Chapter Ninety-Five: A Family Wedding

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Sipping on her orange juice, Sophia couldn't believe how fast the past few weeks had gone by and she was slowly making a full recovery from what had happened to her; she was just glad that it was all over now. 

"Are you nervous?" Sophia asked looking at her mother while she fussed over Mia, they had a few hours before they had to leave for the ceremony and she was so excited about today. 

They had recently celebrated Mia's first birthday and it had been a wonderful day for the little girl, they had kept things simple since they were all preparing for the wedding. 

"Of course not," Caroline replied cuddling her granddaughter, she honestly couldn't believe that in a few hours she would be married to the man that she had been with for the last nineteen years. 

It had always been something that Caroline insisted that she didn't need but now she couldn't wait; she wanted to make sure that everything was perfect for her big day. 

Sophia looked at her mother not completely believing her, she didn't know how anyone would be calm with such a big wedding planned. 

There were over five hundred guests expected at the hotel that afternoon and Sophia doubted that anything would prepare her for the scale of this wedding; she vowed to herself that when she and Paul got married that it would be a much smaller event. 

"Maybe a little bit," Caroline admitted knowing that she couldn't deny that she had butterflies in her stomach, she had never been so nervous before and she couldn't wait to see Jonathon when she walked down the aisle. 

Of course the occasion was mared by the fact that Bella wasn't going to be there and that they had recently buried Lorelei but everyone was determined to enjoy the day. 

Sophia smiled at her mother, she would never trade what she had now for anything; she was so happy that she had survived Irina's attack.


"You look beautiful," Paul murmured wrapping his arms around Sophia, he had never thought that they would be here and he was glad that Irina hadn't gotten what she had wanted in the end. 

Her attack might have cost her, her life but Irina hadn't managed to take Sophia's from her; she had slowly recovered from what had happened and could now walk without much help even if she found standing for a long time difficult. 

"You think so," Sophia asked peeking down at her teal V-neck ruffles floor-length A-line long bridesmaid dress; she was a little nervous about walking down the aisle and she was glad that it wasn't her wedding day. 

Nodding his head, Paul kissed Sophia knowing that he would have to leave soon; he had to find his seat and he was sure that Caroline would need Sophia's help at some point before the ceremony. 

"You look pretty handsome yourself," Sophia whispered looking up at Paul, he looked pretty dashing in his suit and she loved him even more for what he was doing for her; she doubted that he was comfortable in the stuffy suit when he ran such a high temperature. 

Paul grinned and ducked down to kiss Sophia once more only for someone to interrupt the couple; they pulled apart as Grace stared at them for a moment a little embarrassed that she had walked in on them. 

"Sorry... I was looking for Charlie," Grace apologised nervously, she had been a little surprised to get an invite to the wedding but she was happy to attend for Charlie's sake knowing how hard this was going to be for him. 

It was the first big family event that he'd had to attend since Bella had died and Grace was more than happy to support him when he needed someone.

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