Chapter Eighteen

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You woke up to a sharp knocking on your door.

"Wake up! We 'ave work to do!" A voice demanded from the hallway. You groaned and looked at the clock on your bedside table. It read 4:00 AM. "Did 'ou hear me? Wake up!"

You recognized the accent. Spy?

"I get it! I'm up!" You called, getting dressed.

"Finally! Meet me in zhe arena 'ou first fought us in. Zhe front door is locked so use zhe one by zhe Medbay... and make it quick." You heard light footsteps fading away.

"Fine! Fine." You geared up and walked out into the hallway, closing your door softly behind you.

The entire place was dark and silent. You let your eyes adjust to the darkness and walked as softly as you could past your teammates' rooms. You kept moving down the hall until you came across the Medbay. Remembering Medic slept in there, you took extra precaution to move as softly as possible. Apparently it wasn't soft enough, because just as you were half-way past the doors, Medic stormed through them with the doors centimeters from slapping your face. You quickly backed up as he marched forward.

"Who goes there! I vill cut jou from limb t- oh it's jou," he said, looking bored and somewhat disappointed. He was wearing his vest without the lab coat and gloves.

"Yep... it's me. Sorry for waking you, I wasn't trying to," you took a step back holding your hands up in a surrendering gesture in front of your chest.

"Jou didn't vake me, I couldn't sleep. Egh... vhy are jou up?" He does look tired... does he not sleep well at night?

"Oh! Um..." He eyed you suspiciously. "Spy wanted me to do something for him... and he... oh yeah! Um he woke me up and said to follow him... so... yeah."

"Hmph! I thzink I vill follow jou to this place..."

"Oh Medic, that's not necessary! Wouldn't you w-" His eyes narrowed. "Right... right." Ugh! I bet he suspects I'm a Spy or something! Good going (Y/n), you're such a screw up!

You both walked towards the arena, Medic practically breathing down your back, except not because... you know... you're short.

"So... what do you think he wants?" You asked, trying not to walk the whole way there uncomfortable.

"Don't talk, I can't handle jour voice vright now," he spoke shortly. Then why are you here? You took a look back at him and he was pinching the bridge of his nose. He could have a headache from the lack of sleep.

"I'll shut up after this, but if you have a headache. I've found that if you think about lists, like counting numbers one at a time in your head, eases the pain a bit. Just... y'know, try to relax." You trailed off.

"Jou don't thzink I know that?" Medic shouted and you flinched. Thankfully you were far away enough from the rooms none of the mercs woke up. True to your word, you simply nodded and kept silent.

You continued walking, feeling more uncomfortable. I'd rather have him leading the way, but then he could be more stressed worrying about a Spy behind him. I wonder how the other me and her team are doing. To think I would have to kill her one day, or she would kill me. You shivered at the thought of killing yourself, almost like suicide.

"Vhat's vrong vith jou? Are jou sick? Vhy did jou shiver?" You shook your head dismissively, holding your arms.

"I'm fine Medic, just thinking, that's all."

"Vhat are jou thinking of?"


"Answer me."

"It's just not important!" You stepped into the arena.

"If it wasn't important, then jou could -!"

"Zhere you are, what took you so long Strategist? Oh... bonjour Medic," Spy said, walking towards the both of you. "I can tell you were caught up with him, do not worry Strategist I can get him to leave.... Medic leave."

"Vhat? No, I'm staying here to watch zhe both of you."

"No, no colleague, there is no need. It is my turn to train zhe Strategist, and I'd prefer to do it alone."

"I'm staying, at least for medical back up in case your... 'training'... gets too intense."

"I would say zat for your training, but if 'ou insist." Spy turned to you. "Come with me to ze center. Medic, if you could remain zere." He turned and swiftly walked off. Medic looked heavily annoyed, but you couldn't do much about it. You shrugged and followed Spy.

He turned to face you in a way that made him seem like a soldier, but not like your teammate Soldier. It felt more calculated.

"Now I believe we are far enough away from zat man. I must ask you: Did 'ou bring your disks with 'ou?" What? Oh, right.

"Yes, I did," you answered.

"Good, pull out ze one for me. I have been dying to see my suit on you!" He spoke in hushed whispers. Weird phrasing, but okay I guess.

You took out the disk for Spy and showed him. He nodded as a signal to activate it. You pushed the button and was immediately enclosed in a warm suit and mask, your hair squished under a wig cap.

"'ou look sharp, like a real Spy. Of course, not like ze real thing, but close enough." You took a moment to admire your new suit. The dress shoes were high-heel like and already uncomfortable. Your face felt constricted and the gloves made your hands sweat.

"Right, thank you," you acknowledged. How can he handle wearing this all of the time?

"Now let me explain how your new supplies work." Oh snap. I forgot to get Scout to explain his outfit. I'll have to ask him later. You nodded.

"On your wrist, 'ou have a watch," Spy motioned to it. "Twist ze rim and 'ou'll be cloaked. In a pocket on ze inside of your suit, 'ou have a sapper. Zhey are used to disarm ze opposing team's sentries. In another pocket 'ou can find ze disguise kit. Pick a colleague or enemy to disguise as, wait for a moment or two, and 'you will be disguised as them. Don't use zhe cigarettes though, just give them to me later." He snuck a glance at Medic before continuing.

"You have your weapons, including zhe revolver and zhe butterfly knife. I believe 'ou know how zhose work. Now try to cloak yourself." You turned the rim and stood perfectly still, knowing that Spy causes warping effects around him when he moves.

"Good! Now," he got close to your ear, "target Medic, but make sure to run as lashes out. Tuck your arms in so he can't grab them."

"Are you serious? The man hates me!" You whispered back.

"Fine! I'll cloak myself too to throw him off. Just meet in zis spot when we're done! Now go!" He cloaked. This is a stupid idea! What is this teaching me?

You took random, crazy laps around the arena to throw Medic off. Then, you zig zagged towards him, slapping his arm. Why did I do this? Or better yet, you ran away before he could swipe at you, what is this going to do for the training?

You made it back, adrenaline racing through your veins and breathing hard (which you blamed on fear). You stood up as Spy uncloaked in front of you and you uncloaked yourself, not showing any sign of the effort that took from you.

"Good job Strategist," he whispered, and then cleared his throat, speaking loud enough for Medic to hear. "Now zhat you know what to do... sneak up on me with zhe knife and assassinate me."

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