Chapter Seventy-Four: Date Night

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Sophia brushed the hair from her face as she climbed out of Paul's truck, she had been a little surprised when he had insisted on taking her out on a date.

Emily had offered to look after Mia for a couple of hours allowing the couple some much needed time together; they had only been dating for three and a half months but they had already been through so much.

Paul grinned wrapping an arm around Sophia, he had taken her out to Port Angeles and he was sure that she would love the simple evening that he had planned for them.

"You didn't have to bring me all this way," Sophia said smiling up at Paul, she would have been happy staying in with him; she was surprised that he wanted to be so far from home right now.

Sophia didn't know what had happened between Paul and his parents but she had heard that his mother hadn't stuck around for long and had disappeared back off to where ever she had come from.

"I wanted to do something special," Paul replied shrugging his shoulders, he was determined to do things better for her; everything had been a bit Bella centric recently and he wanted to change that now that the leech lover was getting married.

Sophia smiled, she was sure that whatever he had planned would be fine and she was glad that he was making an effort; they didn't have anything to worry about anymore.

The couple slowly approached Bella Italia and Paul was quick to open the door for Sophia, she blushed a little knowing that she had missed this side of him.

"Hello and welcome to Bella Italia... table for two?" the host standing behind the desk asked, he smiled politely at the couple as Paul wrapped an arm around Sophia's waist and gave her a small tug to draw her closer.

The host picked up two menus before leading Sophia and Paul over to their table, he smiled signalling them to take a seat as he set down their menus.

Paul moved to pull out Sophia's chair for her, he smiled as his girlfriend sat down; he was thankful that they had come early to beat the dinner time rush.

"Your waitress is Diana and she'll be with you in a moment," the host said before he left the couple alone to decide what they wanted to order.

Paul smiled relieved that they were finally alone, he looked across the table at Sophia; she was wearing a coral drop back box top and black straight leg jeans paired with buckle strap block heel boots, he thought she looked beautiful for their date and was glad that she hadn't gone over the top for their date.

"What do you fancy?" Paul asked looking through the menu, he was starving and he knew that if he didn't eat something soon then he'd be grumpy.

Sophia smiled knowing how hungry he could get, she opened her menu and started to look at what she wanted; she was surprised that he didn't already know what he wanted for dinner.

"I think I'll have the Pollo Italiano," Sophia mused smiling, she wasn't in the mood for pasta and she didn't see why she couldn't treat herself since they were out on a date.

Paul nodded his head deciding that he wanted the 5oz rump steak with chunky chips; his stomach grumbled making Sophia laugh amused at how loud it was.


"Dinner was nice," Sophia mused smiling, she linked arms with Paul as they stepped out of the restaurant and into the cool night air; it had rained while they were in the restaurant making the floor damp.

Paul nodded his head, his eyes checking the area protectively as he got a whiff of vampire; he didn't know where it was coming from and it set him on edge.

Sophia looked at her boyfriend as he drew her close, she swallowed knowing that there was only one thing that made him this tense; she looked around trying to spot the one thing that made her boyfriend nervous.

"Isn't that Cullen's car?" Sophia murmured spotting Edward's silver Volvo XC60 parked a little away from where they had; she wondered what they could be doing up in Port Angeles.

Paul nodded his head, his nose wrinkled in disgust as he walked with Sophia back to his truck so that they could head home; he hoped the leeches hadn't been leaving their stink all over his truck since he was sure it would never come out.

Sophia jogged a little towards the truck, she knew that Paul had problems with his temper and she didn't wish to tempt fate by hanging around the vampire smell.

Paul felt the hairs in his arms stand up as a chill ran through him, he turned in time to see Bella walking towards them accompanied by Edward and Alice.

Sophia waited by the truck, she frowned at the sight of her cousin and she guessed that they had come into Port Angeles on wedding business; she still couldn't believe that Bella was going to be marrying Edward.

Paul unlocked his truck, he didn't want to stick around for a chat since he was still pretty angry that they had lied about Sophia being in danger; he knew Sam wouldn't be pleased if he caused some type of trouble.

"Sophia it's so good to see you," Alice greeted bouncing forward, she had been meaning to speak to the blonde since she had been busy organising Bella's impending wedding.

Paul gritted his teeth attempting to swallow the snarl that built in his throat, he failed as Edward shot him a warning look; they didn't want any trouble with the pack.

"So Bella is getting married on the 13th of August and I was wondering if you would be one of her bridesmaids?" Alice asked sure that since Sophia was Bella's only cousin that she would agree, she already had plans to make Mia a flower girl and had been looking at pretty little dresses for her.

Bella stared at Alice as if she was nuts, she didn't want her cousin involved in her perfect wedding; she was sure that just having Alice as her maid-of-honour would do.

"Over my dead body," Sophia spat furious that she was being asked, she wanted nothing to do with Bella's sham of a wedding and she would only go to keep Charlie company since he was going to need it.

Alice blinked surprised at the coldness in Sophia's voice, she pouted a little and looked over at Edward for help; the wedding was going to be a family affair and it would be perfect if Sophia agreed.

"But I've already seen you do it," Alice whined turning to look at Sophia with puppy dog eyes, she was sure that she would cave like Bella usually did; she had gotten her own way with everything when it came to Bella.

Sophia scoffed, she seriously couldn't believe that Alice thought that her version would change anything; she wondered how often the pixie lied to get her own way.

"Like you saw me die... does lying usually get you what you want?" Sophia spat, she wasn't going to be manipulated by some pixie and she wasn't going to be guilted into doing something she didn't want to do.

Paul grinned pleased that his girlfriend had said no, he moved towards the driver's side of the truck as Sophia walked away from Alice and climbed inside.

"I'm proud of you," Paul said smiling at Sophia, he didn't like the idea of her spending time with the vampires; he wasn't even sure he wanted her near the wedding even if it was for Charlie's sake.

Sophia smiled back, it wasn't how she wanted their date night to end but she was glad she had put her foot down with Alice.

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