Chapter Sixty-Three

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You stood in your shower, scrubbing all of the grime (and hopefully the memories of your dreams) off and letting them sink down the drain. You really tried to believe you were psyching yourself out, but something felt so wrong about it. You didn't have the time to worry about Medic right now.

Was your dream some kind of premonition? I can't be. That'd be so... silly. If it was, what could you do about it? Yes, you sniping next to Engie was a part of your new plan, but is that all that happens? You had backups just in case something happened to your post there. Honestly, you were sure what to do about it. It had to just be a bad dream. Psyching myself out....

You hopped out of your shower and into your uniform. The leggings were definitely hard to get on, but you eventually managed. Next were the kneepads. You groaned. You eventually got everything on and situated, but you didn't like the whole... necklace around your neck thing. It just didn't sit right. Well, yeah it was similar to Scout's dog tags, but this was more important... and heavy. It'll be fine.

You huffed and jogged in place to get yourself feeling better. When your mood slightly improved by laughing at yourself in the mirror, you grabbed your weapons and devices you needed and headed out to your teammates in the kitchen.

You stepped out of your room and immediately felt the tone of the air shift. Well, you expected this at least a little. After what Demo had told you, it was no wonder everyone either seemed worried or apprehensive. Part of you stopped and didn't want to continue on to the kitchen, but you knew that wasn't an option. Yes, you were... scared. You didn't want that ten percent to come true, and the odds were in your favor. It'll be okay (Y/N)....

You headed purposefully into the kitchen, ready to... well, get ready for your first battle. Whatever. It'll be fine. You stepped into the living room. All eyes were on you. You uncomfortably shifted your weight. Everybody, like you, were dressed in their fighting gear. It made you, in all honesty, slightly excited to enact your plan.

"Morning!" You greeted everyone cheerfully, feeling slightly awkward when they looked back at you with confusion. You saw their eyes glance back and forth with each other, sending discrete messages to each other.

"Heya Strats! Ya ready?" Scout wrapped his arm around you, making eye contact with a cheeky grin.

"I think I am!" You let go of the awkwardness in favor of Scout's unknowing comfort.

"Ya think?" Scout shook his head. "No, toots, ya gotta know! We know you'll do great, right fellas?" He used his other arm to gesture to your teammates. They gave half-hearted whoops and cheers. Scout waved them off. "Eh, don't worry 'bout them, Strats. At least I have some faith in ya."

"Some?" You joked, adding a gleam to your eye.

"More than some! I am fully confident dat we will win here, even if dey aren't." You heard Scout's stomach rumble. "Oh man! Am I hungry? Come on Strats, let's get you fed and ready for da battle." He guided you over to the food Medic had prepared and handed you a plate. The plate still in your hands, you placed your stuff down by your seat. The other slowly followed you two.

Sitting at your seat, you all ate. After most of them were done, the mood turned more sour, as if the looming battle increased everyone's feelings of being on edge. Regardless of how they felt, or how it affected you, you had to do your part. No matter how worried you were about... no. It'll be fine. You'll be fine. You had to show them your plan anyway.

"Okay," you started, pulling out your tablet. "I've come up with our plan for the battle today. Is everyone ready to see it? It's sectioned off by points, but we won't let the BLU team get back that far." You smirked, pressing play.

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