Chapter Seventy: Paul's Mother

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Walking out of baggage claim, Laura Blanc pursed her lips looking around for her ex-husband and wondering why he had called her back; they hadn't spoken to one another since their divorce and his call had been unexpected.

Laura would never understand why he had returned to the crappy reservation where they had both grown up, she had hated it here and loved living in Los Angeles with her second husband.

Laura frowned spotting Daniel waiting for her, she didn't know why he thought that she would be able to do anything about their son; she hadn't seen Paul in nearly ten years, she hadn't even thought about him since Daniel got full custody.

"Daniel," Laura greeted stiffly with a nod of her head, she shouldered her bag and stared at him; she had only packed light since she had no intentions of staying long.

Daniel Lahote stared at his ex-wife, he hadn't wanted to contact her especially since they hadn't parted on good terms; he just wasn't sure what to do with Paul anymore.

Daniel had hoped that Paul would snap out of this and dump Sophia, however it hadn't happened and it was clear that something more needed to be done to break the couple up.

"Laura... it's been a while," Daniel muttered staring at her, she looked good and he was happy that they had both been able to move on with their lives and remarry.

Laura nodded her head, she wanted to get this over and done with so that she could return to Los Angeles; she had a week off from work and it wasn't going to be a pleasant trip.

Daniel turned and slowly started to lead Laura towards the car, he would fill her in on their son on the way back to the reservation; he hoped that she would have some insight on how to get rid of the pale-face that was betrothed to their son.


"I can't believe that Paul got you a promise ring," Kim gushed admiring the promise ring on Sophia's finger; she was surprised that Paul had done something like this, it seemed so unlike him.

Sophia shrugged his shoulders before she turned her attention back to feeding Mia her lunch, they were around at Emily's and things were pretty peaceful since the battle had past.

"Charlie called this morning... Bella and her leech have announced their engagement," Sophia revealed, her uncle had been far from happy especially when Bella had announced that she would be getting married in seven and a half weeks.

Kim and Emily paused, they both knew that this was the beginning of the end of Bella Swan's life; it was going to be a tough few weeks and they weren't sure when the Cullens would change her.

"Poor Charlie," Kim whispered looking at Emily, she wondered how Bella could even think about going through this; Charlie was going to be hurt and there was no way around her.

Sophia chewed on her lip, she had to agree and there was nothing that she could do to stop what Bella had planned; it was better that Charlie didn't know about what was happening and he was going to be devastated when Bella 'died'.

"I guess we'll have to just be there for him when she goes," Emily said wondering how to comfort a man who had no idea what was going to happen; he would probably never recover from the choices that Bella was making.

Sophia nodded, she was starting to count down the days until Bella officially became a vampire; she would do anything to help her uncle since he had been there for her when she had needed help.

"Will your parents come to the wedding?" Kim asked curiously knowing that Bella was their only niece and she worried that they could cause issues for Sophia and Paul; she was a little curious about the two as well.

Sophia snorted and shook her head, she wiped Mia's mouth doubting that her parents would take the trip to Forks; their summer calendar would already be so busy with social events.

"I doubt it... they'll be in the Hamptons right now with their friends," Sophia said smiling fondly, she used to love going out to the Hamptons with her parents in the summer; they'd leave her home alone and she'd just lounge around the house.

Emily frowned a little, she wasn't sure what to think about Sophia's parents and she hated that they hadn't stuck by her when she had chosen to raise Mia.

"Do you miss them?" Kim asked quietly, she didn't know much about Caroline and Jonathon; she didn't want to upset Sophia by asking and it made her think of what she would do without her own parents, she couldn't see her life without them no matter what.

"Of course... no matter what happens, they'll always be my parents," Sophia said softly, she hadn't heard from them this week and she doubted that it would be long before she did.

Caroline seemed okay when she spoke to Sophia on the phone and she had noticed that her father was slowly coming around; it all looked good and she hoped that one day that they could move past this.


Paul frowned looking up at his father's home, he had just finished patrol and he wasn't sure why he had been asked to come around; apparently Carol had found some of his things and he had to come and get them.

Paul shook his head, he was tired after his patrol shift and he was just glad that school was officially over; he hadn't realised how quickly the fast the school year had gone.

It had been a difficult year for him and he couldn't wait to finish high school, he had enough on his plate right now with pack duties and he was relieved that they had dealt with Victoria and her army.

Knocking on the front door, Paul frowned picking up on an odd scent that he didn't recognise from inside; he shrugged it off dismissing it as one of his father's friends.

Paul didn't pay much attention to people that Daniel spent time with, he had his own life to worry about and he hardly saw his father anyway.

Carol opened the door to Paul and frowned at him, he wasn't wearing a top again and she didn't know why she thought that he would for once.

Carol allowed Paul into her home, she wasn't pleased with what her husband had done and she doubted that the arrival of Paul's mother would change anything; the woman had never cared for her son before.

Paul eyed Carol, there was something clearly going on and he was being set up; he wandered into the living room with a little push from Carol who disappeared off to the kitchen.

Daniel stopped talking and looked at his son, he frowned a little at how Paul was dressed wondering why he had come like that; he shook his head before turning to look back at Laura.

Paul could only see the back of her head and had no idea that she had been called back to La Push by his father; it wasn't something that they had ever been done before but it needed doing.

"Hello Paul," Laura greeted turning to look at her son, she was amazed at how much he had grown up and he certainly wasn't the eight year old that she had left behind.

"Mum..." Paul whispered shocked to see her again, he had never thought that she would come back and it made her nervous about why she had returned after nearly ten years of being gone. 

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