Chapter Seventy-Eight: Surprise News

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"You saw your parents in Seattle?" Paul mused surprised watching Sophia with Mia, he had no idea why Sophia's parents were in Seattle when they were on the other side of the country but he doubted that it could be a good thing.

Sophia nodded her head as she fussed over Mia, she had no idea what was going on and she didn't like it; they never showed up without a good reason and they hadn't called her.

"Do you think they'll come here?" Paul asked gently, he stepped closer to Sophia wanting to offer some comfort in some small way to her; he doubted that her parents would be pleased if they came to La Push to see her.

Paul had never gotten on well with parents of anyone that he had been with in the past, Sophia was important to him as was Mia; he had grown up so much in the past few months since he had imprinted on Sophia.

"I have no idea," Sophia whispered allowing Paul to pull her and Mia close, the trip to Seattle had been wonderful with the exception of seeing her parents.

Sophia wished that she knew why they were there and she had a feeling that it wasn't going to be long before they showed up at her Uncle's house; they didn't have her current address only her number.

Paul closed his brown eyes and held Sophia close, he had hoped that they'd have more time to settle before more trouble appeared; Bella was so close to getting married and they would have to deal with Charlie when she was changed.

Sophia closed her eyes, she hated to think what would happen when her parents showed up; they were in Seattle for a reason and it made her nervous.

"Let's forget them for now," Paul murmured pressing a kiss to the top of Sophia's head, he didn't want her stressing out over something that she had no control over.

Sophia nodded her head, she pulled away from Paul a little and kissed him softly; she had missed him during her trip and she was glad to be home back with his family.

 Paul smiled holding his family close to him, he would do anything for them and keeping them safe was important to him; whatever Sophia's parents wanted didn't matter to him unless it made her happy.

"How was your trip?" Paul asked looking down at his girlfriend, he hoped that she'd had a good time since she deserved a break after everything that had happened in the past few months.

Everything had been crazy since Sophia had moved to Forks and become involved with the supernatural; now things were finally quietening down and it looked set to stay that way when the Cullens left Forks for good.

"It was good," Sophia replied shrugging her shoulders, she knew that it was going to be okay and she didn't know what would happen when it came to her parents meeting Paul.

There was no doubt that they wouldn't approve of her dating someone of his social standing; they had wanted her to marry some rich lawyer or politician but it wasn't going to happen now that she had Mia.

"I found my dress for the wedding," Sophia continued grinning she was sure that Paul would like it even if he wasn't coming to the wedding with her; it wasn't safe for him to do so since there was a large chance that he would phase.

"And you're not allowed to burn it afterwards," Sophia muttered knowing what Paul had originally planned for her dress that she would be wearing to Bella's wedding but she really liked this one.

Paul frowned, he wasn't going to have vampire stink in their home and he was already going to be pushing his limit by letting Sophia go to her cousin's wedding without him.


Sophia chewed on her bottom lip while she put some filing away, she only had the afternoon shift and she was glad; she stretched wondering how the other receptionist had managed to make a mess of her system.

Sophia huffed shaking her head, her blonde hair was pulled up into a messy bun so that it was out of her eyes; she loved her job and she was grateful to Sue for getting her it.

Turning her attention back to the computer before she continued on with her work, Sophia was grateful for a quiet afternoon and Mia was with Paul until her shift was over.

Paul was meant to be preparing for his junior year of school and Sophia was proud of him for getting his education finished; she wanted to see him graduate from high school.

The sound of the door to the surgery opened and closed making Sophia peek up, she paused at the sight of a nervous looking Charlie making her wonder what was going on.

"Uncle Charlie?" Sophia asked confused as to why he was here, he wasn't registered at this doctors and had always gone to the one in Forks since it was closer to home for him.

Charlie took a deep breath, he had no idea how Sophia was going to react and he hoped that she wasn't going to be too upset with him; he should have told her when he had first found out.

"Is everything okay?" Sophia asked curiously, she was glad that the surgery was mostly empty since it was clear that Charlie had come to see her for a reason.

Charlie stared at Sophia for a moment, he had no idea how to tell her that he had been speaking a lot to her parents recently; he had never thought that they would come.

Bella had told him weeks ago that she hadn't heard from her Aunt or Uncle, she hadn't seemed to care that they weren't coming to her wedding only that she was going to marry Edward.

"I've heard from your parents," Charlie murmured almost too quiet for Sophia to hear, she stared at him as if he had grown an extra head; she had every right to be upset since he had kept it from her.

Charlie had been keeping her parents informed with everything even if Sophia spoke with her mother once a week; he didn't believe that she would tell them everything that went on in her life including the new boyfriend.

"Soph... they're coming to Bella's wedding," Charlie revealed slowly, he wanted to prepare her for whatever happened when her parents showed up and this was only the beginning of what was going to happen.

Jonathon had been far from pleased with the news that Sophia had settled down with some Quileute and was raising Mia with him; he wanted to meet the boy that thought he was good enough for Sophia Hayward Swan.

Sophia stared at her uncle, she felt her stomach drop at the news that her parents would be coming to town; it had been bad enough seeing them in Seattle and now they were going to intrude on her life in La Push.

"Why?" Sophia asked unsure what else to say, she didn't want anything to ruin things when everything was finally getting quiet; she had everything that she wanted right now.

Lorelei was living so much closer and Sophia went to see her whenever she had the chance, she adored her grandmother and was making the most of their time together.

"Something to do with a burst pipe in the summer house," Charlie replied watching Sophia, he wanted nothing than to tell her that it would be okay; they weren't so upset about Mia anymore and maybe they could work all of this out.

"They want to meet Paul," Charlie whispered doubting that Sophia was going to be pleased with this, he had no idea what would happen when her two worlds collided but it wouldn't be pretty.

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