Chapter Six: Wake Up Call

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“Charlie take Mia for me,” Sophia ordered calmly staring at Bella, she knew she didn’t want her daughter in the room when she snapped at her cousin.

Charlie nodded his head as Bella continued to glare at Sophia, he really didn’t want to get in the middle of this and he would deal with the fall-out later.

Mia was carefully handed over to Charlie, the baby didn’t need to see what was going to happen and it wasn’t going to be pretty; both teenagers had a lot to say.

Sophia watched as her uncle hurried out of the room with her daughter, she crossed her arms as she took a calming breath knowing that if she didn’t then Bella would have a broken nose.

“How could you do that to my room?” Bella asked staying across the room from her cousin, she wasn’t stupid enough to go near Sophia knowing what she was like when she lost her temper; it was something that you didn’t want to be on the end of.

Sophia took a calming deep breath knowing that she would tell Bella about what she had found once they had cleared the air, she doubted it would change anything now.

“Did you know my mother wanted you sectioned? She said you were crazy?” Sophia said calmly staring at Bella, her cousin needed to wake-up call and if this didn’t work then she didn’t know what would.

Bella blinked confused looking at her cousin, she vaguely recalled that phone call but she hadn’t known that it was her aunt; she huffed knowing that that was the last thing that she needed, her posh aunt thinking she was crazy.

“You need help Isa. You scream bloody murder every night and that is not normal,” Sophia continued brushing some hair from her face knowing that this had to work; no one else seemed to be able to get through to Bella.

Bella stood quietly at Sophia’s words, she suddenly felt a little uncomfortable that her younger cousin was trying her like a child; she swallowed eyeing Sophia wondering what else she would say about what she was going through.

“So yes, I redecorated your room. But only because you need a change, what happened to the confident Isa that I knew,” Sophia asked shaking her head, she was completely disappointed by this new Bella; she wasn’t sure what to think anymore.

Bella looked at her cousin, she had changed so much since she had meet Edward and his family but she hadn’t thought that it was that much of a change.

When she was with Edward, Bella had been so sure of what would happen that one day he would turn her into a vampire; however he didn’t want her and had tossed her aside like yesterday’s news.

“If I didn’t know any better, I’d think someone had died or Edward had been abusing you,” Sophia admitted honestly, no one could give her the answers that she needed about what had happened.

Bella stared at her cousin horrified that she could think that, Edward would have never hurt her like that and she couldn’t believe that her cousin thought that he would.

“It was nothing like that,” Bella replied looking at Sophia, she felt sick that the blonde thought that Edward had been abusing her in some way; she shook her head, he would never do that even if he had dumped her.

Sophia raised an eyebrow at Bella, she didn’t believe that for a moment and she knew nothing the brunette could say could change her mind; there was something creepy about this Edward and she didn’t know what it was.

“Then what was it like? Uncle Charlie won’t tell me since he didn’t like him,” Sophia recalled the incident that had happened last March, she wasn’t sure she quite believed that her clumsy cousin managed to fall down some stairs.

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