Chapter Forty-Six: Getting Help

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Emily looked between Paul and Sophia as the couple sat away from each other in her dining room, she wasn't sure what had happened but it was very clear that they were fighting.

It had been two days since Sophia had moved in with Sam and Emily after she had decided that she no longer felt safe to raise her daughter under her uncle's roof because of her crazy cousin.

In those two days Sophia had spent a lot of her time trying to convince Paul that it would be okay for her to go to Seattle, she had even told him that she would take a member of the pack with her and he had still refused.

"Is everything okay between you two?" Emily asked setting some muffins on the table, her brown eyes looking between the couple.

Paul was glaring at the television as if it had offended him in some way while Sophia was playing with Mia at the kitchen table ignoring him completely.

"We're fine," the couple snapped at the same time without even looking at one another, they were both furious after their latest argument and neither could believe that the other wasn't backing down.

Emily blinked a little taken back at their tones, she really didn't know what was going on right now but she had a feeling that hot-tempered Paul had finally met his match with Sophia.

"Okay then," Emily said wandering back to the kitchen, she looked over at Sam confused as he shrugged at her.

The majority of the pack eyed Paul concerned, they weren't sure how much longer he could keep this up but they had a feeling that Sophia was going to drag this out until Paul admitted defeat.

"Have you heard from Fiona?" Jacob asked curiously sitting down beside Sophia, he hadn't heard any news from his imprint and he was starting to worry about her and Austin.

Jacob wasn't sure what had happened with Bella but it was somehow linked to his imprint, there were rumours all over Forks about Fiona and her son right now and it was clear one of them was true.

Sophia shook her head offering a weak smile to Jacob, she hadn't heard a thing from Fiona and she guessed that it had something to do with the fact that Austin's paternity was now town gossip.

Sophia had left Fiona a message telling her to contact her when she could, she guessed that Fiona's parents had been far from pleased about the reveal of the father of their grandson.

"Are the rumours true about her and Newton?" Embry asked curiously watching Sophia knowing that the blonde was best friend's with Fiona and would know the truth.

Everyone turned to look at Sophia who paused as an awkward silence filled the air, it wasn't her place to say anything and she cursed Bella for spilling the beans to Mike's on-off girlfriend.

Jessica Stanley and her best friend Lauren Mallory had wasted no time in spreading horrible rumours about Fiona and Austin; they were doing everything in their power to cause as much damage as they could to the teenage mother's life.

"I have to go... Sue wanted to see me about something," Sophia lied quickly getting up and hurried out of the house with Mia, she knew that Paul would have noticed but there was no way that she was answering that question.


"What is it you want?" Leah asked leaning against the door frame to her home and stared at Sophia and her daughter.

The she-wolf was a little surprised that Paul had allowed his imprint near her since she was considered a threat to all of the imprints right now.

Leah couldn't help but think that it was Sam's way of trying to make this entire thing easier on her since he now had her cousin but it only made Leah fell more isolated than ever before.

The she-wolf could still remember how kind Sophia had been to her when her father had passed away and it was one of the reasons why she sort of liked the blonde.

Sophia didn't pity her nor had she ever told Leah to ever get over the pain that she felt, she had just offered her an ear to listen if the she-wolf had ever needed it.

"I wanted to ask you a favour," Sophia said carefully eyeing Leah, she had been doing a lot of thinking while she wasn't speaking to Paul and had come to only one conclusion.

Sophia was determined to go to meet her grandmother one way or another and if Paul wasn't going to take her then there had to be a wolf, who would.

"I know that you don't owe me anything Leah but I don't know who else to turn to right now," Sophia said shifting her hold on Mia, she continued to watch the cold and indifferent look on Leah's face as she tried to work out what to say next.

Leah's brown eyes bore into the other woman's face as she crossed her arms, she was a little surprised that Sophia had come to her since she was the cold-bitter harpy of the pack.

Leah had been doing everything in her power since she had phased to cause the rest of the pack pain; she didn't want them to see how much she was hurting herself.

"But Paul's being a jackass so... I was wondering if you could take me and Mia to Seattle tomorrow," Sophia queried awkwardly, she had never really spoken to Leah other than at Harry's funeral and it felt weird to ask this of her.

Leah stared at Sophia a little surprised, she had only ever seen imprints being loved up with one another and she had to admit she didn't think that they could really fight.

Leah tried to avoid the happiness that Sam and Emily, Jared and Kim shared and she hadn't really seen much of Paul and Sophia since the blonde had been stuck up in Forks a lot recently.

"And what would I get out of this little trip?" Leah asked raising an eyebrow it would be a three and a half hour drive to Seattle and it wouldn't take the pack long to realise that they had disappeared.

"You can pick the music on the drive, talk my ear off about any problems that you have, it'll really annoy Paul and the others..." Sophia listed attempting to think of things that Leah might like; the blonde really didn't know much about the woman in front of her and found herself running out of ideas quickly.

Mia babbled looking at Leah, she tilted her head at the she-wolf who was trying so hard not to stare at the adorable infant.

"You had me at picking the music," Leah said grinning nodding at Sophia, she had to admit that the idea of annoying the rest of the pack was a wonderful bonus.

None of them had paid her any attention since she had phased, they didn't care how she was really feeling nor the fact that she blamed herself for her father's death and yet here was someone who did.

Sophia was the first person in a long time to seek her out and take an interest in her that wasn't tribal related or family; it was actually nice to feel wanted even if it was just to take her to Seattle since Paul refused to do so.

"I'll pick you up at nine... everyone else should be at work or school so they won't notice us slip away," Leah murmured starting to plan in her head, she didn't have a job anymore since she had phased but she knew where everyone else from the pack was going to be.

The shared pack mind actually did have its benefits if you didn't want anyone to find you and this was one of those times of need.

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