Chapter Forty: Being Threatened

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Fiona chewed on her lip walking into Forks Diner with Sophia, the two had come for some lunch and had brought Austin and Mia with them. 

Fiona couldn't wrap her head around the strange behaviour that she had seen from Jacob, he had continued to stare at her until it was time to go home after their small introduction. 

"So what did you think of yesterday?" Sophia asked curiously choosing a table near the back where they wouldn't be bothered by anyone. 

Sophia could see a couple of Bella's high school friends and she didn't want to draw their attention after the last time that they had met; she couldn't understand how Bella put up with them even with her new bratty attitude. 

"It was nice," Fiona replied carefully sitting Austin on her lap, she brushed her fingers through her son's brown locks shifting in her seat nervously. 

Fiona didn't want Sophia to know that Austin was in the same restaurant with them, she knew it would raise questions that she didn't want to answer. 

Sophia nodded her head eyeing her friend concerned, she could see that something was wrong and it worried her. 

Sophia set Mia into the baby chair knowing that the two month old would get fussy if she was forced to sit on her mother's lap for long. 

"I have to go to the bathroom, could you mind Austin for me?" Fiona asked offering Sophia a small smile, she need a moment to gather herself and she couldn't break down in public right now. 

Fiona still found it difficult to see the father of her son, especially when she knew that he didn't want anything to do with the four month old. 

Sophia nodded her head moving to take the infant, she was sure she could handle both children for a little while. 

Fiona took a deep breath hanging over Austin before she hurried to the ladies room, she could feel someone watching her and she didn't dare look back.


Fiona yelped as she was slammed back into the wall, she glared up at the man that had grabbed her and whimpered when she realised who it was; she hadn't been expecting him to come after her like that. 

"What are you doing here?" the teenager demanded pinning the brunette against the wall, his blue eyes glaring down at the girl that could so easily destroy his perfect life. 

The teenager thought that he had dealt with the problems when Fiona had told him that she was pregnant and he had threatened her into silence; he would lose everything if the truth came out. 

"I'm having lunch with a friend," Fiona whispered lowering her brown eyes to the floor, her son was starting to look so much like his father and it wouldn't be long before someone would guess who he was. 

The teenager gritted his teeth squeezing her shoulders, he couldn't believe that she still had the brat and he had hoped she'd give it away for adoption; she'd dropped out of school and hadn't thought much of it. 

"Ouch Mike! You're hurting me," Fiona squeaked struggling against him, she glared up at him wondering why he couldn't just leave her alone. 

Fiona hadn't asked him for anything and she hadn't told anyone that the great Michael Newton, the most popular boy in Forks High was the father of her four month old son. 

"Have you told anyone?" Mike demanded glaring down at Fiona, he didn't care that he was hurting Fiona nor did he care about his son; he only cared about what would happen if the truth ever came out. 

Mike had a reputation that would be destroyed if anyone learnt that he had fathered a child, he hated to think what his parents would say if they were to discover what he had done and he dreaded his girlfriend's reaction. 

"Of course not," Fiona whimpered looking at Mike, she didn't know what she had seen in him the night of the party; she had been stupid to think that older boy cared for her in anyway. 

Fiona could barely remember what they had done, but it had resulted in Austin and she wasn't going to lose her son for anything. 

"Good keep it that way," Mike spat pushing himself away from Fiona, he had been drunk when he had slept with her but that hadn't changed anything including the fact that he was a father to a child that he didn't want. 

Fiona nodded her head taking a shaky breath, she would take the secret to her grave and she would never tell Austin what a monster his father was. 

"I thought I told you to get rid of it?" Mike snapped looking at Fiona, he hadn't thought that he would ever see that child and now that he had it worried him how much the little boy looked like him. 

Fiona stared at Mike frightened knowing that he had wanted her to abort her son and when she had refused he had demanded that she give him up for adoption. 

Fiona hadn't been back to school since she had given birth to Austin in December, she had wanted to keep her son safe away from Mike; she was frightened of what he would do if he knew. 

"Is everything okay here?" Sophia asked walking around the corner, she looked at Fiona concerned as Mike paled; she had has asked Cora to watch the children since she was curious about where her friend had gotten to. 

Fiona nodded her head as she looked at Sophia relieved that her friend had come, she couldn't stop herself from shaking as Mike quickly hurried away and attempted to brush past the blonde.

Sophia stood her ground as she glared at him, she didn't know what was going on but she knew he had upset her friend; she had no idea what was going on.

Mike swallowed at the look on Sophia's face, she wasn't anything like Bella and he knew that if she discovered the truth that she would use it against him. 

"Scram Newton... go and be a good golden retriever," Sophia hissed looking at Mike, she wasn't frightened by his popular boy attitude; she had dealt with worse at her old New York school and she could certainly deal with this small town boy. 

Mike frowned at her words as he hurried away, he had a feeling that this wouldn't be the last time that he had to face the blonde that he had once found attractive. 

Fiona watched Mike leave, this wasn't over between them and he would come back if he thought that anyone had learnt that Austin was his son. 

"Fifi... what is going on?" Sophia asked worried for her friend, there was something that she didn't like about Mike Newton and now she was more sure of it after seeing that between him and her friend. 

Fiona stared at Sophia for a moment before she burst into tears, she sobbed knowing that she couldn't bear the secret anymore when Mike was a threat to her son and she needed to tell someone what had happened. 

Sophia blinked shocked as she hurried over to her friend, she wrapped her arms around the brunette knowing that whatever had happened had been a horrible shock. 

Fiona clung to Sophia, she had to trust her best friend right now since Sophia was the only one that she could trust with her secret and she wouldn't tell anyone. 

"Mike is Austin's father," Fiona whimpered holding her friend close, she closed her brown eyes as she felt Sophia freeze at her admission of who had fathered her son. 

Sophia stared down at her friend's pixie cut knowing that she certainly hadn't been expecting Mike to be the adorable little boy's father; she felt angry that someone could do this to someone else.

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