Chapter Twenty-Two

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You woke up, and it was nearly pitch black. You looked at the clock on your nightstand. It was 1:16 AM. Great, now I can't even sleep through the night. You let your eyes adjust to the darkness, and you could just barely make out your phone. You grabbed your earbuds laying beside it and plugged them in, popping one into your ear. You turned on your phone and pointed it away from your face. It was practically a searchlight. You let it auto-adjust to the dark and you turned on YouTube. You clicked a video from your favorite YouTuber and watched it.

You were about a quarter of the way into it before you heard footsteps. What the heck? Again? Spy said no one was awake and walking around at night. You paused the video and popped the earbud out of your ear. You stayed still and were granted with silence.

When you were about to put the earbud back into your ear, you heard them again. This time you softly got off of your bed and crept to the door. When the footsteps got closer you opened the door and saw Spy wearing a fancy-looking night coat. Spy?

"Spy?" You whispered and he stiffened. "Is it you who walks around at night?"

"No, not me Strategist. I was looking around for ze person 'ou said you heard last night. Unfortunately, it seems ze night owl decided to sleep tonight," he whispered back.

"You don't have to stay up and walk around like this Spy. Don't infringe on your sleep for me."

"Actually, I 'eard zhe owl. Yet by the time I went to check they were gone."

"Well, it's nice to learn I'm not hearing things, but they're probably not walking around right now because of."

Spy thought for a moment before speaking again: "Yes you appear to be correct, Strategist. Do you mind if I come in?"

"Um, yeah sure, no problem." You opened the door and let Spy in. Weird thing to do right now, but okay. The room was fairly small with all of the stuff in it, which meant it was a little cramped with two people. You sat down on the bed to make more room. "Do you have a plan for this? Is this a stake-out type thing?"

"You could call it that, yes." Nodding, you turned your phone off and sat in silence.

"Before something happens, what did you find in my room while you snooped?"

"What do you mean?" You laughed a bit at his feigned innocence.

"While I was training with Scout, you were following us. I-uh baited you into going into my room so we could have a bit of peace." Spy sighed in defeat.

"You got me, but if you must know I didn't find anyzhing of value."

"I knew it. I feel bad for tricking you, though." You shrugged, not actually feeling all that bad.

"I suppose it iz appreciated."

He suddenly became still and you did the same. He put his ear close to the door and listened, waving you over to do the same. You heard footsteps. You made eye contact and nodded. When the footsteps got close enough, you both opened the door and hit someone in the head.

"Ow! What the- Spy?" Scout asked, rubbing his nose.

"It was you? What are you doing up?" You asked him, still whispering.

"Strat? What are you two doing up?" Scout tried to turn it on you.

"We asked first," Spy threatened.

"Okay, okay. I couldn't sleep so I came ta get some chicken from the kitchen, but that's it I swear." Scout huffed, rolling his eyes.

"Did 'ou do that last night as well?"

"What? No! I can't eat my chicken every night. I won't have it during the day if I do that." You shared a quick confused look with Spy.

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