Chapter Three: Midnight Talks

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Sophia bolted upright in her bed at the sound of someone's pain-filled screams, she blinked confused as she tried to work out what was happening; the sound of Charlie hurrying into the bedroom beside hers only making her worry more. 

It was Bella's room. 

Sophia looked at Mia who was somehow sleeping through Bella's screams, she sighed relieved knowing that the last thing that she wanted to deal with right this second was a screeching baby. 

Especially after such a rude awakening, she moved quietly to the edge of her bed and peered at Mia who was sleeping in a cupboard draw that Sophia had turned into a baby box. 

It would do for tonight until Charlie could take her to Port Angeles to pick up some baby furniture in the morning, which Sophia was more than thankful for. 

Sophia made sure that Mia was warm enough before she padded out of her room and towards the bedroom on her right, she hesitated outside of Bella's room for a moment as she heard Charlie comforting her cousin. 

"Is everything okay?" Sophia asked quietly stepping into the room, she eyed her uncle who looked exhausted and she wondered how often this had happened in the past few months since Bella's boyfriend had dumped her and moved away. 

Sophia didn't recall much about the situation, other than the fact that they'd been dating for a short time before his dad had gotten a new job offer across the country and Bella hadn't been the same since he had left. 

Charlie nodded his head turning to face her, he knew that this wasn't ideal but he has no idea on how to fix Bella; she just didn't even seem to be getting better, he had even tried to get Renee involved to no success. 

"Sorry," Bella mumbled peeking at her cousin, it was embarrassing that she had drawn this much attention to herself; part of her relieved that she didn't wake the baby and have to listen to it screaming while Charlie comforted her. 

Sophia nodded her head before she leant against the door frame, her eyes taken in the exhausted pair and she knew that this couldn't carry on. 

It wasn't fair on anyone here, Charlie looked like he hadn't slept in days; she couldn't believe that she had not noticed how tired he was when she had arrived.

"Why don't you go back to bed Uncle Charlie? I can keep Bella company for a while," Sophia offered knowing that there was no point in attempting to go back to sleep especially since Mia would be awake in about an hour anyway for her middle of the night feed. 

It was the least that she could do especially since Charlie had been kind enough to open up his home to her and Mia when he could have easily sent them back to New York. 

Bella looked at her cousin knowing that Sophia would be able to see right through her and her attempt to be normal for Charlie's sake so that he wouldn't send her to live with Renee. 

Sophia had a way of reading people and it came from a life-time of dealing with fake people who only wanted to know her because of her parents and how much they were worth. 

Jonathon was some hot-shot lawyer if Bella recalled right, partner at some law firm that handled big cases and had even made the news a few time after winning some legal battles. 

"You sure Soph?" Charlie asked warily, he didn't want to make her feel like she had to; she had only just arrived in Forks and she had a baby to think about. 

He was more than capable of handling Bella's bad dreams, although there was little that he could do when she woke up screaming several times a night. 

Sophia nodded her head smiling at him, he had a lot of his plate and she wanted to help him; it was the least that she could do for him since he had taken her and Mia in. 

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