Chapter Fifty-Two: The Pack Bonfire

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"Is it weird for you?" Fiona asked looking at Jason and Leah across the bonfire, it had been weeks since he had come back into Sophia's life and things had slowly fallen into a routine. 

Sophia hadn't been surprised when Jason had made the permanent move up from California to live in Forks, he currently had his own apartment in Forks and was working at the local police station with Charlie. 

Sophia was however grateful that Jason had started to date Leah and it had relieved Paul immensely that her ex-boyfriend wasn't a threat to their relationship. 

"No... I'm glad that he is happy," Sophia said smiling sitting Mia down on her knee, she was a little nervous about how tonight would go. 

Sam had spoken with both Jacob and Leah, who had decided that they were really to let their imprints in on the pack secret; it would have been the same night that Sophia would have found out if Victoria hadn't attacked her. 

Paul sat down beside his imprint and wrapped his arm around her knowing that after today, things would be so much easier. 

Mia cooed softly as she lifted up her arms to Paul wanting to be picked up, it was clear to anyone that looked at the four month old loved Paul as much as she loved Jason. 

Fiona smiled as she watched Paul fuss over Sophia's daughter, she was so happy for her friend and she couldn't believe that she had found someone to spend her life with. 

Jacob sat down next to Fiona and smiled at her, he took her hand hoping that she would be okay with what she was about to learn; Fiona was completely different than Sophia and he had no idea how she would take the news that he exploded into a ball of fluff whenever he lost his temper.


Fiona listened in awe as Billy told the tribal legends, she had lived in Forks all of her life and she had never heard the legends told like this. 

Fiona couldn't help but glance around the bonfire as Billy spoke, her brown eyes looking at each of the group as she wondered if any of the legends where true. 

Jacob was sat stiffly by her side knowing that once his father had finished talking that he would led Fiona away from the gathering and tell her that what she was hearing was true. 

Fiona shifted Austin on her knee as she listened to Billy talk, she knew that she was only here because she was dating Jacob; it had only occurred a couple of weeks back but she was gate-crashing out council meeting right no. 

The legends soon came to an end and Jacob took Fiona's hand as he took a nervous breath, he looked at Emily who would be watching Austin while he let Fiona in on the tribal secret. 

Sophia offered him a reassuring smile, she really hoped that Fiona wouldn't freak out when she learnt the pack's secret. 

"I can watch Austin for you," Emily said stepping forward to take the five month old, she glanced at Jacob knowing that this wasn't going to be easy. 

Emily had found out that Sam was a wolf when he had accidentally phased in front of her giving her the scars she now cared and Sophia had been a vampire target when she had found out. 

Kim was the only one to actually make it to this stage and be told after a bonfire, she had been too excited about Jared's new found feelings for her to even care about the whole shape-shifting thing. 

Fiona nodded her head carefully handing over her son, she was a little relieved that she would be able to have some time with her boyfriend.

"Do you want to go for a walk?" Jacob asked smiling at his imprint nervously, he glanced at Sophia and Paul knowing that he was going to speak to Fiona alone as was Leah and Jason. 

They didn't want their imprints feeling overwhelmed by the new information that they were about to be given; it wasn't going to be an easy reveal for them. 

Fiona nodded her head taking Jacob's hand, she wasn't sure why he looked so nervous but she was sure that it couldn't be anything important. 

Sophia watched her friend walk away with Jacob, she felt nervous about how her friend could react to the news that she was about to be given; it was going to be a nasty shock for Fiona if she didn't handle it well. 

"It'll be okay," Paul whispered wrapping an arm around his girlfriend, he was glad that Jason would know about the wolves since he felt a little awkward around Sophia's ex-boyfriend. 

In the nine weeks that he had been dating Sophia, he had never felt threatened by anyone else in his imprint's life; however Jason was a threat that Paul wanted rid of. 

The other man was Mia's father and Paul was still adjusting to the fact that Jason was always going to be around; he was however glad that Jason had his own place to stay and wasn't staying at Sophia's house. 

"I know," Sophia mumbled looking at Paul, she pressed a kiss to his cheek sure that Fiona and Jason would react well to the news that they were now a part of the supernatural world.


"Get away from them," Jason snapped storming back towards the bonfire followed by a panicked looking Leah; the pack all stopped and looked at him as Sophia sat Mia on her lap. 

Paul frowned at Jason's demand, this wasn't going to end well and something had set the other man off; he glanced at Leah who seemed hurt about what was happening. 

"Sophia we are leaving this instant," Jason demanded glaring at the wolves around the camp fire, he hadn't believed for a moment that his new girlfriend was a werewolf before she had changed for him. 

That had been a nasty wakeup call and Jason knew he didn't want Mia growing up around this freakiness; he wanted to get his daughter somewhere safe and that couldn't happen here. 

"We can't stay here," Jason said approaching his ex-girlfriend, he knew that she wasn't going to like this but they needed to get away before one of the wolves imprinted on Mia. 

Leah had barely been able to explain what imprinting was before he had come storming back to the bonfire intent on taking Mia way from the pack. 

"We're safer here than anywhere else," Sophia reasoned looking at Leah, she felt her heart go out to the she-wolf and she knew that Jason really didn't understand what was going on. 

The pack were silent as Jason tried to convince Sophia to leave with him to protect their daughter; however it didn't last long as Jacob returned carrying an unconscious Fiona in his arms.

"This seems to be going well," Embry tried to joke as everyone stared at Jacob as he came closer, they certainly hadn't been expecting any of this to happen. Jason was demanding to leave the reservation with Sophia and Mia, while Fiona had clearly fainted in shock. 

Emily sighed pushing herself to her feet knowing that she had to do something, Sam was currently alpha of the pack and as his imprint she was the leader of the others until a time when Jacob took over. 

Leah stared hopelessly at her imprint wondering if he was going to calm down, he had freaked out and she didn't know how she felt about that yet. 

Everything had been going so well until the bonfire and now everything had fallen apart.

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