Chapter Eighty-Three: The Cullen Wedding

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Sophia felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up, she tried to ignore it knowing that the wedding ceremony was nearly over and she couldn't believe how fast that it had flown by.

Sophia was sat beside her parents watching her cousin marry her vampire, she couldn't believe that the next time that they would all be gathered together would probably be for Bella's 'funeral'.

It wasn't a fact that Sophia was looking forward to, she would have to grieve for her cousin even if she knew that Bella was still alive and was going to live on forever as a vampire.

"Bella looks beautiful," Caroline mused softly staring at her niece, she couldn't believe that Bella had married someone like Edward; she didn't know what it was about him but there was something not quite right about him or his family.

Sophia just nodded her head, she had no idea what to say to her mother when she knew things that she could never reveal; she wanted nothing more than to forget about the fact that Bella was going to be turned.

"I now pronounce you man and wife," the priest announced making Sophia take a deep breath, she was glad that it was nearly over and she hoped that they wouldn't drag this out longer.

Bella smiled at Edward as he leant forward and kissed her, she carefully moved to rest her hands on his shoulders; the sound of everyone clapping making her smile, she couldn't believe that she had actually gotten married.

Pulling back from Edward, Bella took a deep breath as she turned to look out of the friends and family that had gathered to watch her marry the love of her life and soon the love of her existence.

Bella's brown eyes scanned the crowd smiling happily, she couldn't believe that she was officially now Isabella Cullen; this was the moment that began her new life and she couldn't wait.


Sophia sipped on a glass of orange juice as she looked around the gathering, she couldn't believe that they were all here for a wedding; she felt nervous and she was glad that she wasn't here alone.

Sophia felt overly aware that there were several vampires that she didn't know hovering around, she guessed they were distant family of the Cullens; she tried to ease her mind knowing that nothing would happen.

Turning her attention to her cousin, Sophia smiled a little about how happy Bella looked; she knew that things would change after today and she truly hoped that Bella knew what she was doing.

Once Bella became a vampire there would be no coming back, the Cullens would leave Forks and they wouldn't be returning; they couldn't risk anyone ever recognising Bella when they were going to fake her death.

Sophia watched Bella dance with Edward for a moment, she felt the hairs stand up on the back of her neck again; she wondered why whoever it was just kept glaring at her, she didn't want to turn around a little afraid of who it could be since she didn't want to deal with any of Bella's school friends.

Sophia jumped as a cold hand rested on her shoulder forcing her to turn around, she blinked surprised at the vampire that was stood behind her and she couldn't place her name; she wasn't one of the Cullens and that made Sophia nervous.

"Can I help you?" Sophia asked politely not waiting to make a scene at her cousin's wedding reception, she peeked over at Seth who was across the room with Billy; he hadn't noticed that one of the vampires had approached her and was engrossed in helping himself to more food.

Paul was going to freak out when he found out that some strange vampire was able to get close to Sophia; she wasn't looking forward to him finding out.

"You're the mate of one of those mutts," the vampire spat disgusted as her golden eyes stared at Sophia, she had tried to stay away from the woman especially since she had promised to behave but she hadn't been able to help herself.

Sophia opened and closed her mouth, not sure how to respond to what had been said to her; she hated to think what was going through the clearly upset vampires mind.

"You stink of them... how can you love one of those murderers?" the vampire asked shaking her head, she wished that the Cullens would have let her have her revenge and she had no idea why they seemed so found of the mutts that were just in the way.

Sophia flinched at her words, she had no idea what the vampire was talking about especially when she knew that the pack only targeted vampires that crossed onto their territory or were a threat to human life; something that she doubted the Denali vampires were.

"Irina," scolded a voice signalling the approach of another vampire, she hurried forward to detach her sister before she did some damage to the human when she lost her temper.

Irina stepped back glaring at her older sister, she knew that Tanya meant well but she wanted revenge for what had happened to Laurant; he had been killed and the Cullens did nothing about it.

"You said that you would behave," Tanya whispered looking around to be sure that there was no one looking at them, she knew her sister was grieving but they had been told what had happened even if Irina didn't want to believe them.

Irina stared at her older sister, she had promised but this was just too hard; she had to see one of the monsters that had killed her mate and one of the mates to the creatures that had ruined her life.

Sophia took a wary step back from Irina, she didn't want to stand to close to the clearly upset vampire; she peeked over at Seth cursing him for stuffing his face at a time like this.

Irina stared at Tanya for a moment before she looked back at the other members of the coven, she shook her head and backed away from her sister; she had thought that she could do this, especially since Tanya had pleaded with her to make amends for what had happened with the newborn fight.

"I can't do this," Irina whispered before she turned on her heel and walked away, she didn't look back as Tanya followed after her; she didn't care what her sister said, she knew that Laurant wouldn't have betrayed them like the Cullens or wolves said.

Sophia took a deep breath, she had a feeling that this wasn't over and she hoped that the Cullens knew that one of their relatives was upset with their truce with the pack.

"We're sorry about her," Kate Denali said smiling at Sophia, she didn't want any trouble now that things were calming down; she knew that her sister was upset but it wasn't going to change anything.

Kate peeked back at her own mate, she knew that Garrett had never liked Laurant and the other vampire's decision to return to Forks had left them convinced that he had tried to kill Edward's mate; they just wished that Irina wouldn't insist on trying to get revenge.

"It's fine," Sophia murmured shaking her head, she eyed Garrett wary taking not that his eyes weren't quite the golden colour of his mates; she stepped back sensing that he hadn't quite been on the veggie vampire diet for all that long.

Kate smiled one more time at Sophia before she took Garrett's hand and followed after her sisters, she hoped to catch up to Irina and calm her down after her little outburst.

Sophia watched them leave before she looked around no one had even noticed their little display something that relieved her.

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