Chapter Thirty-Seven

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You looked up at him with those droopy, puffy eyes of yours. Medic didn't look like he was too sure of what he wanted to say. He kept shaking his head slightly as if dismissing each idea. You couldn't blame him. What would be the right thing to say here? Then, he finally looked at you.

"Do you vant to vait for your training? It doesn't seem like the best zhing for jou right now vith how you are feeling," he asked, readjusting his glasses.

"Um, yeah. That'd probably be best anyway. I don't think I'd be the best student the way I am right now," you gave a small chuckle. He nodded.

"Zhen ve can start it later today. For now, come here."

He helped you off of the medical table and supported you on the way to the beds on the far wall. Despite your instinctive apprehension to be guided by him, it wasn't like you were in the best position to fight. Your legs felt like crumbling under you by the time you both arrived by the bed. He helped you onto it and tucked you in. Immediately you felt warm and comfortable, or maybe that was just the exhaustion taking over.

"Are you comfortable Strategist?" Medic asked, and you nodded. Your eyelids felt heavy and started to close.

"Hey Medic?"


"I'm sorry."

"Vha-? Vhat do you-?" The darkness cut him off and you were out like a light.


You knew you were dreaming when you were sitting on the medical table again. Medic was there, sitting in a high chair. He still managed to be slightly taller than you despite him sitting down in a lower position. He looked as if he wanted to say something, but kept changing his mind.

You still felt like shit despite the dream. Very funny, brain. As Medic was staring at his hands, you took the time to sit in silence and observe his face. He had a five o'clock shadow and droopy eyes of his own. You looked down and saw that even the tie for his vest was slightly shambled. I get you man, I know how you feel. Then, he looked up at you.

"Uh, (Y/)-Strategist. Do you, auhm, feel okay?" Medic looked up, slightly stumbling over his words. He cleared his throat. I don't understand. Your headache crashed like another wave, the medicine would take time to take effect, even in a dream. It kind of makes sense. Either way, it really hurt. In response to the pain, you placed a hand gently on your forehead.

"Um, I hope I will be, if that answers your question Medic," you looked up at him with a slightly apologetic half-smile.

"Vell, yes but no. I meant, erm, emotionally. I just noticed jou aren't acting like I know you to." He kept fidgeting with his glasses. They never seemed to sit right to him.

"What do you mean?" Archimedes flew back and paced along your right shoulder a bit before settling down. Medic eyed the bird before looking back at you as if he was trying to figure out what to say. When the wave of pain passed, you stroked the dove on your shoulder. It didn't complain.

"Ah, well. You aren't as strong headed today. Jou know, usually jou defy everyzhing." You raised your eyebrow. "Vell, no. Zhat's not vhat I mean, I-"

"I guess I know what you mean, Medic. Being here, I didn't expect to be so apprehensive, but it's been... I guess you could say it's been rough trying to adjust to a lot of new shit. I'm sorry for the way I acted," you looked down to avoid his gaze, surprised by your own honesty. "I wasn't kind to you or the others. I wanted to push you all away, because I couldn't bring myself to try to trust any of you. I'm not good at new relationships with people." You felt your face scrunch as you tried to put it into words.

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