Chapter Forty

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You blinked quickly, wiping away the extra moisture that settled in the bags under your eyes. You must have stared at the ceiling for at least five minutes. Or, well, that's what you thought anyway. After painting it all with your gaze, you decided to look over at your nightstand. The alarm clock on it read 5:33 AM.

Great. I'm tired and now my fuse is short. It'll be quite amazing to lose my temper around the one guy I can barely stand. Simply marvelous! God my head feels like a semi truck slammed into it. I want to go back to sleep, but I can't. I don't even think it'd be good for me at this point. Fuck.

You sat up and felt the full weight of gravity trying to push you back down. Your muscles just felt as if they were cinder blocks weighing on your body. Granted, it was still better than yesterday. It feels like that was ages ago. You pushed through and managed to stand up.

Thankfully, you didn't have to pull your heavy potato sack of a body into a shower. You still felt clean. Instead, you dragged yourself over to your closet and, as quickly as you could, changed into your uniform. You shuffled over to your bathroom sink and splashed water on your face in an attempt to wake yourself up. Fortunately, it worked this time around.

You blinked rapidly as a new level of alertness surged through your skull. Yeah, you had a headache still, but at least you could operate at a better pace now. As you brushed your teeth, you started listing what you believed you had to do that day.

Alright so I have to eat breakfast, then I have to look like I'm normal around everyone, and then hopefully I can finally start training with Medic and not lose my shit. After that I think I might focus on college work for a bit until I go to bed. I have to make sure to go to bed at around 8:30, because any later, I won't really get over what's left of my fatigue. I feel so responsible. You laughed at yourself. It felt amazing to be able to do that again.

You peeked your head out of your bedroom and scanned the room. The walls were as they always were: wood. Your rifle was chilling in the corner between your closet and your desk. Your desk was organized, but your bed needed to be made. You walked over to it and tucked in your bed sheets. Once that was done, you sat down and checked up on the time. It was 5:58.

Knowing you'd have a bit until breakfast, you decided to stretch and relax. You bent and stretched your taught muscles. Now you felt pretty loose, but before you could sit down, you heard a sharp knock on the door.

Stretching your neck, you stood up and walked over to answer it. Before you could even lay your hand on the doorknob, you heard them knock again. A twinge of annoyance sparked, but you did your best to dismiss it. You opened the door and found Medic being his usual freaky evil butler self. However, remembering what your dream Medic told you, you tried to start the conversation as cheerfully and not obviously annoyed as possible.

"Good morning Medic! It's pretty early, do you need anything?" You asked with a slight smile on your face. Medic himself looked like he had woken up hours ago. He was perfectly awake. However, he was dressed more casually than you've seen him before. He didn't have his vest or tie on and instead simply wore a white button-down shirt with suspenders.

"It is time for your training. Come vith me," he ordered, hastily turning and swiftly walking to the MedBay. It took you a second to debate whether to go along with this absurdity or to stay and test to see if he'd come back for you. However, you soon came to the conclusion that he would come back for you... with a temper. He's almost like me. You scoffed and followed him.

"Medic, it's really early right now. I don't think anyone else is up yet. Why start now? What about breakfast?" You whispered as loud as you could without using your voice. Instead of trailing behind him like some kind of baby duckling, you matched his pace and walked along his right side. You couldn't say it was easy either, he was strangely fast. Together, you both walked side-by-side in the cool, dark hallway.

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