Chapter Sixty-Two: Old Quil's Offer

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Sophia brushed some hair from her face as she sat at her desk and typed up some details that the doctor had asked for; she was enjoying her job as a receptionist and she had just heard that she had passed her GED.

Sophia felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up as she continued working, she knew that it could be anyone and she was safe on the reservation.

"Sophia Swan," greeted a voice making Sophia look up, she blinked as she came face to face with one of the council elders; she racked her brain for a name curious about why he had come to her.

Sophia fidgeted a little nervous, she had never been approached by any of the council before and it made her nervous; she had been Paul's imprint for three months now.

"Quil Ateara III," the man said introducing himself smiling politely at Sophia, he had been looking for her for a while now and was pleased to finally catch up with her.

Sophia nodded her head slowly, she wasn't sure why he had come to see her but it seemed important; he was clutched some papers in his hands that seemed to be some sort of form.

Old Quil cleared his throat eyeing Sophia, she had his wife's blue eyes and it made him smile a little as he recalled Molly and how much he missed her; it was the reason that he had come to see Sophia now.

"I would like you to fill these out," Old Quil murmured carefully setting the papers down and slide them towards her, his eyes watching her as she took them.

Sophia furrowed her brow looking down at the papers, they were forms for her to fill out to become an official member of the tribe.

Sophia looked up at Old Quil curious as to why he had given them to her, she hadn't thought she would be able to apply for something like this until she had married Paul and that was the only way.

"I don't understand," Sophia said shaking her head, she peeked down at the papers again wondering what this meant; she knew that she was an imprint but she wasn't sure that she was allegeable for anything like this.

Old Quil smiled looking at Sophia, she reminded him so much of his late wife and he was proud that it was her that had become a pack imprint and not her cousin.

Old Quil had nothing against Charlie Swan and he was a good friend to Billy, but Bella was a danger to the pack and her involvement with Edward Cullen proved that.

Billy had tried to warn Bella not to date the leech but she had ignored him and taken the vampire back after he had destroyed her; she wouldn't have made a good imprint to any of the pack.

"You remind me so much of Molly," Old Quil mused smiling at Sophia, she was strong and had easily tamed Paul; something that wasn't easily done.

Sophia blinked recalling that Molly was her great aunt, she didn't know much about her since Caroline hardly ever spoke of her family but Sophia knew she had married someone in the Quileute tribe but hadn't realised who it was.

"The tribal council would be honoured to make you and your daughter members," Old Quil said continuing to watch Sophia with a smile on his face, it had been a long discussion for the council and Old Quil was pushing this through for Sophia.

Billy would fight Fiona's since she was his son's imprint, but Sophia had Old Quil as her champion; something that had stunned most of the other council members.


Paul perked up as hearing his imprint returning from work, he rubbed the sleep from his brown eyes as he sat up and peeked over at Mia who was still asleep.

Paul had picked her up from Emily's when he had finished patrol, he had known that Sophia would be at work and he didn't mind having Mia to himself for a couple of hours.

Mia had spent the morning with Jason and he had dropped her off at Emily's when his shift at the local police station had started.

"You're home early," Paul mused spotting his girlfriend, she was wearing a red sleeveless textured midi dress paired with black heeled sandals; he smiled sitting up as she set down her black suede slouch shoulder bag with double pocket.

Sophia pulled out the forms that Old Quil had given her and handed them to Paul, she was curious about what he would think about this; it was rare but she wanted his opinion on what she should do.

Paul carefully read through the papers, he blinked twice at Old Quil's statement and smiled before looking at Sophia; she was perched on the couch waiting to see what he would say.

"What do you think?" Sophia asked watching Paul, she hadn't known what to say to Old Quil when he had given it to her and explained what he wanted her to do.

Paul smiled setting the papers on the coffee table, he couldn't deny that he was happy about this; it did worry him what would happen if something happened to him.

"I think you should fill them out," Paul replied taking his girlfriend's hand, he was a tribal protector and he was in a dangerous position and he wanted to know if anything happened to him that Sophia and Mia would be safe here in La Push no matter what.


Bella pursed her lips sitting at her computer and stared at the screen, she had been doing research about the Quileute legends and imprinting; and so far she didn't like what she had read.

Bella was furious that Fiona had taken her place in Jacob's life, it didn't seem fair that some supernatural mumbo-jumbo was taking her Jacob from her.

Edward didn't understand and had tried to tell her that it was a good thing that Jacob had moved on but she didn't want to hear it; Jacob was her sun and nothing could change that.

Bella huffed annoyed shutting down her computer, she had graduated from High School that morning and had lunch with Charlie; now she just had the party that Alice had insisted on throwing to attend.

Bella didn't want to go but her best friend had insisted and Charlie said that it would be good for her to spend the evening with her school friends before she headed off to college.

Bella would be going to University of Alaska in the autumn, or at least that was what her parents thought; she was going to become a vampire so that she could spend the rest of her life with Edward.

"Bella you're meant to be getting ready for your graduation party," Alice scolded walking into the room, she had come over to help her friend get dressed and she was so excited for the party that night.

Bella grumbled annoyed turning to look at Alice, she couldn't wait to become a vampire so she could stop Alice playing Bella-Barbie with her; she was tired of being a doll for her vampire best friend.

"Now don't look at me like that... go and shower," Alice demanded ushering Bella out of the room, she smiled pleased that Bella did as she was told.

Edward had been discussing with her, his plans to propose properly to Bella after the disaster of his first proposal and Alice was thrilled; she had already started to plan the wedding and she was sure Bella would love it.

It had been a long time since the Cullens had a proper wedding and this one was going to be perfect.

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