Chapter Five: Redecorating Bella's Room

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Sophia tied her hair back looking around Bella's room, she had several hours to get the room done and since Bella was going to down to La Push after school it meant that Sophia had a little more time than usual. 

Her plan was simple enough, she had even managed to find the exact same paint Charlie had used when he had last painted the room with the help of Sue at the store while she had picked out her own paint. 

"Okay kiddo, what are we doing first?" Charlie asked walking into the room, he looked around surprised how much Sophia had been able to do while he was on the phone. 

Most of the furniture had been moved out of the way and Charlie frowned as he spotted some markings on the wall that looked like scratch marks. 

"I have already bagged all of her stuff so that it won't get damaged, so we can start painting right away," Sophia replied looking around, there was a chance that Bella would snap when she saw what they had done to her bedroom. 

They were really only given the walls a fresh lick of paint and cleaning around but given Bella's stand-offish attitude since their conversation the other night Sophia couldn't help but feel a little anxious. 

Charlie nodded his head, knowing that Bella hadn't wanted to change anything after the Cullens had left and she had thrown a fit when Renee had shown up to take her to Florida. 

The two quickly got to work on Bella's bedroom, they wanted the room dry before she came home so that she wouldn't be able to try and do something drastic like how she had ripped out the car radio that Edward's brother had gotten her. 

Plus, it meant that she'd hopefully be able to sleep in her room tonight if the paint was all dry and Sophia had put out onions in water to help with the smell. 

"What do you want to do about school?" Charlie asked awkwardly once they had started painting, Sophia would have been in her junior year but since she had been forced to drop out and home schooled, he wasn't sure what to do. 

Sophia took a deep breath as she paused, she needed an education but there was no way that she wanted to return to school not now she had Mia to think about. 

Child care was expensive and she would never dare ask Charlie for help with that, not when he was already doing so much to help her.

Taking a few moments to consider her options, Sophia focused on the wall that she was working on as she weighed up what would be the best option for her and Mia. 

"Is it okay if I complete my GED online? I'm nearly done anyway," Sophia asked softly, looking at her uncle as they continued to paint Bella's walls already, they could see the different between the old paint and the new. 

It was strange to think how a lick of paint could change so much, the old paint looked rather dark in Sophia's opinion and rather worn despite it not being decorated that long ago when Bella had moved in with Charlie last year. 

Charlie nodded his head, he would support any decision that she made and he was glad that she was going to finish her education; he would have pushed for her to do so anyway. 

Sophia was a smart girl, she had always done well in school and it would be a shame to see all her hard work fade away just because she had become a mother at an early age.

"That's fine by me," Charlie confirmed verbally, his focus returning to the work at hand knowing that the sooner that they were done the better. 

It was still early in the morning and would take them awhile to get this done, perhaps they'd even have time to do a second coat before they had to start putting everything back in it's place. 

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