Chapter Thirty

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You laid in your bed wearing your pajamas. It was still dark, and you couldn't sleep due to that creepy-ass movie Medic showed you. What the fuck Medic. It wasn't scary like a slasher or even "The Exorcist," but I actually felt disturbed. It's a heavy stone, a dread, burying itself deep in my stomach. I'm physically uncomfortable and I want this feeling gone. It's like a verge of tears, but I also want to throw up. Ugh, what the fuck, Medic!

To keep from seeing the flashes of the girls' screams and deaths cross your mind, you thought about anything else other than the movie. Unfortunately, that meant you thought about what happened right after the movie. Stupid Scout... that was the most embarrassing thing! Make me scream like that after getting through everything else. Darn it! Your frustration left as quickly as it came when you heard the door knock. You opened the door. It was Spy.

"Spy, what do you want? I apologize and, well, excuse me, but I'm really tired," you sleepily informed him.

"My apologies, but I wanted to inform you about zhe Night Owl," he whispered. Oh, that?

"Oh them? Yeah, it was Medic."

"What?" He asked, shocked.

"Yeah, he told me while we were eating lunch. I'm sorry for not telling you." You gave an apologetic shrug. Spy righted himself, clearing his throat and fixing his tie.

"Well, zhat was disappointing. Not what I was expecting at all," he mumbled, looking downcast. I don't know how to make him feel better, but what kind of mess was he planning to drag me into? Also, Spy, how could you not expect that? Medic's weird.

"Yeah... I'm sorry," you apologized, feeling some guilt about the Spy's behavior.

"No, no. It iz not a problem, but if anything else happens, just let me know."

"Alright, good night."

"Good night Strategist," he said, walking back to his room. He recovered well from the movie, then again so did Scout. What happened after I left?

Waiting a few more seconds after Spy closed his bedroom door behind him, you slipped out of your room and peered into the living room. Scout was gone, having finished raiding the kitchen, and so was Medic. That's good... I guess? I don't exactly know how to feel except that it's too dark over here.

You went into the kitchen and went to grab a glass from the cupboard for some water. Sadly, it was on the high shelf on the already high-fucking-ceiling. Stupid height with your stupid tallness. Too determined to get some water by now, you hopped onto the counter itself and managed to grab a glass.

"Exactly vhat are you doing?" Medic announced his presence from the kitchen doorway leading to the living room. You slowly turned to look at him, cupping the glass in your hands like Gollum holding the ring. Fuck you I do what I want.

"What does it fucking look like, Medic?" You snapped. Why the fuck do you care so much? Stop appearing everywhere! Leave me to stand on a kitchen counter in peace! Shit... I shouldn't have said that.

"Excuse me?" He glared at you, but either by defiance or by sheer lack of sleep, you didn't back down. Still, it didn't stop reminding you of what happened to Scout earlier that day after he pissed Medic off. I think it's too late to apologize.

"I'm sure you have ears." You hopped down and walked over to the sink while he fumed. You filled the cup and took a sip out of it while sweat ran down your neck. I just wanted some water! He stood there with clenched fists as you finished the drink. You put the glass in the dishwasher all the while making eye contact with him. You tried to appear as calm as possible. You looked behind him longingly at your bedroom door. I should have just gotten water in my room.

"How dare you!" He shouted. I know! I'm sorry!

"Anyway, if you'll excuse me." You tried to brush past him, but he grabbed your left shoulder and squeezed it hard. A shock of pain burst from it and you flinched. Ow! You grabbed his wrist and returned his gaze. "Medic, let go of my shoulder please."

He just stared down at you and tightened his grip. You could swear it was breaking something. Waves of pain from your shoulder washed over your head. You hissed.

"Vhat vere jou doing up?" He asked coldly in a threatening manner.

"That shouldn't concern you. At all, for that matter!"

"As jour doktor it concerns me, you should be sleeping."

"I was just getting water!"

"You haff a bathroom vith a sink! Now tell me what jou were doing up!"

"I was checking to see if you or Scout were still here, because I couldn't sleep. Then I decided to get some water! Are you happy now? Let go of my shoulder, you asshole!"

Both of your voices had escalated to a full-fledged argument, drawing in a tired Texan.

"What the hell are you two shouting about! Get to bed it's late and you're keepin' me up!" He complained, agitated. He caught sight of you. "Strategist, I have ta train you tomorrow! Get!"

Without a word, Medic pushed your shoulder away and disappeared down the hall. Why did he even care? Why is it that he always cares about the little things I do! What the hell? Now I have Engineer mad at me! You took a walk of shame towards Engie. He stopped you by your hurt shoulder, gently, but Medic had more than likely bruised it being the hot tempered ass he is. You flinched.

"Sorry, Engie. I was just tired and Medic was making me uncomfortable," you apologized, feeling your anger start to melt away down the drain.

"It's," Engie rubbed one of his temples, his hard hat probably in his room. "It's alright, I'm just tired. Does your shoulder hurt?" I'm too tired to think of a smart comeback.

"Yes sir- I mean, yes, it does." Engie took his hand off of it and chuckled at your mistake.

"Alright, well the doc won't want ta see you right now, so just come with me. I can patch ya up." He led you to his room and let you inside.

It was a basic room with a bathroom, except, well, a workbench on the wall in front of you. It had blueprints, diagrams, tools, spare parts, and a first aid kit hanging up on the wall. To your right, you saw his bed, his hardhat sitting on top of a bedpost, and a small teddy bear sitting on his pillow. Awww! He took the first aid down and pulled out a wrapping tape.

"Here we are, can ya get yer arm out?" He asked, turning to you.

You thought for a moment, because you weren't wearing anything like a bra. In an effort to keep both of you comfortable, you managed to shimmy your hurt arm slowly through the neck hole of your pajama top. He laughed at the way you looked. You could imagine how silly it was, making you giggle softly. He wrapped your shoulder around the other side of your neck and gave full coverage up your arm to your elbow. When he was finished, he studied his work.

"Thank you," you said, gratefully.

"Not a problem darlin'. Now, it'll definitely bruise, but it'll hold until at least the end of tomorrow. Just try to avoid taking a shower and keep it dry. Maybe you can ask Doc tomorrow ta see if he'll heal it with the Medigun," he instructed you. You nodded in understanding.

"Heh, got it. I'm sorry for waking you up, though."

"It's alright. I was never sleeping, if anything I was more concerned for everyone else. Just try to make up with the Doc, okay? You have no idea what it's like to be ignored when you need help from him durin' a fight." Once again, you nodded. Slowly, you lowered your arm back into your pajamas. That's better.

"Well, good night, Engie." You walked to his door and opened it, looking back.

"Good night, sleep tight." You smiled, closing the door behind you and leaving.

You entered your room, feeling both upset and thankful. I shouldn't have been a twit to Medic. I made Engie mad. I don't know why I did it. What was the point? What did it accomplish? Usually I have more patience. My shoulder really hurts. I should apologize to Medic, but right now he'd snap my neck at the sight of me. I'm sorry. You groaned at your inability to control your sporadic thoughts. Out of defeat, you slipped into bed and drifted off to an exhausted sleep.

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