Chapter Sixteen

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You stumbled along with Soldier as he flew towards the direction of the training area you saw earlier during your tour. He didn't say anything as far as you could tell as he dragged you. The walls were a bit of a blur. You didn't understand why he was acting this urgently, but his grip was too tight on your hand to even think about letting go. You didn't feel perfect, because you just barely recovered from surgery after all. Still, you didn't want to try to feel better by making yourself respawn.

Just as you both busted open the door and the sun hit your eyes, he stopped and let you go. You stumbled a bit while your eyes adjusted to the light. Ahead of you Soldier joined the other team members in a line in front of a track for racing and a space that led to the battlefield. They were about thirty feet away. You had a feeling what Soldier wanted.

"STRATEGIST! Today we will show you our roles in this neverending magnificent battle! STARTING WITH ME!" Soldier yelled at you. Before you could respond, he shouted "ROCKET JUMP" and shot himself into what seemed like sixty feet in the air.

Then, your teammates broke off from the line and spread out. You were still dazed, but you were getting used to his outbursting personality. While he was still in the air, you looked around at your colleagues. They were decked out in their weapons, and even Medic was here. How did he get here so quickly?

Before you could even try to answer yourself, Soldier landed on the ground just in front of you leaving dents in the sandy dirt. He screamed some battle cry, whipped around, and pulled out his rocket launcher. He fired some missiles and hit some of the team members. He ran up to Scout and snapped his neck with a concerning amount of ease. Then, as Spy appeared behind him, Soldier slapped his shovel across Spy's face. Spy knocked out, and bodies were disappearing. Soldier sliced Spy's head with a shovel. Needless to say, the sight did not help you recover from nausea.

Slowly, as Soldier finally stopped screaming, the mercs that were killed trickled back into line. You counted them. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, and... where's Spy? You heard Soldier cry out before he slumped over onto the ground. Spy stood over him, pulling a knife from his back. Huh, I always figured he'd be the back-stabbing bastard. The other mercs quickly backed away from him. You could see his stupid smirk despite how far you were away. Then, he disappeared again, re-appearing when Heavy fell. Spy then pulled out a gun and shot Sniper, Pyro, and Demo. As his grand finale, he strutted over the dead bodies back into his place in line. The killed mercs once again came back to their place.

What am I meant to be learning? Am I supposed to be desensitized? Is this really how they fight?

Engie pulled out a giant wrench and a tool box, walked over to you, sat the tool box down beside you, and wacked it. It whirred to life and became a giant machine-gun thing.

"This here's a sentry of mine. It shoots things," he said and turned it on. It was silent for just a moment before it fired bullets at your teammates. Nearly them all fell immediately, but Spy rushed again with a rectangular device in his hand. Just as he got ready to throw it, Engie wacked him with a wrench and he didn't get up. Once everyone was on the ground in their own pool of blood, he nodded, and packed up the sentry. Everyone came back in line eventually.

Pyro stepped forward, turned around, and pulled out his flamethrower. Then, he turned it on without warning and the mercs burned. Their screams were a little too much to bear, but Pyro simply clapped and cheered through his mask. They came back with resentful glances towards them.

Sniper took out a machete and stabbed Spy, then he jogged a bit away. He took out his sniper rifle and head-shotted Demo, Heavy, and Medic. He jogged back to the line with a little wave to you and the mercs came back.

Medic stepped forward with his hands folded behind his back. He whirled around with the syringe gun, shot Demo, and then watched as he screamed in agony before collapsing. Then, Medic pulled out a bone saw he was somehow hiding and slashed at Scout, Engie, and Spy. He let Scout and Engie die, but just before Spy let go, he healed Spy only to slash him again. This guy is brutal. Medic smiled, sadistically content as he returned to his place in line.

Heavy stepped forward and gently picked up Sasha. He shouted something that sounded like "BABIES!" and killed all of the mercs. As he waited for them to return, he ate a sandwich he got from somewhere. That's not just, like, in his pocket? Is it?

Scout chuckled and took out a baseball bat. He waved at Heavy before beating him senseless. Heavy had a slow, drawn-out death you could barely look at. Then, he threw a baseball at Soldier and Soldier fell to the ground dead. As he turned around towards Spy, he pulled out his gun while dropping the bat. He shot Spy with a smirk shouting "Suck it!" The mercs finally returned, Spy looking vengeful.

The ninth mercenary, Demo, stepped forward. He took out an empty beer bottle and smashed it against Scout's head. He stabbed the remains of the glass into his head. He then took out a device that shot little spiky bombs. You think he called the device "Sticky gun" or something last night at dinner. He hit every merc on the head and they exploded. Demo gave a drunken laugh before watching them return. The mercs finished by stepping up to you, and Soldier saluted.

"Dat's the basics of our weapons and how we use 'em. Now, it's brunch time," Scout told you with a smirk and led the way into the kitchen. "It was my idea."

"It was more like senseless killing than a demonstration," Spy critiqued as he passed by you.

You managed to help Pyro not burn the food and helped serve for the table. Engi thanked you two, and you all started to eat. You didn't have questions about what you experienced. After all, it's hard to ask questions about stuff you really know nothing about. However, you felt better after eating something and put your plate in your sink.

The mercs continued to talk as you made your way into your room and turned on your computer. Nothing to do. You then opened your phone. No messages...? You stretched and decided to walk around. I can figure it out later. You barely took a step out of the door before Scout appeared.

"Heya toots! Ready to do some runnin'?" He told you, and dragged you to the track you saw before. I don't think I would've said 'no,' but why do I keep getting pulled around?

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