Chapter Twenty-One: Unexpected Anger

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"Hey Jake," Bella said hurrying out of the house to greet her best friend, she glanced confused about why he was dropping Sophia off when the blonde had a car of her own. 

Jacob nodded at Bella turning to eye Sophia knowing that she was furious about what she had just learnt, he was suddenly glad that Charlie wasn't home to see the fight that was brewing. 

"Is everything okay?" Bella asked not noticing the look that her cousin had on her face, she walked straight up to Jacob pleased that he had come to see her. 

Jacob nodded his head slowly as he looked at Bella, he was happy to see her but he wasn't sure how Sophia would react right now; the blonde hadn't said a word since the whole Victoria-Cullen problem had been explained to her. 

Sophia took a deep breath as she held Mia close to her, she really didn't want to lose her temper in front of Mia; she didn't want to scare her daughter. 

"I'm going to settle Mia down for a nap... thanks again Jacob," Sophia said with a nod of her head, she still didn't really like him especially since he seemed sort of stuck up Bella's ass. 

Sophia headed into the house as she ignored the curious look that Bella shot her, she was going to give her cousin a piece of her mind once Mia was out of the way. 

Sophia didn't think that she would ever be able to forgive Bella for not only putting her in danger with her stupidity but for putting Mia in danger. 

"Are you staying?" Bella asked turning her attention to Jacob, she would talk with Sophia later; she hadn't seen her best friend in a few days and she wanted to spend time with him. 

Jacob nodded his head knowing that he couldn't leave Bella alone with Sophia, he had a feeling that this was going to get explosive.


Sophia rolled her eyes annoyed when she came downstairs to find Jacob sat in the living room, she wasn't even surprised that he had stuck around. 

Sophia had known he would do something like this when he had insisted that he be the one to drive her home since Paul was fixing her car door. 

Jacob had spent the entire ride trying to improve Sophia's perception of Bella, he had tried to show that Bella hadn't meant to get anyone in trouble but anything that Jacob said had only made Sophia angrier. 

"I think we need to have a little chat," Sophia said leaning against the doorway, her blue eyes glaring at Bella who turned to look at her confused. 

Jacob shifted in his seat knowing that this was going to be harsh, he was still upset himself that Bella had knowingly dated a vampire and had put herself in danger for him. 

"About what?" Bella asked innocently, she looked at her cousin wondering what was going on; she knew that it had to be something and she doubted it was to do with the secret that she shared with Jacob. 

Bella was sort of pleased to be in the know, she felt special at being someone who was trusted by the pack with their secret. 

"Oh I don't know... how about the fact that you're preciously ex-boyfriend was a blood sucking leech?" Sophia snapped making Bella look at her alarmed. 

What little colour that was in Bella's naturally pale face drained as she stared at Sophia wondering how she had found out that Edward and the Cullens were vampires. 

Bella opened and closed her mouth as she tried to think of something that she could say to deny what Sophia knew, she glanced at Jacob who was looking a little to calm about all of this. 

"How could you do that to Charlie?" Sophia hissed thinking about how much danger her uncle was in because of what Bella had done; it was like she just didn't think.

"Who told you?" Bella demanded getting to her feet, she couldn't believe that Sophia was now in on the secret; she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that her cousin now knew. 

Jacob sat quietly knowing that they needed to talk about this, he would deal with the spoilt brat if he had to especially if she continued to shout at Bella; this was a shock but Bella wasn't dating the leech anymore. 

"I was nearly killed last night by Victoria... the pack had to save me and Mia because of your stupidity," Sophia shouted glaring at Bella furiously. 

Sophia couldn't believe that all Bella cared about was who had told her, she hadn't even considered with a vengeful vampire on the loose that the vampire had gotten to her. 

Bella blinked as she looked at her cousin, she swallowed as the look on the blonde's face knowing that this wasn't going pleasant. 

"Do you even think about Charlie? He's wandering around the forest right now with a leech trying to get to you," Sophia spat disgusted that Bella could act like she wasn't in the wrong right now; Bella had been the one to bring all of this trouble to Forks. 

Sophia felt sick at the numbers that she now knew had been killed because of Victoria; it was all Bella and her stupid leeches fault. 

Bella glared back at Sophia, she couldn't believe what she was hearing and she hated the feeling that built in her stomach as each of her cousin's words left her lips. 

"You have no idea what you are talking about?" Bella snapped moving to move towards Sophia, she ignored Jacob's attempt to stop her knowing that there was nothing that the blonde could do to her. 

Sophia gritted her teeth looking at her cousin knowing that she was going to lose her temper with the brunette who just didn't seem to care.

"You don't get to come into my home and say anything to me about my life. You're the teenage mother whose parents tossed her out," Bella snapped standing before Sophia, her words would strike a chord with her cousin and get her to back the hell off. 

Bella was sick and tired of everyone asking her about Sophia, the pack only seemed interested in the blonde while they put up with her; it was something that Bella just didn't understand. 

Sophia felt tears burn her eyes as she slapped Bella solidly across the face allowing the sound to echo around the room; she stared disgusted at her cousin who clutched at her face in shock that the blonde had really just slapped her. 

"Don't you dare, my little girl was nearly killed yesterday because of you. My baby girl," Sophia said, her voice breaking as tears filled her eyes knowing that she would never be able to count on her cousin. 

Bella only thought about herself and always would, she didn't even seem to notice how in love Jacob was with her; all that seemed to matter to Bella was her precious Edward and how he had left her. 

Sophia shook her head exhaustedly as she prepared to head upstairs, she couldn't bear to spend another moment with her traitorous cousin. 

"Where are you going?" Bella demanded as Jacob moved to stop her from following after the blonde as she turned to leave; he didn't want the two fighting when Charlie would be home soon. 

Jacob's brown eyes looking at Sophia as her words rung in her ears, he swallowed knowing that there was a lot of truth in her words; words that Bella hadn't even seemed to care about. 

"I'm sorry but discovering that my cousin is into necrophilia was a little much for me today," Sophia spat not wanting to waste her time with Bella anymore, she turned around and walked upstairs; she was never going to forgive and forget what had happened that day. 

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