Chapter Twenty-Two: Bella's Meddling

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Charlie frowned looking between Bella and Sophia, he really didn't know what had happened before he had come home from work but he knew you'd need a chainsaw to cut the tension in the room. 

"So Sophia, any plans for today?" Charlie asked peeking over at his niece who was burping Mia, he sipped on his coffee knowing that it was spring break and a lot of the local kids were off school. 

Bella glared at her cousin as she nibbled on some toast, she had her own plans for the day since Jacob was on patrol; she had no intentions of spending the day with Sophia after she had slapped her. 

"I'm heading down to La Push, Emily wants some help with her wedding plans again," Sophia replied knowing that Paul was actually coming to pick her up. 

Sophia had been invited down so that the pack could protect her and Mia from Victoria after had what had happened two days ago. 

Charlie nodded his head pleased that Sophia wasn't just going to sit around the house alone while Bella was off gallivanting with her friends; she seemed to have forgotten that Sophia didn't really know anyone in Forks. 

"What about you Bella?" Charlie asked turning his attention to his daughter, she was spending a lot of time down on the reservation these days and he had no idea what she was doing down there. 

As far as he knew, Bella was spending time with Jacob and he was sort of glad that she was moving on from Edward; Charlie was beginning to worry that she would be stuck on her ex-boyfriend forever. 

"I'm actually heading to La Push as well," Bella said glaring at Sophia, the pack were no longer just protecting her and she couldn't believe they had offered protection to Sophia after what had happened. 

Bella was Victoria's main target and she felt like the pack were only putting up with her because of Jacob. 

Victoria was after her and the red head vampire wasn't going to stop until she had killed Bella; she wasn't even interested in Sophia anymore.

"Okay then," Charlie said looking between the two again and shook his head, he knew that whatever had happened would sort itself out in the end. 

Charlie doubted they would be this mad at each other by the weekend and whoever was in the wrong would apologise sooner or later. 

"Isn't Paul Lahote giving you a lift down?" Bella said innocently smirking at Sophia knowing that Charlie wasn't going to allow her cousin to leave the house with Paul. 

Charlie had dealt with the Quileute a lot in the past few years and there was nothing that anyone could say that would change his opinion of Paul. 

"Paul Lahote?" Charlie asked turning to raise an eyebrow at his niece concerned, he really didn't want Sophia around Paul especially with Mia involved. 

Sophia rolled her blue eyes looking at her cousin, she really was going to end up doing more than slapping Bella; she didn't understand what had gotten into her. 

"He's a friend of Sam Uley's," Sophia said carefully knowing that her uncle couldn't know about the pack; the blonde had promised to keep the pack's secrets and she was going to keep that promise. 

Charlie stared at his niece knowing that Sam had done a lot for the tribe down on La Push, he was straightening a lot of the younger generation out; plus he had also been the one to find Bella when she had gotten lost in the woods. 

"Really? You looked like you were getting pretty close with him the other day," Bella stated knowing that she didn't want Sophia involved with all of this, she liked being the only one in the know and now that was gone since Sophia knew as well.

"Paul is just a friend, he knows I'm not looking for anything more," Sophia said with a shake of her head, she wasn't going to allow her cousin to get under her skin right now. 

Bella was being nothing more than a brat and Sophia wasn't sure how Jacob put up with her however, she had noticed he seemed to follow the brunette around like a lost puppy and it wasn't an attractive trait. 

"That's good," Charlie said carefully watching Sophia, he knew that he could trust her since she had a level head on her shoulders plus Mia was something that kept her very grounded these days. 

Sophia had never been the one to rebel or act out, she was always well behaved and that was what had annoyed Charlie about her parents turning their backs on her. 

Bella pursed her lips knowing that she didn't really want Sophia down at La Push, for some reason the pack had been a lot more welcoming to the blonde than they had been to her. 

Mia squeaked making Sophia smile as she looked down at her daughter who was wearing a powder blue cotton embroidered tunic with navy leggings; she had to admit that she adored the outfit and it was cute on her daughter. 

"Well then I trust your judgement," Charlie said nodding at Sophia, he gave a soft smile as he watched her with Mia knowing that his sister and Jonathon would regret not being there for their daughter and granddaughter; they were missing out on so much right now. 

Sophia nodded her head knowing that this would only annoy Bella more, she glanced at her cousin who was now scowling at her toast. 

Sophia grinned turning her attention back to her daughter, she was wearing a black oversized kimono tunic with V-neck and ripped jeans paired with black platforms since she wanted to feel a little relaxed while at Emily's.

Sophia smiled hearing someone knocking at the front door, she glanced at Charlie as she settled Mia on her hip before she moved to answer it knowing that it would be Paul. 

Sophia was sort of excited that he was here to pick her up, it meant less time that she had to spend with her cousin right now. 

"You ready to go?" Paul asked leaning against the door frame as Sophia opened the door to him, he smiled at the sight of her and Mia knowing that he was glad to see them again. 

Sophia nodded her head as she raised an eyebrow at him, she had never seen him wearing a tight fitting black shirt that hugged his form along with the usual shorts and trainers. 

"Sure... let me just get my bag," Sophia said with a nod of her head, she doubted that he wanted to hang around long since she knew that her uncle didn't like him. 

Paul smiled as he eyed Mia knowing that he would do just about anything for the little girl now that her mother was his imprint. 

"I'll hold Mia for you," Paul offered hearing Charlie moving around in the living room, he had a feeling that he'd been the subject of conversation before he had arrived since Sophia seemed eager to get away. 

Sophia nodded her head handing over Mia, she trusted Paul not to drop her or anything while she collected her sand suede big backpack with fringing.

Sophia headed back into the house as Charlie came to the door and eyed Paul up, he still didn't completely trust the teenager in front of him. 

"Lahote," Charlie said gruffly glancing out of the house to ensure that Paul hadn't brought his motorbike; he was pleased to see a muddy red wagon 4x4 Pickup Truck 2005 parked just outside of his home and not a motorbike. 

"Chief Swan," Paul replied knowing that he was going to have to prove that he was a changed man, he knew Charlie would take a shot-gun to him if he ever hurt Sophia or Mia and the wolf was okay with that.

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