Chapter Seventy

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But why? What could they possibly want from me?

You groaned, reliving all of the traumatic events of the last time you were kidnapped. You had your head on your knees and closed your eyes, trying to focus on anything else. Demo comforted you by pulling you close to him. You appreciated it, but became confused when you heard the shuffling of another team member. He seemed bothered by something. You looked up and found Medic glaring daggers into Demo, but Demo himself seemed completely unbothered.

Finding something to distract yourself with, you studied Medic's posture. He was straightened up, as if trying to assert dominance. It made you want to laugh, but you held it in. I doubt he would want me laughing at him right now. His eyes were narrowed and his arms were crossed.

A bump in the road startled you out of your curled position, and Scout laughed at your little yelp, but was shut up when Demo and Medic glared at him. You ran a hand down your face.

"I'm really screwed if I don't think of something, aren't I?" You asked no one in particular. There was a silence that filled the room. You let out an anxious laugh. "I mean, really, really screwed. I don't know if I have the will to go through what they put me through again."

You could feel yourself tapping your foot and shaking your knee, your breath quickened. The scene of you getting burned by the BLU Pyro played like a movie reel in your head over and over and over. The sound of your own screams drowned out your thoughts. You were so screwed. Your hands started shaking, and you started hyperventilating.

That was when you felt a sturdy hand squeeze your shoulder comfortingly. Your vision came back to you as you looked to see who it was. As you should have known, it was Demo, but you felt another hand rest over yours that was plastered against the bench to try to steady yourself. It was Medic. He had moved across the truck to sit by you, but when you looked up at him, his focus didn't seem to be fully on you. He was glaring at Demo.

"Strategist, I need jou to visit me in zhe Medbay once ve get back to zhe base. I need to check your condition," he ordered, and a pit fell in your stomach as you saw the Demoman open his mouth to speak.

"Clearly she's 'avin' a panic attack, Doc. Not that you would know how ta deal with that, now would ya?" Medic's eyes narrowed as Demo kept talking. "I would prefer the lass with me in tha livin' room."

"To. Do. What?" Medic snarled. Demo scoffed.

"Obviously to calm her down of course! We need ta get ta the bottom of this to help her, which is why she shouldn't be spendin' time wit ya!" Medic kept his mouth in a tight line, causing Demo to smirk. "That's what I thought!"

"Gentlemen, do we have to raise our voice in ze truck?" Spy leered back through the mirror.

"Yeah! Besides, why would Strats want ta be bored with you two old dudes when she can have fun with me playing video games? Or runnin'? See? The possibilities are end-" Scout started to gloat.

"SHUT IT!" Soldier cut him off. "I want to teach Cupcake how to clean her helmet!"

Heavy groaned from the front seat, but it seemed like only you noticed him. Spy rolled his eyes.

"Gentlemen..." Spy warned, cutting through the arguing.

"Oh shut it, Spy! You wouldn't want ta help Strats unless there was money involved!" Scout retorted. Spy groaned.

"Much to 'our dissatisfaction, I 'ave no problem letting ze Strategist talk to me." He made eye contact with you, and you smiled a little as his rare, concerned gesture. However you couldn't read his expression. Scout scoffed.

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