Chapter Seventy-Seven: Unexpected Sights

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"What colour are you looking for?" Kim asked looking around the dress shop that they were stood in, they were looking for a dress that Sophia could wear for her cousin's wedding; the trip had been a success so far and the four friends were all relaxed.

The four were due to travel back to La Push tomorrow and they were all a little disappointed that their trip was nearly over; they were certainly going to have to make this an annual thing since they had enjoyed it so much.

"I don't know, anything but white and pink or purple," Sophia replied shrugging her shoulders, she already knew what colour the bridal party were wearing and she didn't want anything similar; she was going for Charlie's sake and she wasn't going to be changing her mind.

Emily thought for a moment before moving through the store, there were tons of dresses and finding the perfect one was going to take time; she might have only been wearing it for one day but it was a wedding and she needed to look nice.

"What about silver because that's Paul's fur colour?" Fiona suggested moving to pick up a silver lace dress that was near her; she held it out for Sophia to see but the other woman just shook her head.

Kim brushed some hair from her face, she had no idea how they were going to find a decent dress; she doubted that Sophia would ever were it again after being around vampires for an entire afternoon.

"Paul plans on burning it once I'm done," Sophia replied with a shake of her head, she didn't want to splash too much cash for it to be destroyed; Paul didn't want the stink of vampires in their home.

Fiona nodded her head, she wasn't truly surprised that Paul had said something like that and she was sure that there was some way to have the dress cleaned of the vampire smell so it didn't need to be destroyed.


"That looks pretty Em," Sophia replied as Emily stepped out of the changing room wearing a print maxi dress, she hadn't expected to see anything that she would like and hadn't been able to resist trying it on.

Kim nodded her head in agreement peeking at Emily while she tried on some fancy shoes that she had found in the store, she had prom coming up that year and she was sure she'd find a dress that could match them.

"Do you think Sam would like it?" Emily asked nervously, she ran her fingers down the length of the dress and turned to look at herself in the mirror; she felt a little self-conscious because of her scars and she wasn't sure about the dress that she was wearing.

"He'd be stupid not to," Fiona reassured with a smile, she was sure that Sam would love the dress and Emily looked beautiful in it; she hoped that Emily got it since it was rare that the woman picked up things like that anymore.

Emily stared at herself in the mirror, she knew she was being silly and that Sam would love her in whatever she bought but after getting her scars everything had changed.

"Em... get the dress, it looks amazing on you," Sophia comforted, she smiled at her friend knowing that they all agreed that she should buy the dress; she had no idea how Emily coped and she was always amazed at the brave face that the older woman put on for everyone.

Emily considered her friends encouraging words for a moment before she nodded her head, she thanked them before heading back into the changing room to take the dress off; she was definitely going to get the dress, it would be perfect for their next date night.

"Do you need anything else for the wedding?" Kim asked deciding on getting the shoes that she had been trying on, she looked at Sophia and smiled; the dress and shoes that the blonde had picked for the wedding were pretty and hopefully Paul wouldn't burn them after the day.

Sophia shook her head, she had everything that she needed and she was certain that she wouldn't need anything else; she had a small bag that would go with the outfit and that would complete her look.

"Fancy coming next door with me... I saw a bracelet that I liked and want to check it out," Fiona asked smiling, she was sure Kim and Emily would be able to catch up with them and they wouldn't be going far; they would be just outside.

Sophia nodded her head and she picked up her bags, so that they could go since the four friends were going to head for some dinner after this; they were all hungry after their day shopping.

Stepping out of the shop, the two friends talked about making plans to come up to Seattle again before Christmas; they would be able to do some Christmas shopping without their wolves making a big deal about it.

Walking towards the shop that Fiona wanted to see, Sophia's blue eyes fleeted over the people around her; she knew better than to let her guard down anywhere that she went.

"Has Paul said anything about going back to school to you?" Fiona asked chewing on her lip, she was hoping that Jacob would graduate normally since she wanted him to have a proper education instead of the rushed one that she and Sophia had.

Sophia opened her mouth to reply before she spotted two people that she certainly wasn't expecting, her stomach turned wondering what they were doing in Seattle.

"Soph... are you okay?" Fiona asked noticing the colour slightly drain from her best friend's face, the blonde completely stopped walking as she watched the two people in the distance.

"Is anyone in there?" Fiona asked waving a hand in front of Sophia's face, she looked around trying to work out what Sophia was staring at; she couldn't see anyone that she recognised in the street.

Sophia blinked taking a deep breath, she had no idea what to make of what she was seeing but she knew that if she had seen them then there was a chance they'd be coming to see her soon.

"I can't believe it," Sophia muttered shaking her head, she started to walk again wondering why they hadn't told her that they were going to be in Seattle; it was almost as if they were trying to avoid her on purpose and it made her worry.

"What?" Fiona asked looking around again, she couldn't see what her friend was talking about and she wondered for a moment if maybe the boys had come to Seattle bored without them.

Fiona didn't want to consider that Sophia had spotted Bella with one of the Cullens, she wasn't in the mood to make nice with the leech-lover and hoped that it was something else.

"That is my mother and father," Sophia explained pointing out the blonde woman and the brown-haired man that was down the street from them; they had come out of a restaurant and where now stopped outside some expensive shop that was across from it.

"What are they doing in Seattle? I thought you said they wouldn't come to Bella's wedding," Fiona replied staring at the couple, she could understand why Sophia had been surprised to see them and she wondered what they were doing here.

Fiona watched the couple for a moment, she could see that Sophia favoured her mother's looks more than her father's; it made her wonder personality wise who she was more like.

"I don't know... they usually go the Hamptons around this time," Sophia replied a little un-nerved, she knew that Charlie would have told her if her parents had changed their minds about attending Bella's wedding.

This didn't make any sense and Sophia wished that she knew what was going to happen now.

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