as you were told, catching the hint to be quiet..

"I think I'll just go to bed early."

"Early? (Y/n) it's six o'clock, how could you possibly fall asleep right now?"

"It's... been a big day."

"...good night, then." she turned away to wipe the table as you put your dish in the sink.

Heading upstairs and dressing for bed, you turned off all the lights and laid down on top of the covers. Much to your surprise, you found yourself falling asleep quickly. As you drifted off from consciousness, you had one last thought: Hopefully I can forget this day ever happened.

Hello guys! It's me again. I'm sorry the updating has been so terrible in the past few updates. It's just really hard to find the right amount of time to work on this sort of thing. My week is busy enough that I have to only update on Saturdays or Sundays, so that's when I try to do it. Even then, it's hard to find the time, but hopefully you all understand thanks for reading this book! It's been an important idea in my head to make into a story for a long time, so thanks for showing support. Well, until the next update!

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