Chapter Ninety-Two

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Eventually, you had managed to figure it all out. You knew what you wanted to do and how to do it. You even managed to make the plan look normal to your team, aiding in the seemingly accidental meetings. The only worry you had was if you could get them to talk to you without immediately going for your throat. Maybe bring up the BLU Strategist? Ask if she's doing okay? Disarm them?

Whatever you decided on, it wasn't going to be right now. You heard footsteps head to the kitchen table and decided to join them as naturally as possible. Putting your tablet away, you straightened yourself up and opened your door. You immediately came face to face with Medic.

A part of you tried to force yourself to talk to him, to just ask if he was okay, but you knew it would only make things more complicated. You had a plan and didn't want to risk telling him in an effort to calm his feelings. Besides, taking time to yourself was more important right now anyway. Attempting to not seem begrudging, you nodded at him slightly and shut your door behind you on your way to dinner. You didn't notice an expression change, but you weren't trying to look for any sign, either.

You grabbed a plate and sat down next to Sniper and Engie in your usual spot. It hadn't occurred to you quite yet that these spots never seem to change, but you weren't about to ask to try something new the night before your big plan. The less disruptions in their routine, the less likely it'll be for them to notice tomorrow.

You managed to join a conversation with Sniper about how he's once again bored with the lack of options for sniping posts, but managed to give him a few ideas in an effort to alleviate his discontent. You even suggested a few scenarios that made him laugh.

"If they did that, I don't know how I'd react at first!" He joked, smiling at the thought of a Scout trying to double jump into him head on. "Wouldn't put it past the bugger, either."

"Might be something he'd do, but definitely not me," Scout boasted, tilting his chin up in pride.

"Hey! Don't be lyin' to 'er face now!" Demo laughed. "I've seen ya do that enough times to tha BLU Heavy ta call yer bluff!" Scout gasped.

"No! I-"

"He ain't wrong, son. You like to dive head first inta battle without thinkin' sometimes," Engie added on.

"All ze time. Ze Strategist iz ze only reason 'ou haven't made a fool of 'ourself in front of her," Spy rolled his eyes.

"No she's not! I bet she'd be real impressed by how I battled before she joined us!" Scout smirked, dismissing their claims.

"You sure about that, mate? Pretty sure it's eight ta one right now, not including Strats," Sniper raised an eyebrow. Soldier chuckled to himself in agreement while Heavy nodded and Pyro giggled.

"Medic! You don't think dat, right? Come on, man!" Scout pleaded with Medic, but the man had just seemed to zone into the conversation, looking at Scout with mild confusion.

"If it's everyvone against you, it vould be stupid to agree vith jou," Medic put plainly, causing everyone, including you, to laugh. You didn't want to notice his eyes flick to you in surprise, but you did against your will anyway.

"Agh! Come on! I ain't like dat! I swear!" Scout cried, huffing back into his seat. The other men on your team didn't stop laughing, but you did.

"I'm sure you aren't Scout," you lied, and Scout pointed a finger at you.

"See! Her opinion is de only one dat matters ta me!" He declared triumphantly. You had to admit you were slightly caught off guard. Only my opinion? You tried to stop yourself from smiling, but you couldn't.

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