Chapter Eight: Thinking of the Future

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Sophia smiled playing with Mia on the living room floor, she was dressed in her orange sweat lounge tee and sweat pants for comfort;, she was going to spend every moment with her daughter while she had a chance.

“Morning,” Sophia called looking at Bella as she walked towards the phone, it had been a week since the disaster of movie night and Jacob hadn’t been well since.

Sophia sighed carefully moving Mia onto her lap, she knew that Bella had used Jacob to fix herself after what had happened with Edward and now he wasn’t there; she wasn’t sure what her cousin would do.

Sophia smiled sweetly down at her daughter as she cuddled her close, she had to start focusing on her studies since she had been at her Uncle Charlie’s for two weeks now.

Sophia listened as Bella called Jacob’s house again, she had been doing this since they had come home from the cinema and there was still no answer from her best friend; it was almost like he was avoiding her.

“Still no answer?” Sophia guessed allowing Mia to play with her fingers, in the seven weeks since her daughter’s birth the blonde couldn’t believe how special she had become to her.

Bella nodded her head and huffed as she collapsed on to the couch, she had been told that Jacob had mono but she wasn’t sure if she completely believed Billy when he had told her that.

There was something going on down in La Push and she couldn’t help but worry for her best friend; he had been frightened of Sam Uley’s gang and she knew Billy was being no help with that.

“What’s that?” Sophia cooed making Bella snap out of her thoughts, she looked at her cousin and smiled as she watched her playing with her daughter; she still couldn’t believe that sixteen year old was a mother.


“Seriously Bella, he’ll call when he feels better,” Sophia said catching her cousin calling Jacob again for the third time that day, she rolled her blue eyes knowing that this was starting to get a little out of hand.

Bella huffed annoyed setting down the phone before she looked at her cousin who was preparing a bottle for Mia, she raised an eyebrow curious about what the blonde was doing.

Sophia quickly warmed the bottle knowing that Mia was going to be fussy when she woke up from her nap, the blonde was trying to set up a schedule so that Mia could get used to napping and feeding at certain times.

“So have you thought about what college you want to go to?” Sophia asked knowing that there were a lot of deadlines that were coming up and some had even passed; she glanced back at her cousin knowing that Charlie was excited to see her graduate from high school.

Bella chewed on her lip as she shrugged, she hadn’t really thought about college or anything especially since she had been hoping that Edward would change her.

“Well you better start thinking, the deadlines are all coming up,” Sophia said with a smile, she turned to face Bella knowing that her cousin would be better if she started focusing on herself; the blonde glanced over at the bottle warmer making sure the milk didn’t get too hot.

Bella nodded her head as she watched Sophia, she was impressed at her well her cousin was handling being a teenager mother; she knew it couldn’t be easy.

“Have you thought about college?” Bella asked curiously, she already knew that Sophia was going to finish her education online but she did wonder what her cousin would do afterwards especially with Mia now in the picture.

Sophia paused as she reached to collect the milk, there was no way that her parents would be paying for her to go to college and she doubted that she would be able to juggle that and raising Mia alone.

“I don’t think so,” Sophia said making sure the milk wasn’t too hot, there would be little chances for her right now and there would be no one to watch Mia if she did decided to go; she’d have to wait until her daughter was in school.

Bella nodded her head thinking about how difficult it would be for Sophia to go to college; she had to focus on Mia and that was how things were going to be for her.

“What will you do?” Bella asked knowing that Sophia was going to have to focus on her daughter, there was little else that Sophia could do unless she found someone that she trusted to look at her very young daughter.

Sophia shrugged knowing that she would cross that bridge when she got to it, this wasn’t going to be easy and she was going to have to get a job; her parents would only support her for so long.

“I don’t know,” Sophia said her future wasn’t very bright but she was facing the consequences of her actions; she wouldn’t allow her own daughter to make the same mistake that she had.

Sophia would ensure that Mia knew what could happen if she wasn’t carefully and she was going to give her daughter the best future that she could.


Charlie took a deep breath stepping into his home, it had been a long day and he was glad to be home.

The house was filled with a delicious smell of dinner and it made his stomach growl out loud; Charlie had to admit that he was glad that Bella and Sophia hadn’t inherited the Swan inability to cook.

“Girls?” Charlie called walking through his home, he was glad to see Bella opening up more and he knew that it was down to her cousin; the blonde didn’t take any crap and she wasn’t going to allow Bella to sulk anymore.

“Hi Uncle Charlie,” Sophia greeted smiling at him, she was helping Bella with dinner while Mia was taking a nap; she had to enjoy her daughter’s napping while she could since she wouldn’t nap most of the day for long and it would mean she’d have to have more of a focus on Mia.

Charlie nodded at her as he moved to put his gun away, he knew that this was going to take some getting used to and Sophia had only been in Forks for two weeks.

“What’s for dinner?” Charlie asked looking at the already set dining table, his brown eyes taking in the details knowing that the two cousins had been home all day.

It was the weekend and since Jacob was ill, he wasn’t surprised that Bella had stayed in and spent time with Sophia; the blonde was new to Forks and she had to look after Mia with no one else to talk to.

“Spanish fish and chorizo soup,” Bella said making Charlie raise an eyebrow at her before he looked over at Sophia, his niece often had strange and interesting recipes that she liked to try out.

“Sounds interesting,” Charlie replied with a nod of his head, he knew that his daughter was trying to get him to eat a little healthier especially since Harry Clearwater had told him about his heart problems.

Sophia grinned as she nodded her head, she worried for her uncle since she knew how he had eaten and lived after his divorce; she knew it would come and bit him in the bottom one day.

“Well dinner is nearly ready,” Bella mused looking to her father, she was determined to try and move on with her life; she wasn’t just going to drift through life when there was so much for her to live for.

Sophia’s problems had opened Bella’s eyes and she knew that she had to make the most of the opportunities that she had in front of her. 

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