Chapter Thirty-Four: Quileute Anger

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"He did what?" Paul snarled down the phone as his girlfriend explained to him what the red haired leech had done to her car; his hands shook furiously as everyone in Emily's home stared at him worried. 

They had been worried when Sophia hadn't shown up and no one had heard from her until now, they hadn't known what was keeping her but they knew it had something to do with the leeches. 

"Are you and Mia okay?" Paul said through gritted teeth, he couldn't believe that one of the Cullens had done that to her car just to stop her coming to him. 

Things were already difficult with him not being able to go up to Forks to check on her and Mia since it was against the treaty. 

Emily stepped closer to Sam as she looked at Paul worried, she didn't know what had happened yet but she could see that it had made Paul furious. 

"I swear Phia, I'm going to find a way to come and see you... Cullen won't get away with this," Paul said knowing that he needed to talk with Sam first, he needed to see his imprint and he didn't care what it took. 

Sam frowned watching his friend knowing that he couldn't allow that to happen, he knew it was only asking for trouble and they didn't need that right now with Victoria still hovering around. 

"What happened?" Kim asked worried clinging to Jared's side, she knew better than to go anywhere near Paul right now; he was still shaking and didn't have the best control. 

Jared held her close to him knowing that his best friend wasn't in the best places right now and he knew how worried Paul had been when Sam had told him that Sophia hadn't shown up. 

"Bella's leech took the engine from her car so she couldn't come down, then mother leech offered her a job to sweeten Charlie up," Paul spat trying to calm himself down before he phased in the house again. 

Emily swallowed knowing that the treaty currently had nothing in it to protect Sophia, she didn't live on Quileute soil and wouldn't be able to move there for another few years when she was old enough. 

"Who the hell does that?" Leah asked looking at Paul, she was still coming to terms with the fact that she was a wolf but she had to admit that she could understand why Paul wasn't happy about his imprint being kept from him like that. 

Paul took a shaky breath attempting to calm himself, he knew what he wanted and he couldn't believe that the Cullens were messing with his imprint; he knew that this was the last thing that he wanted right now. 

"Call Dr. Fang... tell him we want the treaty amending now," Paul said looking to Sam, they couldn't allow the Cullens to get away with what they had done. 

The pack looked at Sam knowing that they couldn't allow this to slide especially since Sophia and Mia would be exposed to the Cullens since Bella had taken Edward back.


"Uncle Charlie?" Sophia asked stepping into her uncle's bedroom, she had just settled Mia down for bed and had decided now was the right time to speak with her uncle about the offer that Esme had made. 

Sophia had thought long and hard about her to discuss this with her uncle without bringing him into the secret that wasn't hers to share. 

Sophia might not have said anything to her uncle when the offer was first made but she knew that if she reacted in a sensible manner now that he would understand why she wasn't going to take the job offer even if he wanted her to. 

"Could I talk to you?" Sophia asked walking further into her uncle's bedroom, she was glad that Bella had gone to bed early so that there would be no interruptions while she spoke to Charlie. 

Charlie nodded his head looking up at Sophia as she shifted nervously, he'd had so much on his mind lately that he was surprised that she had waited until now to come and talk to him. 

"I won't be taking the job that Mrs Cullen offered," Sophia said calmly crossing her arms, her blue eyes watched her uncle as she ran over the points in her head that she had made to explain why she would not be taking that job. 

"I know you are disappointed however I can't take a job with that family, not after what they have done to my own," Sophia said with a shake of her head, she watched her uncle as a frown formed on his face. 

Sophia hadn't wanted to add more stress to her uncle's day after what had happened with Edward, she was worried about his blood pressure as it was and she knew that doing things this way that the Cullens wouldn't be able to stop her and convince Charlie that she was being silly. 

"I've spoken to Sue and she says that there is a job going down on La Push where she works," Sophia said attempting to ease her uncle's mind. Money was the least of her problems but she did want to prove for her daughter in some way on her own. 

Charlie nodded his head watching his niece, he was a little disappointed that she wasn't going to take the job but he could understand why. 

Sophia had been far from warm with any of the Cullens and Charlie had expected her to throw a tantrum when he had accepted the job for her; he was actually surprised that she had decided to come and speak to him this way. 


Sam carefully shifted back into his human form as the pack meet the Cullens at the treaty line, he eyed the seven vampires warily knowing that this was not going to be an easy meeting. 

"You wished to talk to us about the treaty?" Carlisle asked cautiously as he looked at the wolves, his eyes moving over each of the wolves knowing that they had called this meeting for a reason. 

Sam nodded his head moving forward slightly to show that he was the alpha of the new pack, he glanced at Paul whose eyes were locked on Edward knowing that he was still angry about what had happened. 

"We wish to discuss the Swans," Sam said focusing back on Carlisle, he wanted to make it clear that while they had no interest in Bella now that she was back with the leeches; Sophia and Mia were under pack protection and were untouchable to them. 

Edward wrinkled his nose in disgust as he eyed the wolves, he didn't know why they were interested in his Bella's family but it wouldn't change anything. 

"Bella's family are none of your concern mutt... they are perfectly safe under our protection," Edward stated thinking about the oddly protective thoughts that came from one of the grey wolves about Sophia and her daughter. 

Paul snarled furiously as he stepped forward, his eyes locked on the smug vampire knowing who he was since Jacob had helpfully pointed him out. 

"I am afraid that isn't possible... Sophia is an imprint and as such is a member of this pack," Sam replied trying to keep things calm. 

The last thing that he wanted was a fight to break out and that was why he had stopped Paul heading up to the house to check on Sophia and Mia; it would only end in war if he did. 

"That's disgusting," Edward said picking the brains of the wolves to find out what imprinting was, his golden eyes staring at the pack in disgust. 

Paul bared his teeth at the vampire knowing that he had an issue to settle with Edward and he wasn't going to let it go. 

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