Corridors and Stupid Books

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"Hurry up Moony! We're going to get caught!", if you are awake you could probably hear the eldest Black's voice echo through the empty corridors of a particular castle.

Currently four boys were running away from a prank that had played on the Slytherins. They had hexed the Slytherin common room to look like a swamp. If you were Slytherin, as soon as you would walk out of your dorms the next morning, you would be welcomed with a mossy surprise.

The prefects, specifically Lily Evans, who had mindlessly volunteered to take Remus's place for prefect duty that night. She rolled her eyes while mentally scolding herself for not expecting it to happen. She could hear the laugh of the four boys running away from getting caught. But she knew better then to try and run after them.

Somehow those boys knew every corner of the castle.

Although, with some miracle, that night she ran into them. James Fleamont Potter, the boy who had been chasing after her for all 6 years of her time at Hogwarts, the boy who, as much Lily hated to admit, was slowly finding a place into her heart. The messy haired boy was holding a piece of parchment in one hand, and his lit up wand in the other.

All of the boys, with the exception of Remus, had frozen in their spots, not expecting to be caught. Remus had made a face that was practically, yelling at the other boys, 'I told you guys we should visit gone through the other hallway'.

Lily stood there patiently, with a slightly amused facial expression and waited for one of the young marauders to speak up.

James was the first one to do so.

"Hey Lilyflower!"

More silence.

"Im going to let you four go today-"

Wormtail let's out a breath that he wasn't aware he was holding. Padfoot made an overdramatized sigh of relief. While, Prongs was too busy staring at the green eyed beauty in front of him to do anything.

"But this is only warning, I'm a prefect and I'm supposed to be reporting to the professors if I see you guys or any student out of bed. But I'll let you guys go for the sake of my study partner." (Which is obviously Remus)

As Lily turned away and started walking, she heard Peter Petigrew say to James, "Hey mate, at least you got to see Lily!", making the others chuckle.

And with that the boys also turned away and returned to their dorms. Although a certain long haired Gryffindor boy couldn't get his mind off of a peculiar hourglass necklace he'd remember seeing lying around in the restricted section of the Hogwarts library.
(The next morning in the library)

Lily was sitting in the library in her usual spot, quietly studying for the upcoming Potions test she had in a few weeks

From the corner of her eye, she spotted a familiar quartet, sneaking in to the restricted section of the library.

At first she had thought that the boys were just simply curious about the books there, as she had too been there, and she had to admit there were some very good books there. But that thought soon vanished when common sense kicked in.

Those boys together would probably never even touch a book for the right reasons.

So she did something that a part of her mind would probably be mad at for doing, she followed them.

As she stepped into the slightly darkened section of the library, she saw Sirius Black holding a time turner in his hands, although this one looked a bit darker then normal ones. James was leaning on a bookshelf with Peter beside him, sitting on a chair he pulled from the other tables. Remus was reading a book he had in his hands out loud in a slightly quiet voice for the boys.

"Normal time turners can only take you back in time for 5 years maximum. Duitine Time Turners, the root "dui", translating to long periods of time in Latin. These special devices had been created during the trials of the creation of the modern time turner that is known today. This time turners can take you back as many years as wanted. But you must be careful, since they are fragile, they can easily take you to a period of time, without you even being aware of i-"

Remus was soon interrupted with Lily saying, "You have to give that thing to a teacher! Or at least put it back where it was."

All of the boys were slightly shocked by her sudden appearance, but nonetheless had a look in their eyes saying that they agreed.

"You know, as much I hate saying it, Lily's right. That thing has too much power to be used." Sirius stated.

Remus soon started heading back to the bookshelf where he found the book to return it.
James moved a book aside to place the other book on the shelf, but then the book cover morphed into the face of a monster. The face started thrashing violently, as if it was trying to escape the book. All five of them started to try and get the book to stop.

During all of the chaos, Sirius's grip on the darkened time turner started to loosen. "Guys! The time turner it-", he was then cut off with the sound of the precious bronze colored time turner, clinking on the ground.

A cloud of black and grey smoke started to surround Lily and the marauders.

And they vanished.

At least the stupid book shut up.

Chapter 1 is done!

I'm sorry if there's a couple grammar or spelling errors, English isn't my first language.

Anyways, what do you guys think of chapter 1?

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