Chapter Nine: Talking with Jacob

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Bella chewed on her lip as she sat outside Jacob’s house in her truck, she knew that she shouldn’t be here but she couldn’t take the silence anymore and she needed to see him again.

Bella bounced her knee knowing that she had promised Charlie that she wouldn’t do this, but he knew what she was like when she got an idea in her head there was no stopping her.

Bella frowned spotting Jacob exiting his house dressed in just a set of cropped jeans and some old worn trainers; she quickly climbed out of the cab of her truck and into the pouring freezing rain.

“Jacob! You cut your hair off? And got a tattoo? I thought you were too sick to come outside or pick up the phone when I call,” Bella shouted chasing after her best friend wanting answers about what was going on.

Bella looked at him concerned as Jacob slowly came to a stop and looked at her, she didn’t understand why he had just cut her out of his life; she knew he liked her more than a friend but she had told him time and time again that she wasn’t ready to date again.

“Go away,” Jacob murmured turning to look at Bella, he wasn’t even surprised that she had come down to see him; they’d been spending a lot of time together lately but now that had to stop.

Jacob knew that she wouldn’t be safe around him now that he had changed, his entire life had been turned on its head in the last week and now he was stuck like this.

“What happened to you? Did Sam do this to you?” Bella questioned looking at her best friend, he had changed so much since she had last seen him and she knew that this was down to Sam Uley; the brunette recalled how scared her best friend had been of him.

Jacob had lost Embry to the La Push gang and had been worried when Sam started paying too much attention to him and now he was like this.

“No Sam's trying to help me. Don't blame him! But if you want to blame someone blame your little bloodsucking friends of yours, The Cullens.” Jacob spat sick at the idea that his best friend had willingly dated a vampire.

Bella swallowed as she stepped back at the way that Jacob was speaking to her, she was shocked and wondered what could have happened while he had been away from her.

“I don't know what you’re talking about,” Bella denied with a shake of her head, she knew that there was no way that he could know that the Cullens had been vampires.

The last time that she had checked, Jacob hadn’t even believed the legends that his tribe had, he had been the one to clue her in on what Edward was even if he didn’t know what he had done.

“You know exactly what I'm talking about. You've been lying to everyone. Charlie... Sophia… but you can't lie to me. Not anymore. Look, Bella... we can't be friends anymore,” Jacob said knowing that he had to end this now.

Everything had changed once he had started phasing and he couldn’t be close to Bella anymore and that was the order that Sam had given him; it was the same order that everyone else had been given.

“I know that I have been... hurting you. It's... it's killing me. It kills me. If you, may be, give me like some time,” Bella pleaded desperately, she was only just recovering from what had happened with Edward and she knew that there was no way that she wanted to date straight away.

But she couldn’t lose Jacob, he was her best friend and had been the one to start putting her back together; she would do anything to keep him.

“Don't! It's not you,” Jacob said trying to stay in control, he really didn’t want to have to hurt Bella; she didn’t deserve what was happening and she would react badly when he did this.

Bella swallowed brushing some wet hair from her face, her brown eyes looking at Jacob sadly wondering what she could do to fix this; she hated that he had resorted to this.

“It's not you, it's me, right? Really?” Bella said shaking her head, she stepped back as she realised that this was just like what had happened to Edward; she couldn’t bear to face what was happening.

After everything that she had been through, she didn’t need to lose Jacob like she had lost Edward; she wasn’t sure that she would be able to cope if she did.

“It's true! It is me. I'm not good. I used to be... a great kid. Not anymore. This doesn't even matter, alright? This is over,” Jacob replied looking behind him at the forest knowing that Sam and the others were watching.

They had all done this when they had phased and the only people who knew about them were the tribal council and the imprints.

Jacob had pleaded with Sam so that he didn’t have to leave Bella behind, he knew that she needed him however nothing that he could say that would change the alpha’s mind.

“You can't break up with me. I mean... I mean, you're my best friend. You promised me,” Bella pleaded blinking back tears, she didn’t know what she would do if this was the end; she had just started to get better and now her sun was being taken from her.

Sophia was doing so much to help Bella and the brunette knew that her cousin wasn’t going to be happy, they had been working on getting her into a good college and Bella had been helping her with school work so she could get her GED.

“I know. I promised that I won't hurt you, Bella. And this is me keeping that promise. Go home. And don't come back, or you're gonna get hurt,” Jacob said with one last look at Bella before he walked away leaving her in the rain.


“What happened?” Sophia demanded looking up from the book that she was reading to Mia and stared at her cousin in shock at her dripping wet form.

The blonde carefully moved off the couch with Mia in her arms and frowned knowing that Bella had been making a nuisance of herself.

“Jake broke up with me,” Bella whimpered making Sophia look at her, her expression softening as she realised that the Quileute had turned his back on her cousin.

Sophia cursed him in her mind knowing that this could set Bella back, she knew that Bella had been working hard recently and had been focusing on her future.

“Let’s get you out of those wet clothes and into a hot bath,” Sophia said softly knowing that Charlie didn’t need to come home to find Bella in such a state, she could only imagine the trouble that would come around if he did.

Bella nodded her head as she looked at Sophia, she was glad that she still had her cousin and she knew that the blonde would look after her.

Sophia quickly ushered Bella upstairs and sent her into her bedroom before she head into the bathroom and started to fill the bath-tub with hot water and some lavender scented bubble bath.

Sophia bounced Mia in her arms knowing that she was glad that she had sworn off boys after having her daughter; she needed to be able to focus right now and not have any drama.

Sophia watched the bath fill as she thought about what Jacob had done, she knew that Bella was going to take several steps back after this. Sophia chewed on her lip as she looked down at her daughter, she wasn’t going to allow Jacob to get away with this.

Sophia stopped the bath and sighed moving to tell Bella that it was ready, her mind was already making plans so that she could go down to the reservation and confront Jacob for what he had said to her cousin.

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