Chapter Sixty-One: Meeting with the Cullens

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Paul grumbled under his breath making his way through the forest, he didn't know why he couldn't have stayed home in bed with Sophia but the last thing he wanted to be doing was meeting with the leeches.

Victoria had been quiet the last few days and Paul was a little relieved since that meant that he got to spend more time with Sophia; she was still upset about learning Lorelei was ill.

"Why do we have to do this?" Paul grumbled looking over at Sam, all he knew was that Carlisle had called and now they were all getting together too met with the vampires.

Sam shook his head, no one was happy about this but something needed to be done; Victoria wasn't going to just leave and the pack needed to do something about it.

"A leech broke into Charlie's house last night..." Sam revealed looking at Paul, he hadn't said anything to Sophia since she had enough on her plate right now.

Paul frowned staring at the alpha, he wasn't sure why this was a problem for the pack; the house wasn't their problem anymore since Sophia didn't live there.

"Did it kill Bella?" Embry asked walking past Jacob, they all knew that there was only one reason vampires were in the area and that was Bella; it didn't make any sense that the vampire would come to Forks to visit.

"No she was up at the Cullens... left Charlie alive as well," Sam said moving towards the clearing where they were meeting the Cullens, he wanted to protect his tribe and his mind worried what this could all mean.

"You don't think it was looking for Soph do you?" Jared asked looking at Paul, it was something that set a chill through the pack; Sophia was an imprint and no vampire could ever hurt her not with them around.

Sam shook his head, he really didn't have any answers to any of this and he was sure that the Cullens had a reason for calling them in; it wasn't as if they were on good terms or friends.

The pack moved silently approaching the meeting point, all of the Cullens were already there and Bella was with them; she smiled as she spotted Jacob and waved as she cuddled into Edward's side.

"What is this about?" Sam asked as the pack came to a stop, he wanted to get home to his fiancée and didn't want to waste an evening with the vampires that had brought nothing but trouble to the tribe.

Jacob completely ignored Bella as she tried to get his attention, she didn't like how things had ended between them and she wanted her best friend and personal sun back.

"Jake," Bella whined stepping towards him while Carlisle explained a little about what had happened with the vampire that had broken into her home.

Quil and Embry shared a look before they looked at Jacob, he was so much better off with Fiona and they were just glad their friend had imprinted.

"Why are you ignoring me?" Bella said trying to get his attention, she had no interest in this meeting and had only come because she knew that her Jacob would be there and his new girlfriend wouldn't be.

Paul glanced at Bella, he was glad that she wasn't his imprint and Sophia was; he would have chucked himself off a cliff if he would have imprinted on the leech-lover.

Edward glared at him from across the field, he didn't like Paul's thoughts on his mate; he didn't know why none of the pack didn't like Bella but he didn't really care as long as they helped protect her.

"We need to team up... this divide between us is giving Victoria what she wants," Carlisle said trying to reason with Sam, they were having problems and they needed to work together for the sake of the people in Forks and La Push.

Sam stared at Carlisle thinking about what was being said, he wasn't going to rush any decisions for the sake of the vampires; they needed to think about everything that they knew about what Victoria wanted and could be planning.

"Plus we'd be happy to look after Sophia and Fiona while they are in Forks," Alice insisted excitedly bouncing a little, she had already begun to by baby clothes for Mia and Austin; she couldn't wait to spend time with them.

Paul snarled under his breath, he could hear Jacob doing the same; they didn't want their imprints anywhere near the Cullens and nothing was going to change that fact.

"There's no way my imprint is spending time with any of you leeches," Paul snapped looking at Alice, he didn't care what anyone said; it wasn't going to happen, the pack could protect her just fine.

Bella looked over at Paul confused about what had been said, she didn't know what an imprint was but it sounded important and her cousin was one.

"What's an imprint?" Bella asked staring at Jacob, she watched him as he glared at Paul for letting that bit of information slip; she was a nightmare right now and she was only going to get worse.

"It's not like love at first sight, really. It's more like... gravity moves... suddenly. It's not the earth holding you here anymore, she does... You become whatever she needs you to be, whether that's a protector, or a lover, or a friend," Jacob explained chewing on his lip, he remembered the feeling all too well; it had led him to Fiona and he couldn't have been happier about it.  

Bella nodded her head while  Edward tried to call her back to his side, he couldn't cross onto Quileute territory to get her; she was asking for trouble right now and the pack had made it clear they didn't like her.

"Am I your imprint?" Bella asked with a smile, she loved the idea of a love triangle and she would never lose Jacob if she was; she grinned stepping forward a little, Jacob stepping back as he glanced at Sam and Carlisle who were still talking.

"If you were I would have killed myself," Leah muttered loud enough for Bella to hear, she didn't even flinch as Bella turned to glare at her; she couldn't understand what anyone saw in the brat.

Bella pouted a little turning back to Jacob, she missed him defending her and wondered why he was being like this; she hated that he couldn't just be happy for her.

"No... Fiona is," Jacob clarified, he would never go back to being the pathetic puppy that he had been for Bella; not now that he had Fiona in his life, and she was all that he would ever need.

Bella stared at him as anger flooded her veins, she couldn't believe some whore had her Jacob; Fiona didn't deserve Jacob and now she was his everything.

"Bella love," Edward purred making Bella blink and look back at him, she quickly returned to his side but not before shooting a dirty look at Jacob for leaving her for someone else.

"Victoria is determined and I fear what she will do if she gets past us all, she's already made several attempts to get to Sophia," Carlisle stated peeking over at Paul, he was playing on his love for his imprint to get what he wanted and he hoped that this wasn't going to end badly.

Paul shook at the idea of losing his girlfriend, he was all too aware of how many close calls there had been; he hadn't had the heart to tell Sophia about what was going on.

Sam sighed running a hand through his hair and nodded, he was doing this for his pack brother and the sooner that Victoria had been caught the better.

"We have an agreement," Sam agreed looking at Paul, it wasn't going to be an ease truce and the Cullens wouldn't be going anywhere near the imprints but for now the treaty had been relaxed until Victoria had been stopped.

Paul nodded at him, he would do anything to protect Sophia and Mia even if it meant getting along with the Cullens for a while; it would be worth it in the end.

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