Chapter Seven: Night Out

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Bella laughed softly at how excited her cousin was to get out of the house, Charlie had insisted that he watch Mia for the night while Sophia joined her cousin and friends at the cinema.

Sophia hadn’t been able to go out a lot with her friends when she had been in New York, her mother had wanted to hide her away when she was pregnant and the blonde had lost a lot of friends when she had Mia.

“So what are we going to see?” Sophia asked following Bella to the cinema in Port Angeles, they were meeting a couple of Bella’s friends there.

Sophia was wearing a pink V-neck stitch jumper and black high waisted trousers with leather look panel paired with black lace up ankle boots; she was thankful that Charlie had insisted that she come.

“Face Punch,” Bella replied spotting Mike Newton and Jacob Black waiting for them, she swallowed knowing that no one else was coming since they had caught that bug that was going around or didn’t want to be near her.

Jacob’s face seemed to light up when he saw Bella and moved forward to greet her, his eyes glancing confused at the blonde that was with his best friend; Mike followed after him looking a little too interested in Sophia.

“This is my cousin, Sophia,” Bella said introducing her cousin, she frowned at Mike’s interest in her and she knew that Sophia wouldn’t tolerate his flirting; Sophia was focused on raising her daughter and not having another boyfriend.

Jacob nodded his head offering a smile to Sophia, Bella had told him a bit about her cousin; however she hadn’t told him why Sophia was now leaving in Forks with Charlie.


“So where are you from?” Mike asked attempting to flirt with Sophia, he had been sort of left with the blonde as Jacob and Bella had broken away slightly.

Sophia rolled her eyes knowing that she had no interest in Mike, she doubted that she would be ready to date again anytime soon after what had happened with Jason; she had a daughter now and Mia took centre stage in her life.

“New York,” Sophia answered sitting down and looked over at her cousin, Bella was so going to owe her big time for leaving her with the Labrador that was Mike Newton; she couldn’t believe that he actually thought that he stood a chance with her.

Bella shot an apologetic look at Sophia as she sat down beside her, she knew that Mike never took the hint and if he didn’t stop it then Sophia would do something he wouldn’t like.

“Really I have always wanted to go there,” Mike continued with a smile as the cinema went dark, he smirked knowing that he would be able to wrap his arm around Sophia and maybe make out with her.

Sophia crossed her arms as the trailers started to play knowing that this meant that Mike wouldn’t be able to talk to her now; the Labrador was starting to annoy her and she knew she’d only end up punching him if he didn’t stop touching her.

Bouncing her knee as she waited for the film to start, Sophia leant back in her chair as she stared at the screen; her blue eyes focused as she watched some of the upcoming films before she heard Mike yawn.

Sophia frowned knowing what he was doing as he stretched his arm and wrapped it over the back of her shoulders; she sat still knowing that she couldn’t hit him while in public.

Bella glanced at Sophia knowing that this wasn’t going to end well, she worried her lip as Jacob chuckled amused at what was happening.

Sophia tried to focus on the movie before she felt Mike’s hand moving down her shoulder, she pursed her lips annoyed knowing that she would give him one warning before she hurt him.

“Don’t think about it,” Sophia whispered in warning, she glared at Mike knowing that if he didn’t let go of her then she was going to hurt him; Bella shot her friend a warning look knowing that her cousin wouldn’t warn him again.

Mike smirked thinking that Sophia was just playing hard to get, he couldn’t believe how hot Bella’s cousin was; he wondered if it was just good genes.

Sophia gritted her teeth before she dropped her hand into Mike’s lap and grabbed a hold of something very vital; she smirked as Mike squeaked in surprise.

“Move it or lose it Newton,” Sophia hissed giving his private area a sharp warning squeeze, she wasn’t going to let go until he had removed his arm.

Mike paled as he realised that she would willingly break little Mike if he didn’t remove his hand, he slowly retracted his arm; he almost sighed in relied when she let go.

Bella and Jacob snorted back laughs as Sophia turned to look at her cousin, she couldn’t believe that Bella was friends with this creep.

“I’m just going to the ladies,” Sophia said excusing herself, she didn’t even spare a look at Mike who was trying to make sure little Mike was okay.


“Everything okay?” Sophia asked spotting Bella and Jacob sitting on the stairs outside of the theatre, she raised an eyebrow at the fact that creepy Mike wasn’t around; she didn’t know if that was a good or bad thing yet.

Bella nodded her head quickly as she stepped away from Jacob, she knew that her cousin would be able to see that everything was far from that.

“Mike’s being sick,” Bella said stepping towards Sophia who rolled her eyes as she spotted him coming out of the men’s toilets; Jacob glared at Mike as he walked over to the trio.

Mike swallowed as he avoided looking at Sophia knowing he didn’t want a repeat of what had happened during the film; he focused on Bella knowing that it was time to leave.

“I need to go home. I was feeling sick before the movie, okay? What? What's your problem?” Mike said looking at Jacob who suddenly seemed furious, he didn’t know what it was but there was just something about the sixteen year old.

Bella and Sophia looked between the two wondering what was going on, neither could have seen how quickly this was going to turn.

“You're my problem. Feeling sick? Maybe you need to go to the hospital. Do you want me to put you in the hospital?” Jacob snapped stepping threateningly towards Mike, his body shaking as he moved to grab a hold of the other man.

“Jake, the movie's over. What are you doing? Jake... You're really hot... You feel like you have a fever. Are you okay?” Bella asked concerned moving towards her best friend, she didn’t know what was going on and it sort of scared her; she was just putting herself back together and she didn’t need this.

Sophia eyed the Quileute teenager wondering what was going on, she didn’t think that he would react like this to creepy Mike; she knew that there was something wrong.

“I don't know what's happening. I gotta go,” Jacob whispered shaking his head, he looked at Bella for a moment before he turned and stalked away.

Sophia wrapped a comforting arm around her cousin knowing that it would be best to let him cool down; she had never seen anyone react like this before.

Sophia couldn’t help but think that there was something that she was missing right now; there was something that she didn’t know about her cousin’s life.

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