Chapter Ninety

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"Oh relax Medic! What's it to ya anyway?" The BLU Scout complained and crossed his arms while the BLU Medic held you back from him. What the fuck is going on? BLU Medic muttered something low in German, clearly over BLU Scout's bullshit.

"Jou know exactly vhy I had to stop you! Her team-" BLU Medic reprimanded, throwing his hand out to gesture through the window "-vill absolutely destroy you!" BLU Scout laughed.

"Yeah, but dat's half da fun, ain't it? It's like a thrill!" You looked up to watch BLU Medic roll his eyes. He looks like our Medic, but his features are softer. It's as if he hasn't been as stressed out. His grip is much less tense as well...

"Augh! I cannot deal vith you and jour nonsense!" The BLU Medic's eyes flicked to yours, but you weren't so much taken aback as you were curious. Even his eyes seem less stern... "Are jou alright, Frau? I haff to apologize for zhis dummkopf. He does not understand."

"Alright, Medic. Dat's just-"

"Clearly he doesn't, but I appreciate you stepping in, Medic," you thanked BLU Medic with a small smile. "I was afraid I'd break a rule." You tilted your head slightly at the BLU Scout, narrowing your eyes slightly. He pulled at the neck of his shirt, avoiding eye contact. The BLU Medic stopped and blinked with widened eyes, not responding for a moment. He then cleared his throat and readjusted his glasses.

"Ah, of course, Frau. I vould hate for somezhing to happen-"

"Strategist," you heard a voice cut through with a hint of malice, sharply cutting BLU Medic off.

You turned to see your Medic finish climbing the stairs. His red, gloved hands were clasped behind his back, but you could still see the tension in his arms and shoulders. His eyes shifted slowly from your own to the BLU Medic's hands on your shoulders. You watched them narrow with anger behind them, plain as day.

You felt BLU Medic's hands tense, most likely in fear, but his face didn't outright agree with the sentiment. He held a neutral expression as he slowly dropped his hands to his sides.

"Ve are leaving. Come along, now," Medic ordered with a slight growl at the end of his sentence. I don't remember seeing him this pissed off yet so calm before. It's a little unnerving. With one final glance towards the BLU Medic, he swiftly turned and walked down the stairs. After his head disappeared, you turned back to the BLU mercenaries.

"See you two tomorrow," you bid your goodbye, making sure to send the BLU Scout one last warning look. "Oh! And thank you, Medic." You patted BLU Medic's arm before hurrying to head down the stairs, not wanting to push Medic any further.

"How is she alive, livin' with him?" You heard BLU Scout ask from the floor now above you.

"She is a mystery," BLU Medic answered, and you could have sworn it sounded wistful.

Medic was waiting for you at the end of the stairs. His eyes glared daggers into you, his mouth turned down in a tight line. It's been a long time since you've seen him look at you this way. You were also completely sure that he had heard the BLU members' comments, his eyes sending one last, almost vengeful glance towards the top of the stairs. He started walking off, and you followed him to the chorus of shouting near the point.

You heard the remaining mercenaries trading insults so outlandish that you wondered how the argument even started. Medic however, decided to walk right by them, electing to grab something he seemed to have dropped. This was when you finally noticed that he was picking up his glasses off of the grass, wiping them off with his lab coat before turning on his heel and brushing past towards the trucks.

Not exactly keen on joining the argument, you followed Medic to the trucks, struggling slightly to keep up with him. He opened the back door for you, almost seeming reluctant to hold it as you hopped up. As he closed it, you sat down once more in the corner. You couldn't decide if you wanted him to sit next to you or not, but you no longer had the choice as he sat right where he was on the way here.

He grumbled as he couldn't seem to get a spot off of his lenses, wiping them furiously to the point you had to wonder if he would crack them. He groaned and gave up, electing to just hold them, and turned to look at you.

"Vhat vere you thinking?" He reprimanded you, and you had to keep yourself from retorting. I don't know what would happen if he got anymore upset.

"I wasn't-" You started calmly.

"Zhat's obvious." You sighed.

"I was trying to say that the BLU Scout was coming onto me, and the BLU Medic stopped him before I pummeled his face in."

"Vhat does zhat mean? 'Coming onto' jou?" You thought for a moment.

"Flirting? Trying to make advancements romantically? Though I wouldn't call them romantic-" Medic scowled.

"Vhat does zhat haff to do vith him holding you?" Medic's voiced raised, venom laced in his words. You tried not to look confused.

"Wha-? I-" You sighed. "I don't understand..." You looked away, biting your lip slightly while trying to think.

"Of course you don't! Jou don't seem to haff any understanding about zhem!" You flinched slightly from the volume, trying to calm yourself down from shouting.

"They don't seem that bad, and-"

"'Zhat bad?' Do you forget what happened?" It came out almost like a cry from the man.

"I wish I could!" You shouted, and Medic seemed to be stunned when you looked back. His eyes were wide as you shook your head. "Of course I remember. It's probably one of the only things I'll never forget, but I can't keep... dwelling on it. If I continue to let it get to me, then they win, and I'm screwed. Forgive me for trying not to bash their brains in when it would get me in trouble..."

Medic had nothing to say and looked from you to the wall ahead. You sighed, somewhat upset at yourself for raising your voice. This won't solve anything. Fuck. I know he's just concerned... I think, or else he wouldn't bring up the kidnapping.

"Medic...," you started and lightly grazed your hand over his to try to show some sense of comfort. "I didn't mean to worry you." He snatched his hand away and you pulled yours back in defeat. "I'm sorry."

"Heya Strats!" Scout poked his head in under the door before lifting it up, revealing the rest of your team.

"Where were you all?" You asked, and Scout shrugged as he took his seat across from you.

"Just-a... intimidating da competition a little. No big deal." He grinned.

"Is that why I heard arguing?" You tilted your head and smirked as Scout backtracked.

"Well-no, but dat was because someone insulted us and it's not like we could let that go, so..." You chuckled.

"No one started a fist fight?"

"No ma'am!" Scout saluted to you, making you laugh, admittedly.

"Works for me."

"Hey-a, would you mind sittin' with me on da ride back? I don't know if I can sit by Soldier again."

"WHAT WAS THAT?" Soldier's head snapped to Scout.


"Oh. Okay."

Weighing your options, you made the uncertain choice to leave Medic's side to sit next to Scout. As you sat down, Scout rested an elbow on your shoulder and relaxed, thanking you. You simply nodded, very aware of Medic's gaze glaring into you.

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