Chapter One Hundred

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A little while later, once you had almost finished your plan, your phone began to ring. It's gotta be him. I have some questions for that guy. You answered BLU Medic's call.

"Hello?" You began.

"Ah-yes. Hallo Strategist!" BLU Medic hurriedly responded. "I- eh-hem -did not see jou at zhe battlefield today... how are you?" You couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm good! I got a little lost, but I made it back fine. How are you?" As you heard footsteps out in the hall, you turned the volume down. I don't think anyone would like to hear the BLU Medic's voice on my phone.

"I'm gut, ja. Ve had trouble getting our Strategist to look around, but zhat has become zhe norm for her." Oh. You couldn't control the part of you that twinged with concern. I should hate her, but hearing that... I can't help but worry. Why do I care so much?

"That's-uh... I didn't know that." The doctor became silent.

"Ah, vell..." Quick, change the subject.


"Yes?" The quick response from the man made you laugh.

"So, I ran into some of your teammates today." BLU Medic cleared his throat.

"You, uh, jou did?" You couldn't help but smile slightly at his nervousness.

"I did! They mentioned something about my plan getting around your team. Would you have anything to do with that?" You tried to hold in a laugh while he stuttered.

"...Maybe. Uh- yes." You let it out.

"I figured! It's okay though, really, it works out so far."

"I'm sorry. I let somezhing slip, and suddenly they all knew. It didn't help zhat Engineer agreed vith me. He said he vas going to use zhe experience for some advantage against zhe Brothers." An advantage against the Brothers...?


"J-Ja, yes?"

"How would you feel about our teams working together? We keep an equal amount of wins and losses for either side, so the Mann Brothers can't say who is the real winner?"

"I think zhey do zhat anyvay." You laughed at his joke.

"Well, yeah, but think about it! Our pay isn't determined by how much we win, so if we use this to keep our jobs for longer...?"

"Ve could maximize how much ve are paid for zhis job."

"Do you think it could work?" He was silent for a moment.

"I do, but ve haff to vork together. It is a large secret." You nodded at his point.

"I can help with that. Do you mind telling your team?"

"You are not worried zhey would tell Miss Pauling?" Well...

"They didn't tell her after you told them everything already. I think it'll be okay."

"Ah, right." You laughed at his embarrassed tone. "Zhen, I vill. Iz zhere anyzhing else I can do for jou, Strategist?"

"...Thank you."

"Oh! O-Of course. Good-bye, Strategist."

"Good-bye, Medic."

Putting the phone down, you sighed. I actually found a purpose for my risking movements, and it's a good one! Hah! You smiled to yourself and turned around to start getting ready for bed, but something was wrong.

There were shadows in the crack of your door. Two shoes stood.

Oh fuck.

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