Chapter Eighty

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"I- uh," you stopped yourself. You couldn't understand the rush of feelings. Was it relief? Confusion? Definitely, but was it something... else? Surely it was. Why can't I place it? Your eyes snapped back into Medic as his brows furrowed.

"Yes? Vhat iz it?" He hurriedly asked as though he was running out of time.

"I-I'm sorry. Don't worry about it-"

"No, Strategist I haff to know."

"I'm sorry, I just don't know how to place it. I want to be able to tell you how I'm feeling, but sometimes... I simply can't find the words." You shrugged, as if accepting the loss of that particular talent you once had.

"I... understand how you feel about zhat, but vhen you find zhe words, please share zhem vith me."

You didn't want to look into his eyes. You were afraid of what you'd find. A part of you wished things could go back to the way they were, but upon further contemplation... would it ever be worth it? Yes, maybe you could distance yourself again, but is that truly what you wanted or is this conversation simply one you wanted to avoid?

"I will, Medic. I just... I don't know right now. I have to admit I'm just a little overwhelmed," you tried to laugh, pinching your forefinger and thumb together as a measurement. Medic didn't seem to get the hint, and the pit in your stomach seemed to sink a little lower as his eyes scanned your face.

"Iz zhere anyzhing I can do for jou right now to help?" He asked earnestly.

"N-No, I just... need to adjust I suppose..."


An awkward silence filled the room as you shifted on the bench. What can I say here? Is there any way at all I can help him? Wait, he just said he wanted to help me? Shouldn't I just focus on helping myself?

You groaned slightly and hung your head in your hands. You felt Medic place a hand on your back, but it felt unsure, as if he didn't know what he was doing.

"Iz, uh, zhis you being overvhelmed?" His voice was laced with concern and confusion. The sincerity of his tone got to you. It was almost absurd, and it caused you to laugh.

You lifted your head, giggling, and looked back up at him with a smile on your face. His eyebrow arched in confusion.

"I'm sorry, it's just the way you said it. I can't help it," you managed to get that out before you continued to laugh more. Slowly, a confident smile formed on Medic's face.

"Are jou saying I'm funny?" His smile became a smirk as he peered down at you, and you immediately shook your head.

As his smirk dropped into a pout, you laughed harder.

"What's all this then?" Engie burst into the room with a small scowl, and Medic swiftly stood up before anyone else saw him sitting next to you. Your laughter came to a screeching halt. You watched as Engie's head shifted from side to side, scanning the room.

"Well-" you tried to explain yourself.

"I vas showing zhe Strategist zhe rest of zhe battlefield vhile you idiots vere fighting. I saw no reason to vaste time," Medic explained. He stood up straight and stared down the Texan, his hands folded behind his back.

"Didn't we just get on ta Scout fer doin' the same dumb thing?" Engie frowned, his voice menacing. You hated when he got like this. Medic very clearly rolled his eyes.

"As if I vould let zhe Strategist get hurt like Scout would." You heard the sincerity behind his voice that wasn't so hidden to you as it was to Engie.

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