Chapter Ninety-Seven

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You didn't realize you found a way to fall asleep until you woke up. It was well into the night at this point, and only the single street lamp illuminating the track was a source of light. You let out a silent sigh. The stars are still nice, at least....

That was when you spotted a moving shadow.

What? Who is that? You rubbed your eyes, hoping you were just shaking off remaining sleep. However, you saw it again. Do I have to do something about that...? You groaned. It's literally my job.

As smoothly as you could, you scooted back to bring your legs off of the edge. You were sore, and cold. The combination made your knees really stiff, and it wasn't fun.

Still, you managed to stand up and start sneaking down the ladder. You were trying to be as quiet as possible, but the ladder was old and it creaked ever so slightly. You could still see the shadowman, preparing yourself to confront him.


Fuck! You groaned as the man disappeared. Stupid ladder! No use chasing after someone I can't see. I'll just tell the others what I saw in the morning.

Frustrated by not only having to leave the tower but also missing your chance, you entered your base. The kitchen light was on, allowing you to see just enough to make it back into your room. I have to figure out who I'm trying to talk to tomorrow.

You spent about half an hour designing another plan to get you alone time with members of the BLU Team. Admittedly, you wanted to talk to the BLU Engineer again. It's not like I have his phone number.... He seemed to be interested in you in a new way. You had to admit it was intriguing to see how he managed to be so familiar and yet so different from the Engie you know.

There's still a BLU Spy, but Bluey's in Medic's fridge... how is that possible to have two BLU Spies? Still, the BLU Spy would be the most illusive to try to get alone. Between the disguises and invisibility, knowing exactly where he'd be is tricky. Not to mention the effort it would take to try to convince him to talk to you in the first place.

So for now, you elected to talk to the BLU Sniper. No one mentioned taking you to tour any other battlegrounds, and the map of the battlefield available on your device was one you've been to before. Hopefully, being more familiar will help. It's not like Two-Fort is exactly... big. Still, the small places to hide might help.

You smiled at your last memory of a battle there. It was a clean win, for the most part. As you put your device away and set an alarm, you stretched and went to sleep. Being sneaky around your team didn't feel the best, but you had to know. But why do I?


The stage was set as your team prepared in the respawn room. You had taken the drive there to explain the plan. This meant riding in the bread truck, but you could avoid Medic's stares. Once you had made it there, you took time helping Engie set up some teleporters while explaining to both him and Pyro.

"You're alone?" Pyro asked, surprising you when you recognized the words.

"Only for a bit! I would use Scout as bait, but I need him somewhere else," you explained to Pyro. You noticed how Engie stopped and looked at you, eyebrows raised in what looked like a mix of shock and confusion.

"....okay!" Pyro gave you a thumbs up, which you returned.

"Darlin', do you.... Do you understand Pahro?" Engie asked, setting the fully upgraded teleporter down. He stood up and seemed to study you under his goggles.

"Well...," you tried to think of how you could explain it.

"Yeah!" Pyro butted in and clapped their hands profusely, hopping while they giggled. Engie looked between the two of you for a moment, a moment that felt a lot longer to you. Then, he smiled and shook his head, chuckling.

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