Chapter Sixty-Nine: Planning for the Future

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Edward pursed his lips as Sam climbed out of Bella's truck, he had worried when he had heard that Carlisle had outed Alice's little secret especially since Bella was down on the reservation.

Edward didn't understand why Bella was so worried about Jacob, he guessed that it had something to do with Jacob being the one to heal her after the mess that he had left behind.

Bella drove over the line before she hopped out of her truck and hurried over to him, she looked no worse for wear and Edward was relieved; he looked over at Sam knowing that he wished to talk.

"They wouldn't let me see Jake," Bella whimpered looking at her fiancé throwing her arms around him without hurting herself; she closed her eyes thinking that Edward would be able to change that.

Edward smiled a little, he had never liked Bella's odd attachment to the werewolf and he hoped that they would now focus on their impending marriage.

"It's for the best love," Edward murmured, he didn't trust any of the wolves and the sooner that Bella got over Jacob the better; he didn't like the thoughts that the pack had about his fiancée.

Sam stared at the two from across the treaty line, he would never understand the attachment that Edward had to someone like Bella.

Edward glared at Sam, he wrapped an arm around Bella wishing that the wolf would just leave; he had no interest in listening to what was going to be said right now.

"I wish to remind you Cullens that the full treaty is now back in place," Sam said knowing that he couldn't have been happier that it was, he didn't want any Cullens thinking that they could come into pack land.

Edward nodded his head, he knew what this meant and it worried him what they would do if they changed Bella; he didn't want any more trouble for his family right now.

Sam stared at the vampire, he watched him for a moment before looking at Bella as he thought about what to do with the situation; he didn't want Bella coming back and none of the pack would miss her.

"Bella is now included in the treaty... she is your fiancée and I expect you to explain to her the full agreement that we have," Sam continued crossing his arms, he was banning Bella from ever returning to La Push and he didn't care what anyone had to say about any of this.

Bella stared at him, she pouted realising that if she was included in the treaty then she wouldn't be able to come and see Jacob anymore; she wanted to tell him about her engagement and keep him as her best friend.

"Agreed," Edward said pleased with how this was working out and he would be able to keep Bella from going to see her former friend now.

Bella opened her mouth to argue before Edward shushed her, she pouted and stomped her foot while she started to think of ways that she could see Jacob again.

"We'll agree to allow you to change Bella... but once you do you must leave Forks and never return," Sam said not wanting to spend all evening dealing with the vampires; it would be a fair agreement and they would never have to worry about what had happened this time again.

Edward stared at Sam for a moment and nodded his head, he was sure that Carlisle would be fine with this agreement especially with Bella being so insistent on being turned.

"Good... I'll be in touch with the new improved treaty," Sam muttered with a nod of his head, he turned around and walked away not looking back at Edward or Bella.

The sooner that they married and left the better, the pack wanted the Cullens gone and then there would be peace that hadn't been there since they had arrived.


Sophia brushed her fingers through Mia's hair and smiled watching her little girl sleep, she couldn't believe that everything had calmed down so quickly and that no one but Jacob had been truly hurt.

Sophia closed her eyes, she didn't know how lucky that they had all been but she was happy that things were going to be quiet from now on; she hated to think about more trouble coming their way.

Paul watched her from the doorway, he took a deep breath knowing that he wanted to ask her something; his eyes lingered on the knitted cuff silver bracelet that lay around her wrist.

"Phia," Paul whispered making Sophia look back at him, he smiled a little as she walked towards him and wrapped her arms around her; he held her close before closing the door to Mia's room so that they didn't wake her up.

Sophia closed her eyes, it had been a long day and she was glad that he had come home to her safe; she didn't know what she would have done if he hadn't.

"It'll be okay," Paul reassured pressing a kiss to the top of Sophia's head, he was glad that things were finished now with the Cullens and he was sure that it would be okay when the Cullens left Forks.

Sophia rested a head against Paul's chest, she wrapped her arms around his waist; things could have been so much worse and they had all been so lucky.

"Do you think Uncle Charlie will be okay?" Sophia asked pulling back a little and looking up at Paul, she didn't want Charlie to be hurt when Bella left him behind; he had no idea what was coming for him.

Paul took a deep breath, he had a feeling that there was little that they would be able to do to protect Charlie from the selfishness of his daughter.

"He's stronger than he looks," Paul replied trying to reassure his girlfriend, no one was happy with what Bella was doing and it was going to be a horrible shock for Charlie when he attended his daughter's funeral.

"I have something to ask you, I know we haven't been together long so this isn't a proposal," Paul whispered taking a chance, he couldn't resist and he had been thinking about doing this for a long time.

Sophia stared at her boyfriend, she didn't know where he was going with this and she hoped that he wasn't about to do something that would be too drastic.

Paul took a deep breath, he felt nervous and after the day that he'd had where he hadn't known what to expect he knew what he wanted; he wanted a reminder that he had future with Sophia and Mia.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you and Mia... I'm not asking you to marry me, I'm just asking you to wear this ring so that in the future when the time comes that we will get married," Paul said nervously pulling out the sterling silver diamond solitaire cluster promise ring; it was a step up from the betrothal bracelet that she was currently wearing.

Sophia stared at Paul with tears in her eyes, she couldn't believe that he had done this and how sweet he was being; she was one of the only people who got to see this side of Paul.

"Paul... that is so sweet, of course I'll wear it," Sophia whispered in awe, she couldn't believe that he had gotten her a promise ring; she was sure that she would have noticed that he had bought something like that.

Paul chuckled slipping the promise ring onto her finger, he loved the idea of everyone knowing that she was spoken for; he didn't want anyone doubting how committed he was to her.

Sophia was everything that Paul had ever wanted and the past three months had been amazing, they might not have been ready to get engaged like Sam or Emily yet but they were happy.

Paul kissed Sophia, they would move at their own pace and take the next step when they were both ready.

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