Chapter Seventy-One: Parental Problems

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"What are you doing here?" Paul asked trying to wrap his head around the fact that his mother was sat before him after eight years; he knew that this wasn't a casual visit since he hadn't heard from her in all that time.

Laura stared at her son, she was shocked to see how much her little boy had changed; he had cut his hair and was wearing a tribal tattoo on his right shoulder.

"Your father called me concerned," Laura replied clearing her throat, she had been brought to La Push for a reason; she just couldn't believe that this was her son before her.

Daniel had told her all about the gang that Paul was currently involved in, his bad temper and the pale face that he'd moved in with; Laura had no idea what she was expected to do here.

Paul snorted in disbelief, he could just imagine what Daniel had told Laura about him; his father didn't know anything about him but the rumours that people spread about him and the pack.

"Did he now?" Paul muttered turning to look at his father, he didn't know why Daniel was so interested in his life all of a sudden; he hadn't cared when Paul was ten years old and he was away all the time.

Daniel sighed looking at Paul, he had never been the best father to his son especially when he had remarried but he didn't want Paul messing up his life; he was better than what he was doing right now.

"Stop pretending that you care... you haven't in years so don't start now," Paul snapped starting to get angry, he didn't understand why they were both acting like his parents right now; they hadn't cared for him in years and he wasn't about to let them start now.

Paul had a new family, one that did care for him; he had the pack who were always there for him when he needed them and he had Sophia and Mia, his future.

"We're just worried about you... I don't like this downward spiral that you are on," Daniel insisted trying to talk sense into his son, he had no idea when Paul had become this person but he didn't like it.

Paul chuckled and shook his head, his parents had no idea what he did every day and how he helped protect the tribe; it was something that he was proud of and he wasn't on some downward spiral.

"You barely go to school anymore, you are always with your cousin Sam's gang, and you're dating a pale-face and looking after her daughter, what is going on Paul?" Daniel questioned trying to reach out to his son, he wanted things to be like he used to be; he missed the stroppy teenager that had lived in his home.

Daniel wanted to go back to that instead of the man that was stood before him, he didn't know what to do and that was why he called Laura; he hoped that this was sixteen year old Paul acting out.

Laura sat quietly listening, Paul was related to Sam through her since she was Sam's father's cousin; she had no idea what was going on in La Push anymore.

Paul stared at his parents, he felt his hands start to shake knowing that he had to calm down; they weren't allowed in on the tribal secret and it was a risk for him right now.

"You don't know anything," Paul snarled trying to control himself, he stayed back away from his parents; he wasn't about to let the wolf out of the bag now when the rules were clear, parents who weren't elders couldn't know about the pack.

Paul took a deep breath and thought about Sophia, he had to stay calm and thinking about her helped; he was still surprised how well things were going for them and they were just waiting to hear back from Old Quil about her acceptance into the tribe as an official member.

"Then why don't you tell us?" Laura said trying to keep the situation calm, she wasn't staying in La Push long and she wanted to get to this out of the way; her husband wasn't happy with her being here.

Paul clenched his fists trying to keep calm, thinking about Sophia and Mia was helping but he was still angry; he couldn't believe that they were trying to be parents right now.

"Why should I bother... neither of you care," Paul spat shaking his head, he wasn't going to reveal the pack to them; they wouldn't understand and his mother was no longer a tribal member since she didn't live on the reservation anymore.

Daniel sighed and ran a hand through his hair, he couldn't believe how difficult his son was being; he hadn't been around a lot when he was growing up, his job kept him away a lot.

"Of course we care," Daniel insisted glad that he had asked Laura to come, she would be able to see what he was talking about; they needed to fix this since they had clearly messed up as Paul's parents.

Laura messed with her wedding ring, she wasn't sure what Daniel was expecting her to do; Paul was his problem and she had never wanted children.

"Being with Sophia isn't good for you Paul, I don't like the person that she's made you become," Daniel said trying to reason with Paul, he wanted his son to come home and he wanted him to break things off with the pale-face that he was currently living with.

Daniel didn't know when all of this had started but he couldn't help but link things to Sophia and when they had gotten together; he saw her as the source of Paul's problems along with Sam Uley.

"Sophia hasn't done anything... if anything, I work hard to be a better person for her," Paul snapped, he couldn't believe that his father was trying to blame this on his girlfriend right now.

"I'm doing better in school right now so that I can graduate, I have a job and I help the community... I do all of that because I'm with Sophia," Paul explained feeling the shaking getting worse, it was starting to get more noticeable; he could see Laura looking at him concerned but he wasn't going to let them win.

Paul had thought about dropping out of high school at the end of the year after becoming a wolf; he hadn't cared about his education and he got a wage from the elders since he was part of the pack.

It was only when Sophia had come along and into Paul's life that he had started to focus on his studies and becoming better.

Laura blinked surprised, she hadn't known any of that and she had a feeling that Daniel didn't either; she sighed looking at her ex-husband who was frowning at what his son had said.

"You can't be serious... she's nothing but a pale-face whore," Daniel snapped angry that his son was trying to defend his relationship with Sophia; he wanted her gone and he had to find a way for him to get rid of the blonde.

Paul snarled furiously, he had no idea why Daniel didn't approve of Sophia when he truly didn't know anything about her; he hadn't attempted to get to know her when Paul had introduced them.

"Look she's got him addicted to drugs," Daniel cried out pointing to the shaking, it wasn't normal and he was convinced that the spoilt rich girl was plying his son with steroids or something to make him bulk up.

Laura stared at her son concerned, the shaking was getting worse and she had never seen anything like this in her life; she feared for her son and wondered what he was taking.

Paul growled furious that Daniel wasn't letting this go, his parents jumped in fright of the noise that he was making; it wasn't human and they stared at him in horror.

Paul launched himself out of the living room, ripping open the front door so that he could get away, he needed to phase and couldn't do it in the house; he rushed towards the tree line knowing that this wasn't over. 

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