Chapter Two: Explanations

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The trip back to Forks had been mostly silent and Sophia was sort of grateful for the silence, she spent the drive to her uncle's house watching the trees move passed them. 

Perhaps this could be the fresh start that she needed, away from the gossip that had dominated her life back in New York and without everyone knowing her business. 

Bella stared listlessly out of the passenger window, her eyes watching lifelessly as trees flew passed them; she still couldn't believe that it had been four months since Edward had left her. 

Never had she thought that he would leave her, he had promised to stay after the incident with James and yet now she found herself alone with no one to turn to. 

"So how has school been?" Charlie asked awkwardly looking in his rear-view mirror at his niece, he was still curious about why his sister had said nothing of the baby that had accompanied his niece. 

Surely, she must have known that he would have taken Sophia in anyway, he often wondered what went through Caroline's head when she made decisions that she felt best for everyone. 

Sophia bit her lip peeking down at her daughter, she ignored the feeling that bubbled in her stomach; she knew that Charlie wouldn't be pleased to hear what she had to say. 

"Mom forced me to drop out... I've been home schooled for the last three months," Sophia murmured looking at her daughter, she wouldn't change any decision that she had made but dropping out of school was something she regretted. 

There had been plans for her to go to college, follow in her father's footsteps in attending Yale and maybe travel around Europe in the summer before she went. 

All that had come to an end when that test had turned positive, her parents struggling with the realty that the future that they had wanted for her was now gone while all her friends had turned their backs on her. 

Sophia cooed at Mia knowing that she would never change anything that had happened, only that Mia's father would have been able to meet her before he had been sent away. 

His parents having sworn that he would never lay eyes on the child that had conceived in what they believed was an attempt by her to ruin his future as she had already done with her own.


Charlie took a deep breath setting down Sophia's suitcases, he watched as Bella walked straight upstairs without looking back; he knew was hopeful that she would snap out of the zombie stage soon. 

In the last couple of weeks, she had started hanging out with Jacob Black and Charlie was relieved to see her do something other than sit around the house wasting away. 

Sophia carried Mia into the house, not surprised that her uncle's house hadn't change that much; she had always loved how it looked and it was so different to the expensive and upscale apartment where her parents and she had lived. 

"Now let me meet my great-niece properly?" Charlie asked looking at Sophia, he smiled knowing that he would be able to give them a better life here even if the local gossips would have a field day with this news. 

It wasn't like they weren't talking about him already, Bella's actions since the Cullens had left were the talk of the town with many saying that he couldn't cope. 

Sophia smiled moving to hand over her daughter, the last month had proven to be a rather large learning curve with little help from her parents who wanted her to understand what she was signing up for. 

Although Sophia had on more than one occasion found her father singing lullabies to Mia, the same ones that he had once sung to her when she was a little girl. 

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