Chapter Ninety-One: Halloween Revenge

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"Thank you again for doing this," Emily said handing the directions to Sophia, she had so much to do for tonight's party and had asked her friend to run to Port Angeles to pick some things up for her.

Mia was spending the afternoon with her father who was excited to take her trick-or-treating later that evening and Sophia was more than happy to help Emily out since everyone else was busy.

"It's no problem," Sophia replied knowing that it shouldn't take her long to pick up what Emily needed for the bonfire, she couldn't remember the last time that they'd been able to enjoy one without any issues.

Sophia was looking forward to the bonfire, she and Paul planned to announce their engagement that evening and she was looking forward to telling everyone; she didn't see the need in hiding how much she loved Paul.

"Are you looking forward to tonight?" Emily asked having already heard how much trouble there had been over who was taking Mia out on her first trick-or-treating; Paul and Jason still weren't used to sharing Mia and it was clear they would take time to get used to it.

"Of course, Mia looks so cute in her costume," Sophia replied thinking about the pumpkin costume that she had gotten for her daughter, she looked so adorable and she couldn't wait to take her out in it.

Emily laughed and nodded her head, she was hopeful that Paul and Jason would be able to put their differences aside when it came to Mia; the last thing the toddler needed was to be caught between two warring parents.

"I shouldn't be long hopefully I won't get caught in any traffic," Sophia said pocketing her list, she knew how busy Port Angeles could get especially in the shops that Emily was asking her to go to.

Emily waved her off before she turned her attention back to preparing food for the bonfire, she was looking forward to that night and she was sure it would be a good one.


Sophia was almost glad that she hadn't brought Mia with her as she loaded her car with everything that she had picked up, the sun was starting to disappear from the sky and she knew she wouldn't get back to La Push until it was dark.

Sophia closed the back door of her car and took out her phone to text Jason, she hoped that he wouldn't go trick-or-treating without her; she wanted to be there for such a big moment for Mia.

Putting her mobile back into her jean pocket, Sophia moved to get back into her car so that she could take the long drive home; she was just glad that she had nothing that needed to go into the freezer with her.

Sophia carefully turned on some quiet music as she drove out of Port Angeles and made the drive home, she sat her mobile on the phone holder in case someone called her; she didn't really like the long drive but there was no way around it because of where she lived.

Sophia mouthed along to the words as a song that she knew came on, she smiled glad that there wasn't any traffic on the road and she didn't have to worry speeding drivers; it set her at ease that she seemed to be the only one around and she didn't have to worry about idiot drivers.

Sophia kept driving at a steady speed as it slowly started to get dark around the car, she chewed on her lip as she flicked the headlights on knowing that it was better to be safe than sorry.

Charlie had told her that there had been quite a few accidents recently coming into Forks and Sophia couldn't imagine the wrecks that her uncle had seen in the past few weeks.

Sophia hummed along with the song on the radio, she liked this one and she hadn't been able to get it out of her head for weeks now.

Suddenly out of the shadows a figure jumped from the trees just in front of Sophia's car making her quickly swerve out of the way; she cursed trying to stop her car as it launched itself off the road in an attempt to avoid the person.

Sophia's little blue car disappeared over the bank at the side of the road and skidded down the slope that was on the other side; there was little that Sophia could do put hold onto her stirring wheel for dear life.

The Nissan Micra ploughed into a tree coming to an abrupt halt as a branch smashed through the windscreen; Sophia smacked her head on the wheel before her airbag deployed at the impact and knocked her unconscious for a few moments.

It didn't take Sophia long to come around, she groaned and touched her head wincing at the sharp pain; her hand was covered in blood and she knew that she was in big trouble this time.

Sophia carefully removed her seatbelt and climbed out of the car, she held on to anything that she could so that she didn't fall down; the stud strap ankle boots that she was wearing making it hard for her to climb up the hill again.

Sophia only spared a glance back at her car, it was a mess and she could already tell she'd had a lucky escape; her ribs protested as she climbed up the hill and she was sure she'd broken a couple of them.

Getting to the top of hill, Sophia looked around trying to spot the thing that had caused her to crash; it reminded her so much of the time that she had been attacked by Victoria, it made her a little nervous.

"Poetic isn't it," said a voice making Sophia turn around, she blinked at the blonde vampire and she felt sick as her stomach turned; her head was killing her and she felt dizzy.

Irina smirked walking towards Sophia, she wondered if the human realised that she was bleeding from the stomach; the crash had gone better than expected and Alice would have seen it by now.

"This is how it started for you and this is how it ends," Irina continued stopping just a couple of feet from Sophia, she wondered how long it would take for the wolves to show up after what had happened.

Irina was counting on the fact that she knew some of them were on patrol, she wanted them to arrive just as she finished Sophia off; they would give her the death that she wanted and she would have her revenge.

Sophia's legs gave way and she dropped to the floor, she didn't know what was happening and she felt so confused; she stared at Irina wondering why she was doing this.

"So fragile... I really don't see what everyone finds so fascinating about you," Irina mused with a smile, she had grown fed up with the constant need to protect human life; she was bored with everything now that Laurant was gone.

Irina wanted to be with him, he had showed her that it was okay to make mistakes and she had loved him for it; he had made everything seemed so beautiful and she'd wanted to travel with him.

Sophia opened her mouth to say something when she heard a wolf howl, she prayed it was one of the pack and that they would be here soon.

Irina sighed knowing that her time was growing short, she had never planned on really dragging this out; she rushed over to Sophia and pinned her to the floor with one of her feet.

Blood marred the orange print twist knot jersey top that Sophia was wearing making Irina smile before she slowly started to press down on the already damaged ribs; she didn't stop as Sophia started to choke on her own blood and the world around her grew dark.

Irina could only watch knowing that soon it would all be over for the both of them, she closed her eyes as the wolves descended.


Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay. I wasn't sure how I wanted this chapter to play out x

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