Chapter Eighty-One: Caroline's Good News

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"Where is father today?" Sophia asked setting down a drink in front of her mother, she was surprised that he had come to her home to see Mia and she was worried that maybe things weren't going to be like she'd hoped.

Caroline fussed over her granddaughter, she couldn't believe how big Mia had gotten since she had last seen her and she regretted the fact that she had missed out on important things in her life.

Mia squealed as she sat on her grandmother's lap, she was wearing the white Minnie Mouse kaftan and navy leggings that Caroline had brought with her and Sophia was pleased to see them bonding.

"He went to see your grandmother," Caroline revealed a little annoyed that he had gone today instead of coming to meet Mia, she knew that Lorelei was ill and she wasn't sure what to make of the old woman.

Caroline wanted to put the past behind them but it did still hurt that Lorelei hadn't thought that she was good enough for Jonathon; she had proved that she was and she was happy with her life.

"That's good," Sophia replied knowing that it had been years since her grandmother had seen her father, she was hoping they would be able to move forward since her grandmother wasn't in the best of health.

Caroline nodded her head and took a deep breath, she returned her focus to Mia and wondered if things would always be this awkward; she had some big news to share with her.

"No Paul today?" Caroline asked surprised not to see her daughter's boyfriend, she had heard from Bella that the two were living together and she wondered if Sophia had told him to stay away.

Caroline liked Paul, he was good for her daughter even if it had been a surprise to find out about him; she wanted Sophia to be happy and it was the reason she hadn't said anything about the ring that sat on her left hand not so secretly.

Caroline was sure it wasn't an engagement ring, she doubted that Sophia was ready for that step just yet; it looked more like a promise ring and she was happy to let it rest at that for now.

"He had to go to work," Sophia lied knowing that there was no way in hell that she was going to tell her mother that he was on patrol, she couldn't share that with her parents; it would only cause trouble that she didn't need.

Caroline nodded her head, she was looking forward to getting to know more about the young man; she had heard a lot of unsavoury things from Bella about him but she knew that her niece was just trying to cause trouble.

"Your father and I were thinking about maybe moving things to Seattle," Caroline mused tickling Mia, she wanted to be closer to her daughter and granddaughter and it was clear that there was no way around moving them all back to New York; a fresh start for all of them was needed.

Sophia sat down and stared at her mother, she hadn't been expecting this and she had a feeling that there was more to it; her father wouldn't have any problems with moving since his law firm already had a building in Seattle.

"Maybe we could all get together for Christmas," Caroline asked softly, she looked at Sophia hoping that her daughter didn't have any plans yet; she wanted the family to move on from what had happened.

Sophia nodded her head, it was early August and she honestly had no idea what she would be doing for Christmas yet; she could see her mother wanted so much for them to be with her for the holidays.

Paul wouldn't be spending them with his parents, he refused to speak with them after how they had treated her.

"We've already found a lovely apartment... there's room for you to visit," Caroline continued to talk, she wanted to include Sophia in all her plans; she hated that she had sent her daughter away when she had needed her.

Sophia looked down at Mia, she had a feeling that her mother was building up to something; she had no idea what was going through her mind but it couldn't be anything bad.

Caroline only rambled like this when she was nervous and Sophia guessed that it was something big; she wondered what it could be if it was making her this nervous.

"Mum... what's going on?" Sophia asked smiling, she didn't have any idea what it could be but everything seemed relatively calm since they had come to Forks to visit.

Caroline took a deep breath, she was working herself up over nothing and she wanted Sophia to be the first to know; it was a big change and she was excited about what was happening.

"Your father and I are getting married," Caroline revealed looking to Sophia while she cuddled Mia, she had been with Jonathon for nineteen years now and he had finally asked her to marry him.

Caroline had never thought that Jonathon would get down on one knee, but the idea now seemed to make her so happy and she couldn't wait.

Sophia stared at her mother surprised for a moment, she never thought that she would see the day and she was so happy; she moved to hug her mother knowing how much this meant for her.

"That's great news mum," Sophia exclaimed making sure she didn't squash Mia, she had never thought that her father would do it; he had always been so against the idea and she wondered what had changed his mind.

Caroline nodded her head with a big smile, she was so happy and she knew that it was going to be the day that she dreamed of; she wanted nothing more than a big day that everyone would remember.

Mia giggled making her mother smile, she loved hugs and Paul was usually the one that kept cuddling her; he loved holding her since it made him think of the children he would one day have with Sophia.

"We're getting married in January... I would love it if you would be my maid-of-honour?" Caroline asked looking at Sophia, it was such a big ask but there was no one else that she wanted to fill that role but her daughter.

Sophia blinked a little taken back that her mother would ask something like that, she had never considered that her mother would ask that especially when it came to her own wedding.

"Of course," Sophia agreed smiling, she knew that there was no way that she could say no; she saw how much this meant to her mother and things had been good over the last few days.

Caroline smiled pleased that Sophia had said yes, there was so much to do for the big day and she had only just gotten the venue that she had wanted; she was sure it would be a perfect big day, the one that she had always dreamed of.

"I would also love if Mia was a little flower girl?" Caroline gushed peeking down at her granddaughter, she would be walking a lot more by then and she would look adorable in her dress; she wanted all her family there and she was sure that they would be.

Mia was her only grandchild and Caroline adored her now that she had some time with her, she had been shocked by Sophia's decision to keep her and she admired how strong her daughter was.

"I'm sure she'd love to," Sophia assured softly watching Caroline with Mia, everything seemed to be doing so much better and she was pleased her parents had finally come around.

Jonathon was always going to be a little stiff but at least he was willing to try, that was all Sophia could ask and all that she wanted.

"You'll be a flower girl at Nana's wedding, won't you?" Caroline cooed at Mia, she loved her name that she now had and she was sure that Jonathon would like the name that had been picked for him.

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