Chapter Eighty-Seven: Edward and Bella's Funeral

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Sophia took a deep breath as she smiled weakly at Paul, she took his hand as he helped her from the car and pulled her close; it had been a strange week and no one had been expecting this day. 

Jason had offered to take Mia for a couple of hours, a funeral wasn't the place for the toddler and he knew that it was going to be hard enough for everyone else involved without Mia around. 

Sophia turned her attention to Charlie and felt her heartbreak, she hated seeing him like this and she wished that there was something that she could do to help him. 

Renee was weeping into her husband's arms as he helped her from the car, no one in the town could believe that they had lost two promising teenagers in a horrific plane crash; most had come to the church to bury the two that had been taken far too early. 

Paul kept an arm around Sophia keeping her close, he stared at the two coffins as they were unloaded and slowly carried into the church; he knew that they were empty and he hated all of this. 

Carlisle and Esme were playing their part as grieving parents surprisingly well, the Cullens were all in attendance and they were doing their best to be convincing about the fact that they were grieving for two people they knew weren't dead. 

Sophia gently pulled away from Paul and moved to wrap her arms around Charlie, she closed her eyes allowing him to hug her; she swallowed the lump in her throat and whispered to him that it would all be okay. 

It was going to take some time and Sophia was sure that Charlie would never fully recover from this but she was determined to make sure that he didn't give up on life after the 'death' of his only child and daughter. 

Caroline moved to join her daughter in comforting Charlie, she had been shocked when she had found out what had happened; she hadn't really known much about her niece but that didn't change how sad she felt.


Sophia stared at the two coffins while the priest spoke, she sniffled and looked away hearing her uncle sob; the guilt was eating away at her and she wished that she could tell Charlie that Bella wasn't dead. 

Paul squeezed Sophia's hand in comfort, she wasn't alone in this and he wanted her to remember that; there were a lot of people in the church that knew of Bella's decision and would be there for Charlie when he needed them to be. 

The Cullens had already announced that they would be leaving Forks after the funeral, they weren't going to be sticking around and the pack doubted that it would be long before they went to join Edward and a newly changed Bella. 

Charlie was sat in the front row with Renee and Phil, the three were huddled together trying to comfort each other in the shock that would forever remain with them in the death of their only daughter. 

Sophia and Paul were sat with her parents, they both knew that things would never been the same again and they were hopeful that in time people would heal from what had happened in some way. 

Sophia wiped away her stray tears, the church was filled with people from the town and she wondered if any of them actually knew her cousin; the town was a close community and the tragic accident had shaken them all. 

It was strange to think that no one in this town would see Bella or Edward again, they would move on with their immortal lives and forget about all the people here. 

Paul wrapped an arm around Sophia and held her close, he knew that they were at a funeral but he thought that his imprint looked beautiful in her black lace dress paired with black platform court shoes. 

Sophia rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes, she was glad that the ceremony was nearly over and she doubted that this incredibly long day would end soon; she wanted nothing more than to go home.


"Do you need anything Uncle Charlie?" Sophia asked approaching him, she felt horrible that he was all alone now and she hoped that he would find happiness one day; she was sure that things would get better for him. 

Charlie slipped off his black shoes and didn't say anything, it still seemed so unreal to him that he had buried his only child and daughter that day; he still expected her to call to tell him how her honeymoon was going. 

Sophia peeked back at Paul before she moved to sit down next to Charlie, she was sure that he would be okay but she was a little worried about leaving him alone after what had happened. 

Caroline and Jonathon had gone back to their home and said that they would pop by tomorrow to check on Charlie; they knew that he was struggling and they hoped that he would be okay. 

"Do you want me to stay the night?" Sophia asked brushing her fingers through her hair, she wanted nothing more than to help him and she hoped that he would let her. 

Sophia had even looked into taking Charlie to speak to someone about what had happened, she wasn't sure how to help him but she was sure a support group might help him in some way. 

Charlie sighed closing his eyes, it was so unreal and he hated that this was how everything seemed to end; he wanted nothing more than to forget any of this had ever happened.

Paul watched Sophia and Charlie, he was sure that Jason wouldn't mind having Mia for the night especially since they were all worried about Charlie and just what he might do. 

"I would like that," Charlie said finally answering Sophia, he wasn't sure that he wanted to be alone in this house; he didn't know if he wanted to stay in this house anymore.

"I'll order us some dinner," Paul announced moving towards the kitchen, he knew that there was no way that he was leaving Sophia alone here; he wasn't sure just how Charlie was going to react tonight after the funeral. 

Sophia nodded her head, she was a little hungry and she knew that the wake had been crowded; she was sure that Charlie would be starving since she hadn't really seen him eat anything all day. 

Charlie sat back in his seat, his mind was full with all stories of plans and thoughts; he didn't want to live in this house alone anymore and he was sure that a move would be good for him. 

It was something that he had thought a lot about since the news that Bella had dead had been given to him; Charlie wasn't sure that things were going to get better and he just wished someone would tell him what to do. 

Sophia watched Charlie, she wanted to help him and she was sure that things would be okay; it was just going to take time and she knew that the Cullens were never coming back. 

The pack saw this as a good thing, they didn't want them sticking around and risking the chance that Bella might decide to come back and see Charlie; they wanted to protect him and it was better that he didn't know what had truly happened to his daughter. 

"I'll make you a hot drink," Sophia offered patting Charlie on the knee before she got to her feet, they ached a little from being in heels all day and she was glad that she could take them off. 

Charlie watched as his niece left the living room, he was glad that he had her to rely on and he hoped that he would never truly be alone.

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