Chapter Fifty

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As the truck pulled back into the base, Medic slowly woke up. He groaned, and grazed his jaw. He then tensed up when reaching the joint while Sniper wordlessly opened the door to the truck. Soldier and Scout followed after him. Scout cast a look back at you that could only be described as a mix of pity and remorse. It was conflicting, and you didn't understand what was going on.

Still, you had Medic to take care of, and you wanted to take him back to the MedBay to heal him. You stood up, getting ready to try to get him out of the truck somehow when Heavy appeared from around the truck.

"I came to help," he said as you watched Spy slip inside of the building. You let a thankful smile rest on your lips for a second until Medic tried standing. You guided him to Heavy and he took over, carrying the German with ease. "Where?" He asked you.

"Could you take him to the MedBay and lay him on a bed? I need to get Demo," you answered, and he nodded silently, walking off. You closed the truck door behind you, and jogged lightly inside. You made it to the living area, when Engie was sitting in the chair with his hat in his hands, staring off into space. No one else was around. "Engie?" You tried making your voice not sound as out of breath as you were. Slowly looked up.

"Yes Darlin'?" He looked up at you, looking completely exhausted. What were you doing last night?

"I didn't want to bother you, but I needed to check up on Demo. Do you know where he is?" You tried to remain professional. Like Sniper says... or something. A small frown appeared on Engie's face and his expression turned slightly sour.

"Yeah, I do. He's in his room." His voice turned blunt. What's wrong? No, not right now. You fought the urge to hug him.

"Thanks, Engie. I really appreciate it." You smiled and he nodded, turned away from you. Disregarding that for now, you made your way to Demo's room and knocked on the door.

"I already told ya ta I'm not going ta-!"

"Demo?" Demo opened the door.

"Oh! Hey Lass. Need anythin'?" Demo's attitude changed like flipping a switch, and you forced an unconcerned smile. His eye had crusted blood around it and it looked like he hadn't bothered to clean up from the fight, still looking banged up.

"Will you come with me to the MedBay? I need to clean you up." You chuckled while looking at Demo's torn shirt. He smiled.

"Will do! Lead the way!" He shut the door behind him while you both made your way to the MedBay. Heavy was sitting outside, waiting for you.

"Doktor is asleep on table," Heavy stated, standing up. You nodded.

"Thank you so much Heavy. I needed it," you thanked him. He nodded before walking away to do who knows what. You opened the door for Demo and he walked inside. You located Medic on a medical table, somehow fast asleep on the cold metal.

"My plan is to heal you and then go from there. I'll probably stitch your shirt up later," you informed the Scottsman. Demo was glaring at Medic while you switched on Medic's uniform. "Hey Demo." You got his attention again. "Don't just go attacking him again after this."

"But Lass, he was goin' ta hurt ya! Wha'dya expect me to do?" He threw his hands at the defeated German.

"I think he's learned his lesson thanks to you." You offered him a small smile. "Besides, I think I can keep him away." Demo didn't look convinced. "Look, if he attacks me in the future, I will personally help you kill him. How does that sound?" The offer to do something that gruesome to your future friend made you want to gag. Still, it worked and Demo smiled.

"I'll gladly take ya up on that." Smiling in return, you turned on the Medigun until Demo nodded. Then, Demo walked over to Medic. You hesitantly followed. He gestured to Medic's broken body. "I sure did a number on 'im, huh?" It felt like he was showing off a prized deer, and you didn't want to agree with that.

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