Chapter Thirty-One: Bella Returns

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Sophia grumbled tiredly as she was woken up to the slamming of a car door, she sat up as she looked at the bedside clock that read three in the morning. 

Sophia rolled out of bed wondering what was going on hearing her uncle's furious voice before she padded over to the window to peak out. 

Sophia swallowed heavily spotting a Volvo XC60 parked outside of the house, she had no doubts in her mind who that car belonged to and who had upset her uncle. 

Sophia sighed quickly checking on Mia who was sleeping through the noise downstairs before she moved to collect her grey mouse ear dressing gown to cover her navy cami and shorts set. 

Sophia wrapped the gown around her before she headed downstairs to calm Charlie before he had a stroke; the blonde closed her bedroom door knowing that she didn't want Mia waking up. 

Sophia took a deep breath reaching the bottom of the stairs, her blue eyes lingered on the door for a moment as the voices outside got a little louder. 

"Is everything okay Uncle Charlie?" Sophia asked stepping outside, she ignored the two vampires stood on the front lawn and focused on her uncle knowing that he was her main concern. 

Charlie had been through hell that last three days since Bella had upped and walked out like that without even a phone call to say that she was okay. 

Edward picked Bella as he stared up at Sophia in the doorway before he looked at Alice for conformation on who she was; he frowned knowing that no one had mentioned her on the way back from Italy to him. 

"Sophia it's nice to see you," Alice greeted smiling sweetly to the blonde, now that the family were moving back to Forks it would give her time to work on a friendship with Sophia. 

Sophia ignored Alice as she glanced at Bella sleeping form, she still seemed human and the blonde was sort of grateful for that fact; the Cullens wouldn't have brought her back to the house if she had been turned. 

Edward frowned staring at Sophia, he could hear her thoughts unlike her cousin's and they were far from friendly about him and his family; not that he blamed her after what he'd done. 

"Everything is fine... go back to bed," Charlie said gruffly glancing at his niece, he wanted the Cullens gone and he was far from happy with how his daughter had shown up. 

Bella wasn't even awake and was being carried by Edward, she was blissfully unaware of how much trouble she was in for the stunt that she had pulled. 

"Please Charlie... just allow me to set Bella in bed and then I will leave," Edward said looking at Charlie, he had a lot to make up for but he was here to stay and he was determined to fix all of the damage that he had done. 

Sophia hovered in the doorway chewing on her lip, she knew that this wasn't going to be pleasant and Charlie wasn't going to back down anytime soon. 

"Over my dead body Cullen... hand her over and get off of my property," Charlie barked glaring at Edward, he didn't trust the boy for a moment and he really hoped that Bella hadn't taken him back. 

Edward frowned looking at Charlie before he shook his head and moved towards his house, he had no intentions of letting his love go until he really had to; he just hoped that Charlie was going to let that happen. 

"What are you doing?" Charlie demanded as Edward walked straight into the house and headed upstairs to Bella's bedroom to put her to bed. 

Edward didn't stop, he was going to make this right and he wasn't going to leave again until Bella ordered him away; something that he hoped wouldn't happen since he had missed her so much.


Sophia winced as she heard Charlie yelling at Edward and telling him that he was banned from the house; she glanced down at Mia relieved that her daughter was sleeping through all of the drama that was happening. 

Sophia chewed on her lip thinking about phoning Paul and letting him know that her cousin had returned with her vampires. 

Sophia had a feeling that this was going to complicate things, she knew the pack couldn't protect her and Mia while the Cullens were in town since the house technically sat on Cullen turf. 

Sophia shook her head walking over to her mobile as she wondered how this was going to affect things between her and Paul; they had only been on one date and Mia had been with them for it. 

Sophia sat on her bed as she pressed her mobile to her ear and switched off the bedside light knowing that only trouble could come from Charlie realising that she was still awake. 

"Paul... it's Sophia, I know it's early but I thought I'd give you a heads up. Bella's back and she's brought the Cullens with her," Sophia whispered resting her back against the wall that was beside her bed, she closed her eyes knowing that this was going to cause problems. 

Bella might not have been aware of the problems that the Cullens returning would cause but Sophia was and it worried her since there were already seven members to the pack and with the Cullens return more would phase. 

Sophia bit her lip hearing Paul curse violently knowing that this wasn't going to be easy; she was part of the pack that was currently stuck on Cullen turf. 

"I know," Sophia whispered as Paul informed her that this meant that he couldn't protect her; she hated that this was going to affect her relationship with him, she had been happy and the Cullens returning was going to affect that.

"I'll figure something out... we'll come down to La Push every day," Sophia whispered softly, she couldn't be away from Paul; she didn't like that her cousin's choices were affecting her own life. 

Sophia looked over at Mia, she was going to do everything to ensure that she wasn't going to be stuck hanging around with the vampires; she was determined to make sure that she and Mia were as safe as possible. 

Jacob had dropped her repaired car off the day before after he had fixed it for her at Billy's insistence since they didn't want Charlie to find out what was going on and the way the door had been ripped off its hinges would only cause questions. 

"Paul, it's not going to happen... I don't want anything to do with the Cullens, they're nothing but trouble," Sophia said listening to her wolf's concerns, she agreed completely and wished there was something that she could do. 

Sophia rested her head against the wall, the next few days were going to be interesting, and she couldn't help but wonder what her uncle would do tomorrow. 

Sophia glanced at the bedside clock and stared at it knowing that in just three hours, she was going to have to get up and feed Mia her breakfast and she was going to be exhausted. 

"I promise you Paul... nothing is going to change," Sophia whispered quietly hearing her uncle coming upstairs to bed, she swallowed hoping that he just went straight for Bella's bedroom and didn't come and check on her. 

Sophia whispered her goodnights to Paul, she didn't want to be caught on the phone with him, and she hung up and moved to set the mobile on her bedside table when she noticed something move past her window. 

Sophia frowned moving towards her window wondering who had been watching her, she knew that it wasn't a good sign if it had been a vampire. 

Sophia looked out of her window only to find that there was no one there before she pulled her curtains closed.

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