Chapter Seventy-Five

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You woke up from more than just a dead sleep. You had no dreams. It was like your dream mind was numb or something. Needless to say, it was puzzling to you.

Deciding to ignore if for now at least, you got ready for the day. Considering you'd be going into town, you realized that going to town in your uniform would look nothing short of suspicious, so you threw on a change of the clothes you packed a long time ago. You wore these light denim shortalls with a muted green crop top underneath. You cuffed the bottom of your shortalls and added some black shoes to your feet. You decided to style your hair a bit and grabbed a bag you brought with you. Not that you wanted to carry a gun or anything into town, but just in case, you placed your belt into the bag. You slung the bag cross-body style over your shoulder and admired yourself in the mirror. You were really shaping up into someone. With a giggle, you exited your room.

It seemed as though you were the last one to be ready. You walked over to the kitchen and entered, and everyone turned to look and stare at you.

"Uh, sorry I'm late," you apologized and went to your seat. You looked around and was thankful the others were also in casual outfits. No one had their eyes off of you, and it was starting to make you uncomfortable. "Thanks for, uh, breakfast." You didn't dare eat.

"Okay, I'll say what we're all thinkin'. Strats, dat is not what we expected you to wear," Scout admitted, and you weren't sure how to feel just yet.

"It's casual day, right?" You could feel yourself start to be embarrassed.

"Well, yeah."

"Then what did you expect?" You laughed nervously and Scout shrugged.

"I -for one- thought you wouldn't have a sense of style, because you. Look. Amazing!" Scout laughed, and you finally felt at ease. Your father had always judged what you wore, especially once you turned eighteen. It was nice to have someone approve for once. You laughed with him. The others muttered awkward agreements, which you could only expect.

"So what are we doing in town? Are we splitting up or going together?" You looked around the table for some answers.

"It would be best if we stuck together. Don't want ta get lost or somethin'," Engie answered for you. The other nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. Spy gets lost in dat fancy place with all da suits," Scout laughed and Spy huffed, glaring at him.

"It's not your fault 'ou don't know class," Spy smirked and Scout scoffed.

"I know plenty of class! Strats, tell 'em." He looked at you, and all you could do was stifle a laugh.

"Alright boys, that's enough. It's time ta head out anyway," Engie waved it away and stood up.

The rest of your team stood up, you having barely gotten the chance to touch your food. Oh well... Together, you went to the trucks and hopped in the bread truck. You weren't sure how to feel sitting by Medic after what had happened, so you sat by Sniper. You noticed his eyes flash to you, but you ignored it. This was supposed to be a good day.

The drive to town wasn't long at all, but you still felt tense. You weren't sure how to feel about Medic, and you didn't want to give it any thought. Oh well.

You were the first to hop out in Teufort. Demo led you all into the grocery store first. It was... lackluster. However, Demo did find a tiny tricycle that he rode around in while Sniper begrudgingly pushed the cart behind him. Scout pelted Spy with peanuts from the dispenser every now and again. It got to the point that Spy started attempting to strangle them. You had to separate the two with the help of Heavy. Speaking of him, Heavy walked you over to the movie section.

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